政治无意识,political unconsciousness
1)political unconsciousness政治无意识
1.He turned Freud s "biological individual unconsciousness" and Laocoon s "language unconsciousness" into "political unconsciousness",combining political analysis with lite.他把弗洛伊德的生物性“个体无意识”和拉康的“语言无意识”修正为“政治无意识”,并把政治分析和文学分析结合在一起,他还将精神分析“历史化”,使政治无意识成为一切文本和文本阐释的决定因素。
2.This hermeneutic mode uses the main code of Marxist hermeneutics, which is Marxist production mode, to reveal the political unconsciousness under the text.在他的成熟之作《政治无意识——作为社会象征行的叙事》(1981)一书中,他对“马克思主义阐释学”及“政治无意识”做出了较详细的阐述。
3.Through the analysis of the unique definition about realism and the double visual angles,this paper explores the political unconsciousness implied in Marques\' works and his creating way which considers literature narration as a reasonable deconstruction of political legitimacy.通过分析马尔克斯创作思想中关于现实主义的特殊定义和文本所体现出来的历史和文化双重叙事,来分析马尔克斯作品中隐含的政治无意识文本化倾向,以及作者把文学叙事当作文学对政治合法性解构的创作方式。

1.On Jameson s Theory of Literary Narrative in The Political Unconscious;詹姆逊《政治无意识》的文学叙事理论
2.Identity Trouble: Histories of Violence and the Political Unconscious;身份焦虑:暴力的历史以及政治无意识
3.An Interpretation of the Political Unconsciousness in A River of the Soul被禁锢的“烟囱”:《灵河》的政治无意识解读
4.The Unconscious Education in Ideological and Political Education in University;论高校思想政治教育中的无意识教育
5.Important Attention Should be Paid to Unconscious Education in Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities;高校思想政治工作应注重无意识教育
6.Rational Combination between Consciousness and Unconsciousness in Ideological and Political Education;思想政治教育中有意识教育和无意识教育的有机结合
7.Unconsciousness Education in Ideological and Politcal Work for College Students;论大学生思想政治工作中的无意识教育
8.On the Usage of Unconsciousness Education in College Students Ideological and Political Work;论无意识教育在大学生思想政治工作中的运用
9.Discourse on Unconscious Education in Ideological and Ethical Education of University Students;大学生思想政治教育中的无意识教育探析
10.Discourse on Unconscious Fducation;略论大学生思想政治教育中的无意识教育
11.Unconscious Education of Political and Ideological Quality Education in Colleges and Universities;论高校思想政治素质教育中的无意识教育
12.An Analysis of the Field of Political Science--Political Culture and Political Consciousness;政治学范畴探析——政治文化与政治意识
13.Political Sense of "Harmony" as the Political Psychological Foundation of Good Governance;“和”的政治意识:善治的政治心理基础
14.The Establishment of Political Consciousness Civilization in Political Culture;我国政治文化中的政治意识文明建设
15.On the Political Cultural Innovation and the Political Consciousness Civilization Construction;论政治文化创新与政治意识文明建设
16.The Socio-Political Backstopping of Rule Consciousness--Political Civilization;规则意识的社会政治依托——政治文明
17.The Modern Political Implication of the Sage-worshoipping Consciousness and Its Influence;“崇圣”意识的现代政治学意蕴及其影响
18.The Analysis of the Deviation and Conformity of the Civil Political Consciousness and State Ideology;公民政治意识和国家意识形态的背离与整合

political sense政治意识
1.Elaborating legal sense of the political sense in modern China;近代中国政治意识中的合法性理念阐释
2.Under the condition of socialist market economy,the quality includes:high political sense;consciousness of responsibility and overall situation;knowledge of market economy;profound specialized knowledge and well-trained professional quality.在社会主义市场经济条件下,具有较高的政治意识、责任和大局意识、市场知识、深厚的文化知识、扎实的业务素质,是一个编辑的基本素质。
3.Therefore,Wangmeng s novels unique feature is his political sense,and Wangmeng s writing is typical of“political novels“政治意识”是理解王蒙的一把钥匙 ,也是王蒙小说的统一文化心态。
3)political consciousness政治意识
1.On editor s political consciousness in press work;论编辑在出版工作中的政治意识
2.The Development of Arab Civilians in Israel and Their Political Consciousness以色列阿拉伯公民的发展现状及其政治意识
3.To our surprise, the junior middle school history teaching material political consciousness between 1945 and 1950 didn t fit the policy, even relatively.国民党政府迁台之初,虽然"反共抗俄""国策"对各级学校的教学都造成影响,但令人奇怪的是当时台湾初中使用的历史教材中的政治意识内容没有与这适应,甚至是相对的。
4)political awareness政治意识
1.The criticizing of modern Chinese literature should be conscious of its political awareness to maintain its legitimacy in the conflict of globalization and national modernization.在全球化和民族现代性的冲突中,文学批评应有自觉的政治意识以维护现代文学的合法性地位。
2.This article will mainly discuss the properness of this concept and its function in confine the liberalism concept of system from the perspectives of the nation and political awareness by illustrating the legal practices in China from 1949 to 1957.新中国1949年至1957年的法律实践也证明了这种以民族国家和政治意识为基础的法制观念的正当性,在当代中国法治实践中这种法制观有助于克服自由主义法治观的内在局限。
5)political ideology政治意识
1.Employing the theory of rewriting,this paper explores Ma Junwu s version of the Song of the Shirt and comes to the conclusion that Ma Junwu,based on the dominant poetics and personal political ideology in the target language,rewrites the source text.运用改写理论探究马君武的《缝衣歌》译本,表明马氏基于目标语"主流诗学"和个人"政治意识"对原文本进行了改写,从而拓宽了译本研究的视角,并为译者在翻译实践中采用变通策略提供理论依据。
2.However,writers then could not free themselves from political ideology,for their mind and creative work fell into the suit of "Serving the Politics".但那个年代的作家无法挣脱政治意识的束缚 ,她们的思想和创作都无法避开“为政治服务”的套路 ,爱情则成了神话 ,而且一旦背离了革命 ,将必然走向崩溃 ;只有依附于革命 ,爱情才有可能获得新生。
3.Content : College stage is of great importance, during which college students political ideology comes into being, becomes politically mature and gets politically socialized.大学阶段是青年大学生政治意识形成并逐步成熟,走向政治社会化的关键时期。
6)dense political consciousness政治意识浓
1.the charactor of socialist females are dense political consciousness.在50年代初到70年代末中国社会高度政治化的影响下,社会主义女性最突出的特点就是政治意识浓厚、敏锐、她们把精神荣耀看得高于一切。
