1.Environmental Adaptation of Pelagic Polychaeta in the East China Sea;东海浮游多毛类环境适应分析
2.Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis of Marine Sedentary Polychaeta;海洋底栖多毛类的分子系统发育学研究
3.This paper analyzes the relationship of the distribution of species, biomass and density of Polychaeta with the environmental factors, including salinity, water temperature and sediment type.根据1998~2002年胶州湾10个站各季度大型底栖动物调查结果,讨论了多毛类环节动物在各站出现种数、生物量、栖息密度与环境因子的关系。

1.genus of soft-bodied polychete marine worms.柔软身体的多毛类的一属。
2.Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis of Marine Sedentary Polychaeta;海洋底栖多毛类的分子系统发育学研究
3.type genus of Terebellidae; tube-forming marine polychete worms with many filamentous tentacles.蛰龙介科的模式属;有许多丝状触手的海产菅巢多毛类蠕虫。
4.Taxonomic Studies on Marine Scoticociliates, Hymenostomatids and Hypotrichs (Protozoa: Ciliophora)海洋纤毛虫的多样性研究:盾纤类、膜口类及腹毛类
5.Biodiversity of the Marine Ciliates: Gymnostomata, Hypostomata, Suctoria, Spirotrichea海洋纤毛虫的多样性研究:裸口类、下口类、吸管类、旋唇类
6.Resource, Diversity and Taxonomy of Endophytic Pestalotiopsis on Camellia Sinensis in Hangzhou;杭州茶内生拟盘多毛孢资源、多样性及分类研究
7.Studies on the Biodiversity of Sessile Peritrichous Ciliates of Qingdao Coast;青岛沿海固着亚目缘毛类纤毛虫的生物多样性研究
8.any of numerous hairy-bodied insects including social and solitary species.多数身上有毛的昆虫,包括群居和独居的种类。
9.The Genetic Diversity of Dendrolimus Tabulaeformis in Forests of Different Stand Types;不同林分类型油松毛虫种群遗传多样性研究
10.The Studies of Species and Variety on Trichoptera in Altai Area of XinJiang;新疆阿勒泰地区毛翅目昆虫种类及多样性研究
11.The Studies of Species and Variety on Trichoptera in North of Tianshan Mountains;新疆天山北部毛翅目昆虫种类及多样性研究
12.Genetic Diversity of Some Species of Dendrolimus (Lepidoptera) and the Influence of Environmental Factors;松毛虫属部分种类遗传多样性及影响因素研究
13.Studies on Polysaccharides of Hairy Roots of Transformed Polygomum Multiflorum Thunb.转基因何首乌毛状根中多糖类成分的初步研究
14.any of numerous relatively small elongated soft-bodied animals especially of the phyla Annelida and Chaetognatha and Nematoda and Nemertea and Platyhelminthes; also many insect larvae.多种相关的细长软体小动物,特别是环虫类、毛颚类、线虫类和扁形虫类;也包括许多昆虫的幼虫。
15."They have quite a variety now, mostly silks. I've seen them," Chueh-hsin replied promptly.“是的,种类很多,是毛葛一类的,”觉新毫不迟疑地答道。
16.The sparrow is quite familiar to human beings. It has a brownish or grayish plumage and includes various species.麻雀是很常见的鸟类,羽毛呈浅棕色或浅灰色,种类很多。
17.Resource and Polyphasic Taxonomy of Lachnum and the Related Genera from Anhui;安徽粒毛盘菌属及其相关类群资源与多相分类研究
18.common erect hairy perennial of plains and prairies of southern and central United States having sunflowerlike flowers.美国南部和中部草原产的多毛的多年生草本植物,花类似向日葵。

1.Distribution of Polychaete in Minnan-Taiwan Shoal Fishing Ground;闽南-台湾浅滩渔场多毛类的分布
2.Studies on polychaete ecology on the mudflat of the intertidal zone in Shenzhen Estuary;深圳河口泥滩多毛类动物的生态研究
3.Polychaete ecology in soft-bottom in western Taiwan Strait;台湾海峡西部海域软质海底多毛类的生态
1.Phylogenetic analysis of polychaetes based on sequences of 18S rDNA and COⅠsegments;多毛类18S rDNA和COⅠ基因序列片段及其分子系统发育研究
2.Relationship between environmental factors and temporal and spatial variation of benthic polychaetes in intertidal flats of Jiaojiang estuary椒江口潮间带多毛类动物时空分布与环境因子的关系
3.Studies on reproduction and life cycle of polychaetes were reviewed in this paper.概述了国内外对多毛类生殖和生活史方面的研究 ,将多毛类生活史的研究分阶段性研究和系统性研究两方面进行了综
5)benthic polychaeta底栖多毛类
1.Preliminary study on ecology of benthic polychaeta in Quanzhou Bay and its adjacent waters;泉州湾及其附近海域底栖多毛类生态的初步研究
6)Coastal waters of Taiwan浮游多毛类
