东正教,Orthodox Church
1)Orthodox Church东正教
1.The Past and Present State of the Spreading of Orthodox Church in Ta City Area of Xinjiang;东正教在新疆塔城地区传播的历史及现状
2.Through a survey of the social background behind “Guillotine”, the paper examines the far-reaching influence of the Russian Orthodox church on the Russian people.本文通过对《断头台》产生的现实社会背景的梳理,分析东正教文化传统对俄罗斯民族深远的影响力;通过艾特玛托夫在作品中的宗教思想探索,分析其与俄国东正教文化传统的相通之处,以及俄国知识分子自由主义东正教思想对艾特玛托夫的影响及其局限性。
3.Religion, Orthodox Church in particular, was hard attacked by the large-scale and much influential anti-religion campaign in the Khrushchev administration.赫鲁晓夫时期,发生了规模巨大、影响广泛的反宗教运动,宗教尤其是东正教受到沉重打击。

1.Of the Eastern Orthodox Church or the rites performed in it.东正教东正教的或其内部宗教仪式的
2.(religion) of or relating to or characteristic of the Eastern Orthodox Church.(宗教)属于、关于东正教的,或有东正教特点的。
3.The beliefs and practices of the Eastern Orthodox Church.东正教堂的信仰和实践
4.Of a Uniat church that maintains the worship of the Eastern Orthodox Church or the rites performed in it.希腊东正教的保持了东正教堂或其内部宗教仪式风格的希腊东正教
5.derived from the Byzantine Church and adhering to Byzantine rites.起源于东仪天主教并且坚持东正教仪式。
6.a religious adviser (not necessarily a priest) in the Eastern Orthodox Church.东方东正教中的(不一定是牧师)宗教上的指导者。
7.Of or relating to any of the churches or rites of the Eastern Orthodox Church.关于或有东正教教堂或仪式的
8.Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Council of North and South America南北美洲希腊东正教大主教管区会议
9.of or relating to an eparchy.属于或关于(东正教的)主教管区。
10.Discussion about Whether Eastern Christianity Culture Should be Listed into Russian Education;“东正教文化基础”能否走进俄罗斯教育
11.A bishop in the Eastern Orthodox Church ranking immediately below a patriarch.督主教东正教中职务低于宗主教的主教
12.(Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church) the act of admitting a deceased person into the canon of saints.(天主教和东正教)接纳死者进入圣人教规的行为。
13.Religion: most people believe in Eastern Orthodox, while a minority believes in Islamism.宗教:主要信奉东正教,少数人信奉伊斯兰教。
14.alkanisat Sharghieh Alghadimeh Talomohamenad塔洛穆罕默德的东正教
15.World Fellowship of Orthodox Youth Organization世界东正教青年组织联谊会
16.Orthodox Constitutional Monarchist Party of Russia俄罗斯东正教君主立宪制党
17.The Study of the Relation between the Orthodox Church and State Power in Russia俄罗斯东正教会与国家政权关系研究
18.The Idea of Eastern Orthodoxy s Saving World in Raspukin s Composition;拉斯普京创作中的“东正教救世”意识

Eastern Orthodoxy东正教
1.The Idea of Eastern Orthodoxy s Saving World in Raspukin s Composition;拉斯普京创作中的“东正教救世”意识
2.Analysis of Relations between Eastern Orthodoxy and Tolstoy s Work;浅谈东正教与托尔斯泰创作之关系
3.The Research on the Revival of Eastern Orthodoxy after the Russian Independence;试论俄罗斯独立后东正教的复兴
3)Orthodox Eastern Church东正教
1.Russian Peasants Belief in the Orthodox Eastern Church;俄罗斯农民的东正教信仰
2.The translation of Confucian books can be traced to the appearance of the Orthodox Eastern Church in China.儒学典籍的译介则自东正教来华始,尔后俄罗斯汉学家一批批精研儒学,蔚为大观。
4)the Orthodox Eastern Church东正教
1.The Spread of the Orthodox Eastern Church;试论东正教在北京的传播
2.The Orthodox Eastern Church and the Early Sino-Russian Cultural Exchange;东正教与中俄早期文化交流
1.A glimpse of Russian Orthodox churches;俄罗斯东正教教堂的文化意义
6)the Orthodox Church东正教
1.Chapter II focuses on the Soviet Union during the Soviet government from 1917 to 1927 in between the Orthodox Church for the implementation of policies and decrees.十月革命前俄国东正教作为俄国的国教,拥有近亿人的信徒,对俄国的政治、经济、文化都有着重要的影响。
2.The Orthodox Church is the product of the Great Schism of the East and West in the history of Christianity.东正教是基督教史上东西教会大分裂的产物。
