使命感,Sense of Mission
1)Sense of Mission使命感
1.Sense of Mission, Morality, and Duty——On College Libraries and Librarians in the New Century;使命感、道德感、责任感——新世纪高校图书馆与工作人员三论
2.Under the disappearance of the sense of mission - An elementary study of the creativity of the contemporary women writers;使命感消失的背后——当代女作家小说创作探析
3.All her novels, from The Scenery of a Black Casket, The Lost Soul in Qingyang Mountain, to The Waiting for Snow, without exception, embodied the author s sense of mission and awareness of misery in herself, and highlight the theme--return to the spiritual world.从《黑匣子风景》、《魂断青羊岭》到《等待下雪》无不体现作家的使命感和忧患意识,凸现出回归精神家园的主题。

1.On Curators' Sense of Times--A Sense of Urgency,a Sense of Crisis and a Sense of Mission论图书馆馆长的时代感——兼论其紧迫感、危机感、使命感
2.Having a sense of purpose and striving towards goals gives life meaning, direction and satisfaction拥有使命感和目标感才能给生命带来意义、价值和充实。
3.Sense of Mission, Morality, and Duty--On College Libraries and Librarians in the New Century;使命感、道德感、责任感——新世纪高校图书馆与工作人员三论
4.To Found A New Zion In The Wilderness: On the Sense of Religious Commitment of the Puritan荒野中的天国之梦——论清教徒的宗教使命感
5.The Sense of Mission and American Diplomatic Notion--Analysis from the Angle of Religious View;使命感与美国外交理念——一种宗教视角的分析
6.A Historical Analysis of the Sense of Mission among the Late Qing Dynasty Thinkers Aimed at Revival of China;晚清思想家“振兴中华”使命感的历史考察
7.Under the disappearance of the sense of mission - An elementary study of the creativity of the contemporary women writers;使命感消失的背后——当代女作家小说创作探析
8.He Appeals to People to Help Students From Poor families:On the Sense of Social Responsibility and Mission of Reportage Writer;他为学子鼓与呼——论报告文学作家的社会责任感与使命感
9."Because I am representing Iranian women I feel special.她说:“我代表的是伊朗妇女,因此我有一种特殊的使命感
10.The mission consciousness of the Confucian in the cultural conflict--Decoding cultural psychology of Guitang Ci-poem of Xu Youren;文化冲突中的儒士使命感——许有壬《圭塘乐府》的文化心理解读
11.and felt that it was his mission in life to help others.而且感觉到帮助别人是他人生的使命。
12.I was tired of doing the same thing every day.天天做的事几乎一模一样,使我感到厌烦得要命。
13.When our life can glory Christ, even if silence is also moving.当我们的生命能荣耀基督,即使静默亦令人感动。
14.It is because of fear that we have lived through millions of years of evolution.恐惧感使动物(包括人类)临危而逃,从而保全性命。
15.It made me wonder whether my destiny had caught up with me.这使我感到迷惑,是不是命运在跟我作对。
16.How to Extend Service Life of Electrical Car Weighing Instrument Weigh Sensor如何延长电子汽车衡称重传感器的使用寿命
17.Experts fear that the H5N1 bird flu virus could transmute into deadly human influenza that could kill millions.专家们担心的是H5N1禽流感病毒可能会转变为致命的可以使成百万人毙命的流行性感冒。
18.The business with which such a body of persons is charged.使团的使命外交使团所负的使命

1.It indicates that strongly feeling of times and missions,consciousness of confrontation,the spirits of dedication are the themes of the U.战斗精神具有强烈的时代特色,强烈的反抗精神,勇于牺牲的奉献精神,精神饱满、意志坚定,克服一切困难,完成任务,强烈地拯救人类的使命感
3)thoughts of history mission历史使命感
4)the sense of educational mission教育使命感
5)religious sense of duty宗教使命感
6)sense of culture mission文化使命感
1.He enters the study spot of classic academic and present culture with high sense of culture mission and strong sense of problem.他肩负高度的文化使命感,带着强烈的问题意识进入传统学术和现当代文化的现场,以深邃的阐释学意识,用清透精当的语言,为唐宋文学描绘出深广的文化背景、思想图景和学术地图,做到了历史与逻辑的统一,从而凸显出学术的主体性、特殊性和个体性。
