传统审美,traditional aesthetics
1)traditional aesthetics传统审美

1.On Enlightenment from the Traditional Aesthetics towards the Modern Aesthetics;试论传统审美观对现代审美教育的启示
2.On Characteristic of Folk Custom in China Traditional Esthetic and "Fish" Culture;浅析中国传统审美的民俗性与“鱼”文化
3."Taste" and "Realizing" -- A Restricted View on Chinese Traditional Taste Idea;“味”与“悟”——中国传统审美思想管窥
4.Utopia and Rehabilitation of Traditional Aesthetic Culture in China;梦想社会与中国传统审美文化的复兴
5.Developing the Aesthetic Tradition and Enhancing University Students Aesthetic Cultivation;发扬美育传统 提升大学生审美素养
6.On the Aesthetic Style of"Splendour"and"Elegancy"of Chinese Traditional Music中国传统音乐之“壮美”与“优美”审美风格探析
7.The Formation and Development of Chinese Traditional Aesthetic Standards of Travel中国传统旅游审美观的形成与发展
8.Zen and aesthetic standards of Chinese and Japanese traditional arts禅宗与中国和日本的传统艺术审美观
9.On the Material Evolution and Aesthetic Standards Development of Troditional Western Painting;试论传统西洋画材料演变和审美发展
10.Touring and Aesthetic angle of Chinese Traditional Landscape Paintings;“游”与中国传统山水画的审美视角
11.Between Tradition and Modern: Aesthetic Consciousness of Novels about Human Relationship;传统与现代之间:世情小说的审美意识
12.Comparison of Aesthetic Feature between Traditional Painting Art and Computer Gaphics Art;数码图形与传统绘画的审美特性比较
13.On the Aesthetic Interest of the "Nihility and Existence Growing out of One Another" in Chinese Traditional Music;论中国传统音乐“虚实相生”的审美意趣
14.The Aesthetic Similarity of Chinese Characters Structure and Chinese Traditional Painting;汉字构形与中国传统绘画的审美共性
15.On the Absence of the Traditional Chinese Cultural Education in College Curricula;纵论大学生中国传统文化的审美缺失
16.The Inscription of Shang Dynasty and the View of Traditional Appreciation Culture of Nationality;殷商文字与民族传统的审美文化视野
17.New Visual Aesthetics of Traditional Chinese Calligraphy;中国传统书法艺术的新视觉审美倾向
18.Tradition of “Nurturing of Humanities” and Humanistic Spirit of Chinese Aesthetics;“人文化成”传统与中华审美人文精神

aesthetic tradition审美传统
1.The aesthetic tradition of Chinese people includes five aspects:enjoying heaven while worrying the human world,addiction to Yin and Yang,fondness of nobility and celestial being,worshiping superb beauty of nature and preference for the mean and harmony.中华民族的审美传统,主要有五:乐天忧世、崇阳恋阴、尚贵羡仙、自然至美、中和为美。
2.This paper discusses the causes of the different circumstances encountered by The Postman in the Mountains at home and in Japan culturally and commercially in terms of social factors,aesthetic tradition and marketing strategy etc.从文化和商业两个角度,通过社会成因、审美传统和影片发行策略等层面的考察来浅析《那山那人那狗》在国内与日本不同境遇的成因,并在揭示影片的人文内涵的同时探讨了中国电影发行策略上的不足。
3.The new Chinese poetry in Singapore originated in China and its aesthetic tradition could be traced back to traditional Chinese poetry.新加坡华文新诗审美传统与中国诗歌是一脉相承的。
3)traditional aesthetic standards传统审美观
4)the aesthetic tradition of female beauty女性美审美传统
5)traditional aesthetic system传统审美体系
1.Modern arts(includes modernism and the later period modern age) with vangard spirit have disintegrated violently and subverted thoroughly the traditional aesthetic system.一切新生的艺术形态在成为为官方、大众和艺术主流所接纳的既定形态以前,都具备反传统、反官方、反主流的前卫性特征,现代艺术(包括现代主义和后期现代)这一最具前卫精神的发展阶段对传统审美体系同样进行了暴力解构和彻底颠覆。
6)Japanese traditional aesthetics日本审美传统
1.On Japanese traditional aesthetics by Ekumi Kaori;江国香织小说中的日本审美传统

管理审美心理中介管理审美心理中介aesthetic psychological medium of management  个中介系列里面。 (林兆其撰国巫固审)管理审美心理中介(a es止e桩e psyehologiealmedium of management)学校管理的审美因素到师生员工美感渐成的过渡环节,包含审美感觉、审美知觉和审美表象的和谐运动的系列。从美感效应生成的机制来看,管理者所提供的管理中的审美媒介能否作用于师生员工,要受他们审美的历史层次和心理层次所制约,美感效应就是在与这两个中介层次的交融中形成的。个体的审美心理能力是在人类总体审美实践的历史积淀的基础上,通过后天个人的审美活动实践获得、发展和逐步完善起来,并成为审美心理的深层结构。在某次具体的审美活动中,美感效应的形成是心理组织作用的结果。审美心理中介系列里蕴藏着审美主体的巨大能动性。借助于格式塔心理学派的“场”概念,皮亚杰的S一认T)一R公式,即一定刺激(S)被个体同化认)于认知结构(T)中,才能对刺激(S)作出反应(R),对管理美育中的美感反应过程提出如下公式::TS才AT之R。其中,S是管理中美的信息系统,作为刺激丛作用于师生员工大脑。A代表师生员工(受教者)的心理文化结构。T代表其心理组织功能,包括对刺激的顺应和同化功能。R代表美感效应渐成,即美育功效的生成。管理美育作为一种审美心理活动,其作用的发生及取得的效果,奥秘就隐藏在AT这