1.Overview of Reconciliation in Non-Human Primates;非人灵长类和解行为的研究方法与内容
2.Objective:To explore the source relations of different kinds of primates.目的:探讨灵长类不同种属间的亲源关系。
3.Conflict behaviors are popular among the primates.冲突行为在灵长类中普遍存在,通过对灵长类动物冲突和冲突后行为的研究,可以了解灵长类的冲突管理和解决冲突的策略,并由此加深理解人类的冲突与和解行为的演化历史和渊源。

1.high primates(fossil)高等灵长类(化石)
2.The branch of zoology that deals with the study of primates.灵长类学动物学的分支,主要研究灵长目动物
3.The primate queen shares her wildlife inspirations.灵长类女王分享了她关于野生生物的灵感。
4.a primate of the family Hominidae.人科动物中的灵长类动物。
5.communicate by hooting and panting, as of primates.像灵长类通过鸣叫或振动来交流。
6.fossil primates found in India.在印度发现的灵长类化石。
7.leap around playfully, like young primates.象灵长类似的跳跃着前进。
8.the branch of zoology that studies primates.动物学中研究灵长类动物的分支。
9.a primate of the superfamily Hominoidea.人总科的一种灵长类动物。
10.extinct primates; lower Pliocene.上新世后期已灭绝的灵长类
11.Review on Dominance Hierarchy of Non-human Primates非人灵长类社会等级现象的研究进展
12.14 per cent of primate species are highly endangered.14% 的灵长类物种处于高度濒危状态。
13.Spermatogonial Stem Cells in Non-human Primates非人灵长类动物精原干细胞研究进展
14.any of various long-tailed primates (excluding the prosimians).各种长尾巴的灵长类动物(包括原猴亚目)。
15.Nail : Structure made of keratin that grows on the Back of the end of each finger and toe.指甲:人类和灵长类长在各手指与脚趾背面的角质板。
16.primitive primates having large ears and eyes and characterized by nocturnal habits.大耳朵大眼睛、夜间活动原始灵长类动物。
17.And any primate can harbor deadly infectious agents.而且,任何灵长类都潜藏着致死性感染病原物。
18.Superior intelligence and the use of language distinguish man from the other primates.智商高、语言能力强使人区别于其他灵长类

1.Thalamic connection of the supplementary motor area in primate;灵长类运动辅助区的丘脑联系
2.Review on Dominance Hierarchy of Non-human Primates;非人灵长类社会等级现象的研究进展
3)Non human primates非灵长类
4)Primates taxonomy灵长类分类
5)Non-human primates非人灵长类
1.Overview on the relationship between sexual hormone level and sexual behavior expression in non-human primates;非人灵长类性激素水平变化与性行为关系的研究进展
2.Non-human primates,which are extensively used in biomedical researches,play an important role in the study of physiology,pathology,virology,pharmacokinetic,toxicology,reproduction physiology,immunology,genetics,gene engineering drug and biological medicine and so on.非人灵长类实验动物作为人类的“替身”,在生理学、病理学、病毒学、药物动力学、毒理学、生殖生理学、免疫学、遗传学、基因工程药和生物医药等科学研究领域具有无可替代的重要作用。
3.However, there is growing evidence suggesting that both human infants and non-human primates exhibit an initial responsiveness to numbers, including numerical representation and reasoning about numerical quantities.人类的数能力可以发展到很高的抽象水平,但大量研究表明,人类婴儿和非人灵长类也具有基本的数表征和数推理能力。
6)Nonhuman primates非人灵长类
1.Advances on foraging behavioral ecology in nonhuman primates;非人灵长类觅食行为生态学研究进展
2.Nonhuman primates are quite susceptible to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection by aerosol route and to develop a disease resembling to that in humans,including the pathology in the lungs,the progression of the disease,the characteristics of immunologic alterations,the antigen-induced T lymphocyte reactivity both in vitro and in vivo,and get to be protected by BCG vaccination.许多种类的动物都被用于结核病的研究,每一种动物都有其优缺点,非人灵长类对结核分枝杆菌易感,通过气溶胶途径感染能发展成类似人类的疾病,包括肺的病变,疾病的不同进展过程,以及免疫特征。
3.Nonhuman primates were phylogenetic closeness to human being and its ES cell lines are very similar to human.非人灵长类作为与人类亲缘关系最密切的动物,其ES细胞与人类十分接近。
