1.A New Species of Sinocyclocheilus from Yunnan:Sinocyclocheilus aluensis(Cyprinformes:Cyprinidae);云南金线鲃属一新种——阿庐金线鲃(鲤形目:鲤科)
2.Two New Species of Sinocyclocheilus from Eastern Yunnan, China;云南东部金线鲃属二新种记述

1.A New Species of Sinocyclocheilus in Guizhou,China贵州金线鲃属鱼类一新种记述(鲤形目,鲤科)
2.Morphometrics Analysis of Sinocyclocheilus grahami (Cypriniformes:Cyprinidae)滇池金线鲃形态度量学分析(Cypriniformes:Cyprinidae)
3.Artificial Propagation and Larvae Cultivation of Sinocyclocheilus tingi抚仙金线鲃人工繁殖与鱼苗培育技术
4.The adaptive characters on the environment of eight Sinocyclocheilus species in Libo贵州荔波8种金线鲃对环境的适应性特征
5.Biotoxicity Effect Studies on Heavy Metals (Copper, Zinc and Mercury) in Spinibarbus Sinensis;重金属(铜、锌和汞)对中华倒刺鲃生物毒性效应的研究
6.Feeding Changes and Growth Performance of Sinocyclocheilus grahami (Pisces, Barbinae) Larvae and Juveniles in Farm Environment池塘养殖环境下滇池金线鲃仔稚鱼的食性转化与生长
7.Any of several Old World freshwater fish of the genus Barbus, especially B. barbus, having four barbels on its upper jaw.鲃鱼一种东半球鲃属淡水鱼类,尤指上颚处有四条触须的鲃鱼
8.any of various Old World freshwater fishes of the genus Barbus or Puntius and related genera.一种东半球鲃属或须鲃属及有关科属的淡水鱼类。
9.A cable, rope, string, cord or wire.绳,索,线,金属线,电线
10.metal-plate lens(天线) 金属板透镜
11.A loop, as of metal, rope, or thread.金属圈,绳圈,线圈
12.a straight bar of light metal with a spirit level in it.里面有水平线的轻金属的直金属条。
13.The metal can be made to thread or the shape of any necessaries.金属能制成金属线或任何需要的形状。
14.metal(lic) delay lens(天线)金属延迟透镜
15.Constrained metal-plate lens antenna约束金属板透镜天线
16.multioutlet metal tube work多引线金属管敷设工程
17.Bend the end of the wire down将金属线端弯下去。
18.wrapping and unwrapping test of metallic wire金属线材缠绕、松懈试验

1.A New Species in Cave of Blind Sinocyclocheilus from Yunnan,China (Cypriniformes:Cyprinidae);云南洞穴盲金线鲃一新种(鲤形目:鲤科)
2.The adaptive characters on the environment of eight Sinocyclocheilus species in Libo贵州荔波8种金线鲃对环境的适应性特征
3.This paper describes a new species of the genus Sinocyclocheilus , which was collected from the cave Jiuxu in Hechi City of Guangxi,China.描记广西河池市九圩镇一地下河中的金线鲃属一新种,以标本采集地命名为九圩金线鲃,新种Sinocyclocheilus jiuxuensis Li et Lan,sp。
3)Sinocyclocheilus grahami滇池金线鲃
1.Preliminary Report on the Successful Breeding of the Endangered Fish Sinocyclocheilus grahami Endemic to Dianchi Lake;云南滇池濒危特有种滇池金线鲃人工繁殖初报(英文)
2.Morphometrics Analysis of Sinocyclocheilus grahami (Cypriniformes:Cyprinidae)滇池金线鲃形态度量学分析(Cypriniformes:Cyprinidae)
3.Feeding Changes and Growth Performance of Sinocyclocheilus grahami (Pisces, Barbinae) Larvae and Juveniles in Farm Environment池塘养殖环境下滇池金线鲃仔稚鱼的食性转化与生长
4)Sinocyclocheilus rhinocerous犀角金线鲃
5)Sinocyclocheilus aluensis阿庐金线鲃
1.A New Species of Sinocyclocheilus from Yunnan:Sinocyclocheilus aluensis(Cyprinformes:Cyprinidae);云南金线鲃属一新种——阿庐金线鲃(鲤形目:鲤科)
6)Sinocyclocheilus tingi抚仙金线鲃
1.Artificial Propagation and Larvae Cultivation of Sinocyclocheilus tingi抚仙金线鲃人工繁殖与鱼苗培育技术
2.The native fishes of Lake Fuxian, Spinibarbus yunnanensis, and Sinocyclocheilus tingi were selected as the experimental fishes in this paper.本实验以云南高原湖泊特有鱼类云南倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus yunnanensis)和抚仙金线鲃(Sinocyclocheilus tingi)作为研究对象,研究了抚仙湖云南倒刺鲃和抚仙金线鲃的年龄、生长、繁殖特征;用PCR产物直接测序法测定了抚仙金线鲃三个群体共33个个体的线粒体D-loop区部分片段的序列,结合冯建国(2002)提供的滇池金线鲃(Sinocyclocheilus grahami)七个群体共175个个体的D-loop区部分序列进行分析,探讨了抚仙金线鲃的遗传多样性;根据七个云南高原湖泊近年渔获物的变化情况,探讨了云南土著鱼类的变化特征和濒危的原因。

抚仙金线鲃 俗名: 金线鱼、洞鱼、波罗鱼 产地及产期: 分布于抚仙湖。 介绍: 体长,侧扁。头细长,头后背部显著隆起。吻尖。口端位。须2对,发达,吻须短,颌须可伸达眼后缘的下方。鳞细小,侧线鳞约70,稍大于体鳞,背鳍刺较细,后缘锯齿细弱。  分散栖居于深水。主食浮游动物及小虾。体型较小,一般体重100g左右,最大250g。产量不高,但肉质细嫩,味鲜美,为云南特有的名贵鱼类。