1.Behavior of Green Peacock in Breeding Season in Captivity;笼养绿孔雀繁殖期行为观察
2.Time Budget and Activity Rhythm of Great Bustard(Otis tarda) in Captivity during Breeding Season;笼养大鸨繁殖行为的时间分配和活动节律
3.Behavioral Differences of Male and Female Amur Tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) in Captivity;笼养东北虎雌雄行为差异的比较

1.a mixture of seeds used to feed caged birds.种子的混合物,用来喂笼养的鸟。
2.Behavior and Activity Rhythm of Captive Amur Tiger in Spring笼养东北虎春季行为及活动规律观察
3.Nestlings Behavior and Growth of Great Bustard in Captivity;笼养大鸨雏鸟行为和生长发育的研究
4.Reprodutive Behaviors of Assam Macaque (Macaca Assamensis) in Captivity;笼养熊猴(Macaca assamensis)繁殖行为学研究
5.The Research on Social Relation and Food Quantity of Presbytis Francoisi in Captivity;笼养黑叶猴的社会关系和食量的研究
6.Ethologic research on Oriental White Stork Ciconia ciconia boyciana and Black Stork Ciconia nigra in captivity;笼养珍稀鹳类(Ciconiidae)的行为生态学研究
7.The Time Budget of Different Behaviors of Common Crane in Breeding Season in Captivity笼养灰鹤繁殖期行为时间分配的研究
8.Comparative Studies on the Gushi Chicks and Partly External Breeds in the Captive Caged or Free Range Rearing Conditions;固始鸡与部分外来鸡种笼养与放养试验研究
9.Cage layer fatigue is a type of osteoporosis.笼养蛋鸡疲劳症是骨质疏松症的一种类型。
10.Circadian Activity Rhythm of the Two Kinds of Rodents in Captive in Spring笼养条件下两种鼠春季昼夜的活动节律比较
11.Effect of DEB on Performance of Cage-Rearing Ducks of Laying in High Temperature高温环境电解质对笼养产蛋鸭生产性能的影响
12.Study on the Reproduction Behavior of Ciconia ciconia boyciana Raised in Cages in Changsha长沙笼养东方白鹳繁殖行为的初步研究
13.if I keep it with me, I do not have a cage for it.养着它吧,家中没有笼子。
14.A cage is an enclosure for birds.笼子是养鸟的地方。
15.These birds are raised in captivity.这些鸟儿是笼中饲养的。
16.The zoo keepers released the lions from their cage.动物饲养员把狮子从笼子里放出来。
17.A heavy fog had suddenly enveloped the Presidential retreat.大雾突然笼罩了总统的休养地。
18.Annie kept some pigeons in a cage.安妮在笼子里养了几只鸽子。

1.Differences of time budget and activity rhythm of captive and semi-free Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica);笼养和半散放东北虎行为时间分配及活动规律差异的比较
2.Behavior and Activity Rhythm of Captive Amur Tiger in Spring;笼养东北虎春季行为及活动规律观察
3.On the basis of ex-situ conservation of Oriental white storks for years, this paper was referring more research on reproduction of captive Oriental white stork in northern weather conditions in China.本文基于多年来对东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)迁地保护的研究基础上,结合北方地区气候条件,对其笼养繁殖进行了系统的研究,通过试验研究气候条件、食物营养、人工捡卵方式、人工孵化以及育雏等方面对其繁殖成功的影响。
3)caged crucian carp笼养鲫鱼
4)Breeding in large cages大笼群养
1.Effects of Phosphorus Level on Internal Secretion and Bone Density in Old Layers;日粮磷水平对老龄笼养蛋鸡内分泌及骨密度的影响
2.The effects of calcium and phosphorus level on layers bone metabolism were studied by RIA,dual-energy X-ray and scanning electr.用放免技术测定鸡蛋鸡内分泌变化,双能X射线测定鸡骨密度差别,并用扫描电镜观察鸡骨超微结构的区别,以对不同钙磷水平日粮下笼养蛋鸡骨代谢情况进行比较研究。
1.A new clip-cage for Orius spp.experimental studies;一种适合小花蝽实验观察的微养虫笼

家禽笼养系统家禽笼养系统poultry cage-breeding system 杂,垂直方向各笼层之间的环境条件差异较大。阶叠混合式的特点介于阶梯式和叠层式之间,舍饲密度与半阶梯式相近。平置式笼组仅一层禽笼,能使所有家禽处于最佳空气质量的位置,粪便也可直接落人粪沟,便于管理。但舍饲密度低,如取消工作通道以提高舍饲密度,则只能用天车送料和观察,要求机械设备具有相当高的可靠性。对于产蛋鸡应用最广的是叠层式、半阶梯式和阶梯式;对于雏禽、肉禽多是叠层式和重叠量较大的半阶梯式;种禽多为阶梯式、平置式。如果考虑当地的气候条件,寒冷地区和密闭禽舍应尽可能选择舍饲密度大的禽笼组合型式,气温偏高和开放式禽舍条件则应相反。 按照笼架距粪坑高度,又可分为普通式和高床式,前者笼架距粪坑底部约25一40厘米,后者为170一200厘米。高床笼养可简化除粪作业,禽粪可在每年换群时一次清除,但建筑物造价高。 蛋鸡笼和肉鸡笼的发展有几个方面:①蛋鸡笼侧网逐渐由冲压成型薄钢板代替;前网由笼门取代,除底网外,顶网、后网则用贯穿于成型薄钢板的钢丝取代,以简化禽笼的制造和安装,缓解邻笼家禽之间的干扰。或者采用压注塑料隔板取代金属侧网。②产蛋鸡的鸡笼笼底面积有所增加,从而使笼饲密度有所下降。欧洲经济共同体国家的产蛋鸡有80%是按400厘米2/只饲养,有的已增大到450厘米2/只,丹麦、英国等增加更多。因而在每只笼饲养量不变的前提下,鸡笼尺寸有所增大。③由于采用了完善的肉用仔鸡笼的笼底结构和材料,可以完全避免肉鸡胸部囊肿的出现,因而肉用仔鸡笼养的比例将逐年增大。常用的家禽笼养密度见下表。 不同龄与不同用途鸡和鸽的笼养密度┌─────┬───────┬────────┐│家禽种类 │单笼饲养量(只)│笼养密度(只/米2)│├─────┼───────┼────────┤│蛋用雏鸡 │30一50 │34一60 ││蛋用青年鸡│15一30 │28一34 ││产蛋鸡 │ 3一5 │20一26 ││蛋用种鸡 │20一40 │ 8一10 ││肉鸡 │30一50 │25一30 ││蛋用种鸽 │ 2 │ 7一11 ││乳鸽 │ 2 │ 8一10 │└─────┴───────┴────────┘‘吕奥索、成。各网片用直径1.8一3.0毫米低碳钢冷拔钢丝点焊而成,表面镀锌或涂塑。冷镀锌层厚度约0.02毫米,热镀锌层厚度约0.07毫米;涂塑层厚度约0.3一0.5毫米。底网是家禽栖息和活动的底面,为了增加家禽的适舒感,应有较好的弹性。