1)existing way存在方式
1.The paper analyses some existing ways of the literature from different angles such as, customs, artists an.文章从民俗、艺人、受众这几个角度分析说唱文学的存在方式。
2.Through our rational reflection,we can find its existing way and historical trend in four aspects: First,it follows the historical trend and the fast development of Foshan City;second,it operates in terms of market economy to strengthen the cultural industry;third,it revitalizes Foshan\'s historical and cultural resources;fourth,it is devoted to reform to promote Foshan\'s cultural innovation.对它的存在方式与历史走向作理性的透视与反思,可以概括为四个方面,其一,顺势而发,与城市腾飞同步;其二,市场运作,藉产业壮大实力;其三,盘活资源,扬历史文化优势;其四,锐意改革,创文化不竭动力。
1.Motion is the mode of existence of matter.运动是物质的存在方式。
2.Reification :the Person s Existence Method in the Merchandise Economic Ages;物化:人在商品经济时代的存在方式
3."In Itself" and"For Itself"--On the Way of Existence of Chinese Music and Western Music;“自在”与“自为”——论中西音乐之存在方式
4.Art as an Existing Way of Human Beings;艺术是人的一种生存方式——文学存在方式研究之二
5.On the Existing Mode of Literature in the Context of Modern Media;现代传媒语境中的文学存在方式研究
6.Aesthetic System--The Existence Manner of Aesthetic Anthropology;审美制度——审美人类学的存在方式
7.Visual Angle for Comprehending Technology:The Existence Mode of Technology;一种理解技术的视角:技术的存在方式
8.On diversified styles of post-modernist art;论后现代主义艺术存在方式的多元化
9.The Form of Dialectical Existence of Practicality: Epistemological Dialecties;实践性辩证存在方式与认识的辩证法
10.Resigning Oneself "to His will" and "to Nature"-On Ancient Poet Tao Yuan-ming s way of Living;“委心”与“委运”——论陶渊明的存在方式
11.On the Existing Way and Historical Trend of "Foshan Cultural Phenomenon"“佛山文化现象”的存在方式及历史走向
12.Detail Transformation and Local Identity:A Way for the Existence of Spring Festival Culture;细节变异与地方认同:年文化的一种存在方式
13.Research on the Existence Manner and Value of Folk Culture (Intangible Culture Heritage) in the Architectural Space;民俗文化(非物质文化遗产)在建筑空间中的存在方式,存在价值研究
14.How does ideology exist in aesthetic field?意识形态在审美领域的存在方式是什么?
15.Being,Subsistence and Life--On the Existence Way of Human;存在·生存·生活——论人在世的方式
16.a mode of being or form of existence of a person or things.人或物存在的方式或形式。
17.Governmental problems in BOT Model and their countermeasures;BOT方式中政府方面存在的问题与对策
18.The formula is not complete. Make sure an ending square bracket ] is not missing.公式不完整。请确认右方括号“]”是否存在。
the way of existence存在方式
1.In the creation of the fantasy novel,Huang Yi attempts to merge the latest science development such as the way of existence in time and space,man-made intelligence and various mysterious abilities such as free spirit power,prediction of dreams.黄易在玄幻小说创作中,以最新科学发展成果(如时空存在方式、人工智能演进等)为载体,将精神自由、心灵感应、梦的预言等属于玄学范畴的各类异能巧妙融入其中。
2.The issue of the way of existence of music is a question of the first importence in the aesthetic study of music.音乐的存在方式问题,是音乐美学研究中的首要问题,是属于音乐本体论研究范畴。
3)way of existence存在方式
1.On the basis of campus life,both the two novels of The Banner of Desire and Disciples focused on the intellectuals of universities during the transformational period of the society and especially their way of existence.《欲望的旗帜》与《桃李》两部小说都写大学校园生活,视点都是社会转型语境中的知识分子,并追问他们的存在方式。
4)existing mode存在方式
1.The essence of the puzzle in his curriculum theory is that it neglects the curriculum knowledge and its existing mode.杜威提出的教材"心理化"是为了解决"知识"与"经验"对立的课程问题,然而,此方案却存在着手段与目的的冲突,其课程理论困境的实质是忽视了课程知识及其存在方式。
5)ontological way存在论方式
6)news existing way新闻存在方式
存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)existentialist ethics cu陀012加yilun淞Ue存在主义伦理学(existeotialist ethics)见存在主丸