叙事策略,narrative strategy
1)narrative strategy叙事策略
1.The analysis of narrative strategy of drama series in China and in American;中美热播电视剧叙事策略分析
2.Interlocution Bridging the Present and the Past——Comment on the Narrative Strategy of the Presentation of Hester Prynne;沟通历史和现实的对话——评霍桑对海丝特·白兰出场的叙事策略
3.Interaction between hero ideas of contemporary literature and narrative strategy;当代文学英雄观念与叙事策略的互动

2.Brief Analysis On Narrative Strategy and Marrative Time in "Ancient Mirror Records"by Wang Du浅析《古镜记》的叙事策略和叙事时间
3.Narrative Strategies in Beloved: A Study Based on Bakhtin s Narrative Theories;以巴赫金的叙事理论解析《宠儿》的叙事策略
4.Historic Narrative: The Constructions of Textual Significance and Narrative Strategy;历史叙事:文本意义与叙事策略的多样建构
5.Rudyard Kipling s Short Story Narrating Tactics and Narrating Ethics;吉卜林短篇小说的叙事策略与叙事伦理
6.A Narrative Mode of Post Modernism--Exploration of the Narrative Strategy by Dongxi s Novel;一种后现代的叙事模式——东西小说叙事策略探微
7.Another Kind of "Greatness":the Narrative Mode and Narrative Strategies in The Wolf Totem另一种“宏大”:《狼图腾》的叙事模式和叙事策略
8.A Rebellion of Narration--On the Narrative Tactics of The Yellow Wallpaper叙事符号的反叛——解读《黄色墙纸》的叙事策略
9.On Metafictional Narrative Strategies of Horizontal Narrative Discourse and "Fragment" Narration in Zuckerman Trilogy;“佐克曼三部曲”的元小说叙事策略:碎片叙事及非线性叙事话语研究
10.Narrative strategy of text complement文本互补的叙事策略——论《狂人日记》与《长明灯》的叙事策略关系
11.The Way to Communicate with the Folk--On the Significance of the Narrator of Country-side;沟通民间的叙事策略——论乡土叙述者文学史意义
12.On the Narrative Strategy of Katherine Anne Porter论凯瑟琳·安·波特小说的叙事策略
13.Narrative Strategies in Indian Trilogy of V.S. Naipual;论V.S.奈保尔“印度三部曲”的叙事策略
14.The Diasporic Culture and Narrative Strategy in Miguel Street;《米格尔街》的飞散文化和叙事策略
15.The Humanism s Discourse in Contemporary China and Their Narrative Strategies;中国当代人文主义话语及其叙事策略
16.The Narrative Skill and Cultural Connotation of the Family Trilogy;“家庭三部曲”的叙事策略及其文化内涵
17.Narrative Strategies of Toni Morrison s Beloved;论托妮·莫里森《宠儿》中的叙事策略
18.The Death Analysis of Tess of the d Urbevilles;《德伯家的苔丝》中的“死亡”叙事策略

narrative strategies叙事策略
1.On narrative strategies in Heart of Darkness;《黑暗之心》的叙事策略
2.“Persuading readers”:A study of the narrative strategies in Alive;“说服读者”:《活着》的叙事策略
3.The Narrative Strategies of Expressing the Tendentiousness of the Reports on the Unexpected Events;从叙事策略看突发事件新闻的倾向性表达
3)narrative tactics叙事策略
1.are actual narrative tactics.计算机的窗口管理、虚拟技术、变形、递归等概念都是一些实际的叙事策略
2.The author wrote Purple in narrative tactics of modernism,that is,self-narrative epistolary manner in feminine language.《紫色》运用现代主义叙事策略:自己言说自己的书信体写作和具有女性色彩的艺术语言,以现存社会人与人不平等的现象为基础,揭示了当代女性生命个体主体意识建构的基本要求和方式。
3.These attitudes virtually trun out to be the different narrative tactics t.从“第三代诗歌”最早两个选本《中国现代主义诗群大观》和《中国当代实验诗选》的“编选前言”和“选本书名”入手,可以分析出两个选本由于编选者不同的知识背景、诗歌趣味从而表现出对“第三代诗歌”不同的诗学态度,这种诗学态度其实又构成对“第三代诗歌”不同的叙事策略
4)narration tactics叙事策略
1.This article analyzes the weird style of Can Xue s literature,by her narration tactics which rejecting mediocrity and her narration essence of aesthetic rescue,which for enriching the concept of love in the way of negative,carrying the spirit of goodness forward forever.从残雪拒绝“平庸”的叙事策略和审美“救赎”的叙事本质,指出残雪怪异文学风格的背后是通过否定的形式来丰富爱的理念,让永远向善的精神得到发扬,同时也揭示残雪目前创作的困惑。
2.The paper points out that as the leading mode in 17 years literature, the mode of the incomplete family, is the result of the main ideology trend, the speaking of suffering, the revolutionary space, the ideology spreading and the revolutionary narration tactics.文章指出残缺的家庭模式作为“十七年”文学中的主导家庭模式是主流意识形态规约的结果,是作为苦难的言说、革命的空间、意识形态的传播地和一种革命的叙事策略而存在。
3.Historic realities, the role of characters and the narration tactics are the most important aspects in the study on new historical novels.历史真实、人的存在、叙事策略是新历史小说研究中的三个最为重要的方面。
5)narrative technique叙事策略
1.Analyzing narrative technique together with feminist ideology is a new approach to explore the ideological implications of the fictions.詹姆斯"美国女孩"小说系列常用的叙事策略
2.The Da Vinci Code had not only shown the excellent narrative technique and intelligence but also the exceptional power of imagination.小说完美地体现了丹·布朗的叙事策略,充分表现了作家独特又奇妙的艺术想象力。
6)The Changeable "recount technique"叙事策略变迁
