1)view of life and death生死观
1.Contemporary old men in China display in the view of life and death not fearing the death,when facing the death,they are frightened.当代中国老年人在生死观上表现为不怕死,而当真正面临死亡时,又呈现出恐惧的一面。
2.This paper,based on Confucius view of life and death,analyzes the implications of "If you don t understand what life is,how will you understand death" in The Analects.藉由考察《论语》原文中可见的孔子之生死观,对《先进篇》中"未知生,焉知死"一语之意涵进行再检讨。
3.In his preliminary exploration of life and death,Laozi reflected deeply on their mutual pervasion and transformation and established a naturalistic view of life and death.老子对"生"与"死"进行了初步探讨,对生死之间的渗透与转化关系作出了深刻思考,建立了具有自然主义色彩的生死观。
1.An Uniqe Philosophy of Lifeand Death--On the Liee Outlook of the History of Soul;生与死的别样思考——论《心灵史》的生死观
2.Living for the Next life-Han People s Life-and-Death Outlook and Belief in Conditions of Death;为后世生活—汉族的生死观与死的条件
3.On the death of Guanzhong--looking atGuanzhong′s life and death view from his choice of life or death论管仲之死——从管仲的生死抉择看其生死观
4.The Difference in Opinion of Life and Death between Chinese and Westerner;由对待安乐死看中西方生死观的差异
5.Human, Animal and Death: On Kafka s Philosophy of Life and Death;人·动物·死亡——卡夫卡生死观初探
6.Striving Optimistically: Mao Zedong s Value Pursuit of Life and Death Outlook;乐观奋斗:毛泽东生死观的价值取向
7.To be or not to be? It s a question!--Analysis of the viewpoint of living and death in "Norwegian Wood";生还是死 是个问题——《挪威的森林》生死观探析
8.A Study of "If You Don t Understand What Life Is,How Will You Understand Death"--Based on the View of Life and Death in The Analects;“未知生,焉知死”再考——以《论语》之生死观为中心
9.The Scene of Life and Death,Samsara--On the View of Life and Death in Xiao Hong s Novels;永劫轮回的生死场——论萧红小说中的生死观
10.Life and Death:The Eulogistic Song and Sad Song of "Beauty":Qu Yuan s Outlook on Life and Death;生与死:“美”的颂歌和悲歌——论屈原的生死观
11.The Simple Analysis About the Life and Death Thought of Zhuangzi s Life Philosophy--The Thoughtway from Life to Death of Zhuangzi;浅析庄子人生哲学中的生死观——庄子由死反观生的哲学思路
12.A Confucian and Taoist Approach to Euthanasia;以儒道两家的生死观审视今日之安乐死
13.It has great theoretical significance and practical value for modern people to establish systematic and scientific philosophy about life and death.道家生死观对现代人建立系统的生死哲学和科学的生死观念具有重大的理论意义和实践价值。
14.Some Ideas about Zhuang Zi s Theory of "Each Other s Right and Wrong" and His Death-Life Outlook;简析庄子的“彼此是非”论及生死观
15.Sima qian s idea of life and death as reflected in A letter to Ren An;从《报任少卿书》看司马迁的生死观
16.Approach to Confucian Influence of the Sense of Life - and - Death upon the Creation of Elegiac Couplet;儒家生死观念对挽联创作的影响探析
17.A Great Man s Ultimate Concern --Discussion about Mao Ze-dong s Outlook on Life and Death;伟人的终极关怀——论毛泽东的生死观
18.contribution one s blood to wake our compatriots-A brief discussion on Luxun s view of life and death;我以我血荐轩辕——浅谈鲁迅的生死观
view on life and death生死观
1.This paper is a case study of the view on life and death in the Wutaishan region .以五台山地区为例,通过深入分析具有传统习俗和地方特色的丧礼,揭示出其所表现出的人的生死观念,并进一步探讨了改革丧葬奢靡之风的正确途径。
2.There was a diversity of view on life and death in WeiJin and SouthernNorthern Dynasty.魏晋南北朝时期人们的生死观呈现出多元取向:一方面,魏晋玄学生死观继承了道家对生死问题的思考,以自然主义的态度和对个体价值意义的肯定超越了两汉儒家生死观,但未能彻底解决自身内部的矛盾性。
3.On the contrary,the view on life and death in ancient western culture,starting from the perspective of "termination"(i.基于不同的文化传统,中西方古代生死观也呈现各自的内蕴。
3)outlook on life and death生死观
1.Laozi s outlook on life and death is closely related to his Tao theory.老子的生死观追求的是效法天长地久之道,生死任其自然,从而做到“死而不亡者寿”。
2.It points out the important reason on his suicide ——his outlook on life and death_aesthetics.指出其自杀具有作家个人、社会历史及文化诸多方面的原因;指出他独特的人生观、生死观、死亡美学观念是造成其自杀的重要内在原因。
3.Deng Xiaoping s outlook on life and death was manifest in his life and career.邓小平的生死观体现在他置生死于度外 ,从不计较个人的得失利害 ,为了党、国家、人民而奋斗终身的历程中 ;体现在他晚年正确处理历史遗留问题 ,带头废除领导干部职务终身制 ,为设计规划中国特色社会主义现代化建设而鞠躬尽瘁、死而后已的伟大实践中 ;体现在他对后事和丧事的安排中。
4)life and death view生死观
1.Dalloway and To the Lighthouse,this novels does not describe wars because of the close connection with the author’s creation view as well as life and death view.这与作者的生死观和创作观密切相关。
2.The textual purpose is to try to inquire into what the body ethic narration is, and further deeply expound the unique life and death view radiated by body and the contemporary meaning of the body and soul conflicts.探讨这一身体伦理叙事是什么,并进一步深度阐释由身体辐射出的独特生死观和灵与肉冲突在当代的意义。
5)the view of life and death生死观
1.Wangchuanshan denied immortality and advocated the view of life and death that life must be meaningful and one would die at his best in order to pursue lofty personality.王船山继承了张载的"绝学",发展了先秦儒家所忽略的生死观。
6)Observing life with death以死观生