现实生活,real life
1)real life现实生活
1.On the medium link between musical sound and real life;浅谈音乐音响与现实生活的中介环节
2.Currently,the imperfection of real life,which teaching returns to,encourages .自古以来的人类教学关联着无数的可能生活,但在特定历史时期决定人的发展的只能是某种现实生活
3.In the real life, we always find the communication that is contrast to it in Habermas theory of communication.在现实生活中,我们看到的往往是与哈贝马斯的交往行为理论中所说的"交往"相异甚至相反的交往。

1.situation or incident in real life(现实生活中的)情景,事件
2.a tale taken from real+ [ 1 ] life取材于现实生活的故事
3.A writer should never be divorced from real life.作家不应脱离现实生活
4.Never be divorced from real life.千万不要脱离现实生活
5.Art is the distillation of life.艺术是现实生活的升华。
6.I'm talking about real life. We went through it.我谈的是现实生活,我们在现实生活中闯过来了。
7.There was everyday life before honest Dobbin.老实的都宾眼前仍旧是现实生活
8.Understanding Life,Talk about the Japanese Animation of Real Life Portrayal and Retrospect感悟生活——谈日本动画对现实生活的描绘与反省
9."Life world" and Real Life: Anti- oppresses in Two Kinds of Lives --Reconsidering Habermas Theory of Communication;“生活世界”与现实生活:两种生活的抗拮——论哈贝马斯的交往行为理论
10.In daily life, the metaphor of body-part is based on the mapping.在现实生活中,人体隐喻主要依靠映射来实现。
11.The short stories in Lizi Qing also reflect the realities of life. '《荔子情》里的短篇故事也反映现实生活
12.One day, I had this killer idea to make films set...有一天, 我就有了这种在现实生活中...
13.I thind it is mere word-mongering divorced from actual life.我认为这只是兴现实生活脱节的空话。
14.a rude awakening to the realities of life突然觉醒而回到现实生活中来
15.also, some are not permitted by real life environment.有些是现实生活环境所不允许的,
16.They inherited traditional Chinese painting techniques but became more realistic to meet the commercial demands of their society.他们既秉承传统,又接近现实生活
17.Real life isn't as happy as people imagine.现实生活并不象人们想象的那样美好。
18.Who are your favorite heroines in real life?现实生活中你最喜欢哪些女性英雄?

actual life现实生活
1.His poems, which laid a foundation for the later Russian poetry s development, are outstandingly characterized by the song of man in actual life.杰尔查文是俄国第一个真正的诗人,其诗歌超越了此前俄国古典主义的对现实生活所取的排斥态度。
2.Doctrine of Mean is one of the most important categories of system Confucius Thoughts,which is a way of life principle related to the actual life.中庸是孔子思想体系中最重要的范畴之一,是一种有关现实生活的处世之道。
3)realistic life现实生活
1.As a kind of social practice activity field closely related to the living status and life style of people, teaching activity is in essence a dynamic formation course continuously guiding students from realistic life to possible life.教学活动作为一种与人的生存状态和生活方式密切相关的社会实践活动领域,在本质上是一个不断引导学生从现实生活走向可能生活的动态生成过程。
4)reality life现实生活
1.As far as art creation is concerned, the characteristics which art origins reality and is approaching to life determines that the formation of art text is inseparable from reality life.就艺术创作来说 ,艺术源于现实、贴近生活的特点决定了艺术文本的生成离不开现实生活 ,但这一过程绝非传统的再现 /表现理论那样简单。
5)practice and practical life实践与现实生活
6)real life and practice现实生活和实践
1.This paper holds that the basic meaning of Dewey s philosophy is to emphasize real life and practice.本文认为杜威哲学的根本意义是对现实生活和实践的强调;杜威的哲学改造适应了西方哲学现代变革的潮流;杜威哲学与马克思的哲学有着原则区别,但在超越近代哲学的局限性、体现现代哲学的发展趋势上二者殊途同归。
