1.Advances in the genetic studies of juvenile granulosa cell tumors;卵巢幼年型粒层细胞瘤的遗传学研究进展

1.A young or small plant.小植物,植物幼苗幼年的或小型的植物
2.ABES Association for Childhood Education International幼年教育国际协会(幼教协会)
3.a strict religious upbringing幼年时严格的宗教教育
4.He became a monk in his childhood.他幼年便出家当了和尚。
5.osteochondritis deformans juvenilis幼年变形性骨软骨炎
6.A young salmon during its first two years of life, when it lives in fresh water.幼鲑处于前两岁阶段,尚生活在淡水中的幼年
7.The untanned hide of a small or young animal, such as a calf.幼兽皮未鞣制的小动物或幼年动物(如小牛)的皮
8.Like a man, a political party has its childhood, youth, manhood and old age.像一个人一样,有他的幼年、青年、壮年和老年。
9.abduction of female infant or any young person or child拐带女幼年人、任何少年人或儿童
10.A Histological Observation on Young and Grown-up Guinea Pig Cochlea幼年及成年豚鼠的耳蜗组织学观察
11.young bird esp. of domestic fowl.年幼的鸟,尤指年幼的家禽。
12.The young of herring and similar fish.幼鲱年幼的鲱鱼和类似的鱼
13.He was exempt from charges by virtue of his youth/of being so young/of the fact that he was so young.他因年幼而获得免费.
14.A young person, animal, or plant.年幼的人、动物或植物
15.When I was very young, I had the misfortune to lose my father.我在年幼时,不幸丧父。
16.Is it for the royal child?替那年幼的王子吗?
17.She lost her parents while she was very young.她年幼时便失去了双亲。
18.a two-month-old leopard cub一只年仅两个月的幼豹

1.Some words and phrases expressing the conception of infancy in the Epitaph of the Tang Dynasty are from literary quotations cited from The Book of Songs,The Book of Rites,Tso Chuan and other history records and old scripts.唐代墓志中表幼年的词语,有一部分是由用典产生的。
3)of tender age.年幼
4)juvenile[英]['d?u:v?na?l][美]['d?uv?nl?]①幼年的 ②少年
5)juvenile stage幼年期
1.[Objective] To explore the effect of low-level lead exposure on the testicle tissue and hormone of male rabbits in juvenile stage.[目的]探讨幼年期低水平铅暴露对雄性幼兔睾丸组织和内分泌激素的影响。
6)Infant rat幼年大鼠
1.Effect of bifldobacteria on the antioxidation in Infant rats with endotoxin-induced injury;双歧杆菌对内毒素损伤幼年大鼠抗氧化作用的影响

幼年1.谓年纪幼小。 2.指年幼者。