叙事模式,narrative mode
1)narrative mode叙事模式
1.A View on "Reunion After Passing the Imperial Examination"——A cultural explanation on the narrative model of the romances about gifted scholars and beautiful ladies;“及第团圆”一解——才子佳人小说叙事模式的文化阐释
2.Successfully applying Hollywood s traditional narrative mode, the classic film Waterloo Bridge gradually develops the mediocre plot of story in a particular mode, making a running cause-effect chain among plots. 世界经典名片《魂断蓝桥》成功地运用好莱坞传统叙事模式,使并不复杂的爱情故事情节遵循一种特定的模式逐层推进和展开,情节和情节之间形成一条连续的因果链,并利用悬念、巧合、误会等表现手法造成一波三折、扣人心弦的戏剧性效果,演绎了一段悲欢离合的爱情悲剧。
3.Through comparative study,a amazing similarity of narrative mode is found in the book of Pilgrimage to the West and Outlaws of the Marsh.比较研究发现,《西游记》、《水浒传》二书在叙事模式上存在着令人惊异的同构性。

1.The Influence of "Mode of Narration in Historical Recording" to "Three Sentences" Narration;论“史传叙事模式”对“三言”叙事的影响
2.Narrative Pattern and Cultural Implication: A Study on Narrative Patterns of Chinese Novels from 1840 to 1917;叙事模式与文化意味:近代小说叙事模式研究
3.Pattern in Pattern--The Narrative Pattern in NI Huanzhi;模式中的模式——关于《倪焕之》的叙事模式
4.From Collectivization Narrative to Personalization Narrative--A Comparison between the Narrative Patterns between "Undertaking History" and "Ordinary World"从集体化叙事到个人化叙事——《创业史》与《平凡的世界》叙事模式比较论
5.A Narrative Mode of Post Modernism--Exploration of the Narrative Strategy by Dongxi s Novel;一种后现代的叙事模式——东西小说叙事策略探微
6.On the Narrative Latitudes and Models of the Historical Novels by Famous Writers during the 1930 s;论30年代名家历史小说的叙事纬度与叙事模式
7.Another Kind of "Greatness":the Narrative Mode and Narrative Strategies in The Wolf Totem另一种“宏大”:《狼图腾》的叙事模式和叙事策略
8."Surviving the Troubles from a Villain":a Cultural Perspective on the Narrative Model of Traditional Romances;刍议“小人拨乱”的叙事模式——才子佳人小说叙事模式的文化透视
9.Cinderella Complex in Persuasion从“灰姑娘”叙事模式看《劝导》主题
10.Narrating Commenting on the Revolution Historical Novel in 17;论“十七年”革命历史小说的叙事模式
11.The Narrative Model of Stephen King s Horror Fictions and Its Translation;斯蒂芬·金恐怖小说叙事模式及其翻译
12.On the similarities of narrative patterns in the works of Pilgrimage to the West and Outlaws of the Marsh;略论《西游记》、《水浒传》叙事模式的同构性
13.The Unique Narrative Mode of Wang Xiaobo’s Novels about the Cultural Revolution;论王小波“文革”题材小说的叙事模式
14.Going from Splender to Decline--Analysis of the Narrative Mode of "The Soul of Jade Pear";从辉煌到没落——《玉梨魂》叙事模式辨析
15.Breakthrough and Creative -Discussing the Narration Mode of Zhang Ailing s Novel;突破与创新——试论张爱玲小说叙事模式
16.The Narrative Modes of Focus Talk and Law Reportage Today;《今日说法》和《焦点访谈》的叙事模式
17.Studies on Narrative Modes: Constructionism and Postconstructionism;叙事模式研究:结构主义与后结构主义
18.Narrative Modes with HE as the Narrator;“他”作为叙事者的两种窄视角叙述模式

narrative pattern叙事模式
1.These qualities consist of the narrative pattern of competitive sports,which provides a new perspective for understanding and studying compe.借鉴叙事学的思维方式,从叙事学的基本叙事模式来审视竞技体育,指出:竞技体育所具有的观赏、对抗性;真实性;非实用、强功利性;象征性;残酷、偶然性;认同性构成奥运会的叙事模式,为理解和研究火热奥运提供一个新的视角。
2.These qualities make up the narrative pattern of competitive sports,which provides a new perspective for understanding and studying competitive sports as well as the Olympic Games.笔者借鉴叙事学的思维方式,从叙事学的基本叙事特征来审视竞技体育,指出竞技体育所具有的真实性,象征性,认同性,非实用、强功利性,观赏、对抗性,残酷、偶然性构成竞技体育的叙事模式,为理解和研究竞技体育以及奥运提供一个新的视角。
3)narrative model叙事模式
1.The Construction of Women s Desire and Men s Authority—— The Narrative Model and its Cultural Explanation of Zhang Ziping s Love Novels;女性欲望与男性权威的建构——张资平恋爱小说的叙事模式及其文化阐释
2.Therefore, explains the myth flavor of them from the narrative model of individuality myth.继而从个性神话的叙事模式来阐释《西游记》前七回的神话意味。
3.There is an evident phenomenon of interaction in the narrative model of the popular novels in the 1920s in China,which finds expression in the telling,writing and reading of stories,the transformation and interaction between the plot model and the tone model.20世纪20年代中国雅俗小说在叙事模式方面存在较为明显的互动现象,具体表现在讲听模式与写读模式、情节模式与情调模式的转向、互动。
4)Narration mode叙事模式
1.The Guerrilla Warfare in Northeast China deliberately pursues the narration mode of Chinese classical novels in many ways,which partly contributes to this accomplished novel.在许多方面刻意学习中国传统古典小说的叙事模式,这是《林海雪原》成功的重要因素之一。
2.Every time when human kind steps on a new stage,the dominant narration mode will change correspondingly and each narration mode and its features are a reflection of development of aesthetics.每当人类进入一新的阶段,占统治地位的叙事模式也会随之改变,并且各种叙事模式以其各自的特点反映着审美主体的发展、演变情况。
5)narrative patterns叙事模式
1.The western war literature in the 20th century has distinct and strong humanism,which is mainly reflected in the works with topics of war by the flowing:narrative forms of individualism,narrative patterns of negating wars and antagonistic relationship between humanitarianism and inhumanitarianism.20世纪西方战争文学具有鲜明而强烈的人本意识,它在战争题材作品中的主要表现是:个体本位的叙事形态,否定战争的叙事模式,人道与非人道对立的敌我关系。
2.Actually,narrative patterns in Ch’uan-Ch’i of Song Dynasty are not the same as those in Ch’uan-Ch’i of Tang Dynasty completely.事实上,在宋代复杂的社会文化背景下,传奇形成了近似于唐传奇而又略微不同于唐传奇的叙事模式
3.My analysis includes three parts: the influence of folk songs on Zhang s writings; the influence of the myth on Zhang s writings; the inheriting or the transition and transcendence of modernity of the folk narrative patterns.本文以民间文学作为切入点对张承志的小说创作进行分析,从民歌对张承志小说创作的影响,神话对张承志小说创作的影响,对民间叙事模式的继承以及现代性的转换与超越三个方面来分析,试图把民间文学对张承志小说创作的影响作比较全面、具体的分析。
6)Narrative Embedding嵌入式叙事模式
1.Poetic Narration: Narrative Embedding in Krapp s Last Tape and The Zoo Story;诗意的叙事——论《克拉普的最后一盘录音带》和《动物园的故事》中的嵌入式叙事模式

植物命名的模式和模式标本 科或科级以下的分类群的名称,都是由命名模式来决定的。但更高等级(科级以上)分类群的名称,只有当其名称是基于属名的也是 由命名模式来决定的。种或种级以下的分类群的命名必须有模式标本根据。模式标本必须要永久保存,不能是活植物。模式标本有下列几种: (1)主模式标本(全模式标本、正模式标本)(holotype)是由命名人指定的模式标本,即著者发表新分类群时据以命名、描述和绘图的那一份标本。 (2)等模式标本(同号模式标本、复模式标本)(isotype)系与主模式标本同为一采集者在同一地点与时间所采集的同号复份标本。 (3)合模式标本(等值模式标本)(syntype)著者在发表一分类群时未曾指定主模式而引证了2个以上的标本或被著者指定为模式的标本,其数目在2个以上时,此等标本中的任何1份,均可称为合模式标本。 (4)后选模式标本(选定模式标本)(lectotype)当发表新分类群时,著作未曾指定主模式标本或主模式已遗失或损坏时,是后来的作者根据原始资料,在等模式或依次从合模式、副模式、新模式和原产地模式标本中,选定1份作为命名模式的标本,即为后选模式标本。 (5)副模式标本(同举模式标本)(paratype)对于某一分类群,著者在原描述中除主模式、等模式或合模式标本以外同时引证的标本,称为副模式标本。 (6)新模式标本(neotype)当主模式、等模式、合模式、副模式标本均有错误、损坏或遗失时,根据原始资料从其他标本中重新选定出来充当命名模式的标本。 (7)原产地模式标本(topotype)当不能获得某种植物的模式标本时,便从该植物的模式标本产地采到同种植物的标本,与原始资料核对,完全符合者以代替模式标本,称为原产地模式标本。