李碧华,Li Bihua
1)Li Bihua李碧华
1.Fish Giving up all Hope to Water:Comment on the Gender Novers of Li Bihua;鱼对水的绝望:论李碧华小说的两性书写
2.Everlasting Seeking for the Spiritual Beliefs——Li Bihua: From "The Rough Casket" to "The Cloudy and Misty March ;无止找寻的精神皈依——李碧华:从《胭脂扣》到《烟花三月》
3.Female Images and Mentality of Historical Root in Li Bihua s Novels;李碧华小说中的女性形象和历史家国意识

1.Using Legend to Express Reality-To Unscramble Li Bihua and Her Works;以传奇书写现实—李碧华及其创作解读
2.Female Images and Mentality of Historical Root in Li Bihua s Novels;李碧华小说中的女性形象和历史家国意识
3.Fish Giving up all Hope to Water:Comment on the Gender Novers of Li Bihua;鱼对水的绝望:论李碧华小说的两性书写
4.Fate and Resistance:Feminist Interpretation to the Novels of Li Bihua;宿命与反抗:对李碧华小说的女性主义解读
5.Postmodern Love Stories with Sublime Words and Profound Meaning A Paper about Li Bihua's Fiction微言大义的后现代爱情故事——论李碧华的小说
6.Everlasting Seeking for the Spiritual Beliefs--Li Bihua: From "The Rough Casket" to "The Cloudy and Misty March ;无止找寻的精神皈依——李碧华:从《胭脂扣》到《烟花三月》
7.The Legend of White Snake and its Modern Experience:A Book Review on The Green Snake Spirit by Li Bihua白蛇传奇与现代体验——以李碧华小说《青蛇》为中心看一个传说的流变
8.Floating Life Perspective Behind the Vanity of the world around--From Li Bihua'novels explore the cultural identity of Hong Kong透视浮华背后的浮生世相——从李碧华的小说中探寻香港人的文化身份
9.The Deconstruction of the Orthodox Paradigm of "Romance" in the Context of Commercialization--A Comparative Study of Li Pik Wah's and Chi Li's Love Fiction商业化语境下对传统“言情”范式的解构——试比较李碧华、池莉的情爱小说
10.The Hateful Blood Which Became The Jade In The Soil For Thousand Years;恨血千年土中碧——李贺的“恨诗”及其艺术特质
11.Walldec company seek after the unique feeling of wall surface and the new concept wall decoration!华碧宝壁布——追求墙面全新感受,创造墙饰新概念!
12.Numerical Simulation and Diagnostic Analysis of BILIS Typhoon Heavy Rainfall in 2006;华南0604号“碧利斯”台风暴雨的数值模拟研究
13.A Book Review of A Record of Changes in PHETCHABURY;泰国华人家庭和社会的缩影——读《碧城风云录》
14.Study on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Pigment Characterization of Prunus Cv.atropurpurea Jacg and Prunus Persica Cv.atropurea-plena;紫叶李紫叶碧桃叶片光合特性及色素理化性质研究
15.Ghosts in their Tombs Chanting Bitter Lines in Autumn; Blood with Much Hate Shed for a Thousand Years Underground - A Study on Li He s ghost poems;秋坟鬼唱鲍家诗 恨血千年土中碧──浅论李贺的鬼诗
16.Is Li Hua a good football player?李华踢足球很好吗?
17.Picture taken by Xinhua News Agency reporter Shengnan Li新华社记者李生南摄
18."This way,please,Li Hua.""Thank you."“李华,请这边走,”“谢谢你。”

Li Bihua's novels李碧华小说
3)Li Bihua s Imagination of Hong Kong李碧华的想象香港
4)LI Hua李华
1.The Literary Ideology of XIAO Ying-shi and LI Hua;论萧颖士、李华的文学思想
2.An Interdisciplinary Study of Two Essays Concerning Water Conservancy by Li Hua;从跨学科比较看李华涉及水利的两篇文章
3.Correction of Two Mistakes of Xin Tang Shu Based on Li Hua’s San Xian Lun读李华《三贤论》纠《新唐书》谬误二则
5)Jinhua ham and chicken meat on green vegetable金华碧绿鸡
6)Sanhua plum三华李
1.Effect of synthetical management on the growth and fruit quality of Sanhua Plum in Conghua;果园综合管理对从化三华李树体生长及果实品质的影响
2.The best technology provides another mode for Sanhua plum resource.为三华李提供另一种加工方式。

李华(1909~1981)  新中国有色金属工业的主要创业者之一。江西省永新县人,曾任中华人民共和国冶金工业部副部长等职。    早在中华人民共和国成立之前,他在任东北金矿局长、东北有色金属管理局长期间,在积极恢复被战争破坏的黄金和有色金属企业、建立管理制度、提高生产水平等方面卓有成绩。他提出有色金属工业的基础是矿山建设和地质勘探,并组建起一支地质勘探队伍。他善于团结国内外专家,以身作则,推动干部切实钻研工业技术和企业管理知识,并按专业组织干部队伍,使他们成为本行业的专家,为新中国准备了一大批有色金属的专业干部。    中华人民共和国成立后,李华从事有色金属工业的领导工作达三十多年之久。他是一位十分熟悉有色金属的管理和技术业务的领导者,并对中国有色金属工业的发展作出了重大贡献。他多次主持中国有色金属工业规划工作,参与制定该项工业的发展方针、政策和步骤,并组织起强大的设计、施工队伍。他组织专家并亲自审定许多重点厂矿的建设方案和工艺流程,这些厂矿已成为中国有色金属工业体系中的骨干企业。