母亲形象,mother image
1)mother image母亲形象
1.Eileen Chang s negative writing on mother image innate its reason: unusual family background has made her hostile to the parents;Family s gradual influence with school education enables her to have the opportunity.在张爱玲的小说世界里,母亲形象总是被赋予浓郁的阴性色调。
2.Employing two important narrative strategies of writing on mother s emotion desires and her relationship with daughters,female literature realizes the secularization of mother image,shaking and impacting male s dominant .对母亲欲望化情感的书写和母女情感的去魅是女性文学写作的两种重要叙事策略,由此实现了母亲形象的世俗化还原,动摇、冲击着男权话语的权力结构。
3.The mother image in the modern history of literature is one that has the connotation character image, and is changing along with the time advance and the mainstream words change.母亲形象是现代文学史上一个颇具内涵的人物形象,并随着时代的前进和主流话语的变化而变化着。

1.In Search of Our Mothers Garden--n Analysis of the Black Mother in Everyday Use;寻找母亲的花园——《日常用品》中黑人母亲形象分析
2.The Image of Mother in Toni Morrison s Beloved;论托尼·莫里森《宠儿》中的母亲形象
3.The Creating of Mother Image and Language Art in The Joy Luck Club;《喜福会》的语言艺术与母亲形象的塑造
4.Comparison on Mother Images in “Pavilion of Women” and “Narration about Jinsuo”;《闺阁记》《金锁记》中母亲形象之比较
5.On the Images of Mothers Created by Modern Female Writers;试论中国现代女作家笔下的母亲形象
6.On the Mother Images in Eugene O'Neill's Plays尤金·奥尼尔剧作中的母亲形象研究
7.The Exploration of the Mother's Image in Cold Night and Open Garden《寒夜》和《憩园》中的母亲形象探微
8.Overturn and Rewrite-On the Images of Father and Mother in Zhang Ailing s Novels;颠覆与重写——论张爱玲创作中的父亲与母亲形象
9.A Tragic Song of the Maternal Culture--Analysis to the mothers in novels of the story of golden lock and cold night;母性文化的悲歌——《金锁记》、《寒夜》中母亲形象之分析
10.Malposition and Dissimilation of Mother s Image--A Discussion of Mother Jiao and Cao Qi-qiao;母亲形象的错位与异化——焦母与曹七巧合论
11.The Catabolize of Mother Love --The Analyse of the Four Mothers in A Dream of Red Mansions;母爱的异化———《红楼梦》中的四位典型母亲形象分析
12.The Analysis of the Images of Mother in Current Movies and TV Dramas当前影视作品中母亲形象的性别意识形态建构
13.Mothers Going Down From the Altar --Talk About Zhang Ailing s Subversion of the Traditional Mothers Image;走下神坛的母亲——论张爱玲对传统母亲形象的颠覆
14.Mother,the Living Image of Female;母亲:女性的生存镜像——当代大众传媒中的母亲形象审视
15.The Loss and Alienation of Materal Instincts--Analysis of Both Mother Images and Relationship between Mothers and Daughters in Novels of Eileen Chang母性的沦丧与异化——张爱玲小说中的母亲形象及母女关系探析
16.Analysis Of The Mother s Image In Gorky s Mother;浅析高尔基《母亲》中的“母亲”形象
17.He meticulously etched the image of "mother" in the work.他精心刻划了作品中"母亲"的形象。
18.Quan Yin carries the Goddess and Divine Mother aspect of Buddhism.观音具有女神和神性母亲佛的形象。

image of mother母亲形象
1.In Rou shi s native novels,he paid special attention to the image of mother in countryside.柔石在自己的乡土小说创作中,对劳动妇女中的母亲形象给予了特别的关注。
2.Analyzing and digging further the value and realistic meaning of the image of mother.试从残雪笔下的“母亲形象”入手,进一步分析和挖掘母亲形象塑造的价值及现实意义。
3., the image of mother in the text in this movement began breaking the traditional stereotype named by the patriarchal discourse and gradually turned into the modern type.五四文本中的母亲形象逐渐打破了传统的被父权话语命名的刻板印象,向现代转变。
3)the image of mother母亲形象
1."4th of May"era the woman writer begin the writing on the image of mother and the mother-daughter relationship.五四时期女性作家开始了对母亲形象以及母女关系的书写,对母爱的异口同声的赞美和歌颂,集中度之高是前所未有的,女儿在母爱与情爱的矛盾中挣扎,展现了两种对立的文化对现代女性的争夺。
2.From the angle of feminist, this paper makes a study aboutthe turn of the image of mother in the Chinese narrative text (especially since1980s), this turn have been defined as "from the cultural code to the dailymirror" .本文以性别视角与女性主义批评理论为主要的研究方法与理论依据,探讨中国二十世纪八九十年代的叙事文本中母亲形象从文化符码到世俗镜像的书写流变。
4)mother's image母亲形象
5)the images of mother母亲形象
1.One of the classed literature titles is to write the images of mother.母亲形象是文学史上的经典形象之一。
2.The images of mother in Modern Chinese literature are studied in this thesis from the point of view of these writings contents.本论文从作品出发,对现代文学作品中的母亲形象展开解读,考察母亲形象在这三十年创作中的变化。
3.The maternal worship is an "original complex" which is gathered in Chinese culture and idea; One of the classed literature titles is to write the images of mothers; the traditional mother images are "the other" named by the patriarchal social system, plotted by "the essential".母性崇拜是历史地积淀在中华民族文化意识深处的“原始情结”,母亲形象的构写是文学史上的经典主题之一。
6)Mother images母亲形象
1.By adopting psychoanalysis, the thesis attempts to explore the mother images exemplified in five typical plays by O\'Neill.本论文通过细读文本,以心理分析为切入点,以文本阐释为基点,以奥尼尔的早期和晚期创作的五部典型剧本为依据,分析奥尼尔剧作中母亲形象的产生、呈现及演变。
2.Based on an emotional experience which is different from that of ordinary people,the novel of Eileen Chang has written a group of abnormal mother images which are not the same as the great mother images in Chinese traditional culture.张爱玲的小说以一种异于常人的情感体验,书写了一群非常态的母亲形象,颠覆了中国传统文化中母亲的伟大形象,她所塑造的母亲,自私、病态为其标签,对母亲与儿女关系的刻画更是从另一个角度给我们提供了新的思索。

母亲是诗人一生最深刻的记忆,是他们的千思百虑。本书描绘了歌德、雨果、波德莱尔、惠特曼、里尔克、兰波、魏尔伦、阿拉贡、维尼、阿波利奈尔、荷尔德林、拉马丁、兰波、魏尔伦、阿拉贡、维尼、阿波利奈尔、荷尔德林、拉马丁、佩吉、雅姆、科克托、阿尔托等16位大诗人诗歌创作的堂奥和不为人知的隐秘一角,或感人肺腑,或奇异曲折,或悲欢离合。这些微妙的感情,定能触动每一位母亲和孩子内心最敏感柔软的部分。本书还附有16位诗人的相关作品,是他们献给母亲的颂歌。目录;中译本序 母爱的滋润一 保尔·魏尔伦保尔·魏尔伦作品选我只热爱我的母亲玛利亚忏悔录(节选)二 路易·阿拉贡路易·阿拉贡作品选大胆的人三 阿尔弗雷德·德·维尼阿尔弗雷德·德·维尼作品选舞会四 沙尔·波德莱尔沙尔·波德莱尔作品选我没有忘记,城里的女邻居你羡慕的那个心地善良的女仆书信选(10封)五 约翰·沃尔夫根·冯·歌德约翰·沃尔夫根·冯·歌德作品选致我的母亲新阿马狄斯任随你千姿百态,藏形隐身六 弗朗西斯·雅姆弗朗西斯·雅姆作品选棕枝主日的驴子七 让·科克托让·科克托作品选素歌集(4首)数字七(1首)莱奥娜(7节)肖像与回忆(片段)八 沙尔·佩吉沙尔·佩吉作品选卢瓦尔河的古堡为尘世土地而死的人多幸福向沙特尔教堂的圣母介绍博斯皮埃尔,一个市民生活的开端(片端)九 雷纳·马利亚·里尔克雷纳·马利亚·里尔克作品选童年十 吉约姆·阿波利奈尔吉约姆·阿波利奈尔作品选米拉波桥失恋者之歌一首在封斋期唱出的春曲扎波罗格的哥萨克给君土坦丁堡的苏丹回信七把剑市郊贫民区行列十一 安托南·阿尔托安托南·阿尔托作品选迷醉树夜tutuguri向木乃伊乞灵声音玻璃街道无休止的爱被捆绑的木乃伊阴郁的诗人十二 阿尔封斯·德·拉马丁阿尔封斯·德·拉马丁作品选湖密利或家乡葡萄园和家十三 沃尔特·惠特曼沃尔特·惠特曼作品选我听见美洲在歌唱我坐而眺望母亲和婴儿父亲,赶快从田地里上来十四 阿尔蒂尔·兰波阿尔蒂尔·兰波作品选七岁的诗人醉船书信选十五 维克多·雨果维克多·雨果作品选这个世纪刚两岁雨果夫人见证录(片段)十六 弗烈德里希·荷尔德林弗烈德里希·荷尔德林作品选海德堡