1.Species of Thais from China coasts (gastropoda: Muricidae);中国近海荔枝螺属的研究(腹足纲:骨螺科)
2.This paper deals with a new species of the genus Thais Roeding,1798 collected from the coast of Zhejiang Province.笔者在整理浙江沿海荔枝螺属Thais Roeding,1798标本时,经形态分类方法和分子生物学方法鉴定发现1新种,即大渔荔枝螺Thais(Stramonita)dayunensis sp。

2.The Assessment on the Contents of the Metals Element in Thais gradata蛎敌荔枝螺体内8种金属元素含量及评价
3.A Chinese tree(Litchi chinensis)that bears bright red fruits, each of which has a large single seed with a white, fleshy, edible aril.荔枝树一种中国树种(荔枝属荔枝)所结的鲜红的果实都有一个大核和白色、多肉、可食用的假种皮
4.The Study of Karyotype and Sex-determining Gene in Imposex Thais Clavigera;性畸变疣荔枝螺染色体及性别决定基因的研究
5.Study on the Molecular Mechanism of Organotin-induced Imposex in Thais Clavigera;有机锡致疣荔枝螺性畸变的分子机制研究
6.Effect of Trunk Spiral Girdling on Young‘Guiwei'Litchi's Photosynthesis and Transpiration during Fruit Development Period螺旋环剥对荔枝果期光合和蒸腾作用的影响
7.type genus of the Annonaceae; tropical American trees or shrubs.番荔枝科模式属;热带美洲一个乔木或灌木属。
8.Immunohistochemical-Localization of Opioid Growth Factor in Organs of Thais Clavigera and Its Effect on the Development of Thais Clavigera阿片生长因子在疣荔枝螺体内的分布及对其生长发育的影响
9.A new species of Glyptapanteles Ashmead Foerster attacking litch fruit borer Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley (Hymenoptea:Braconidae)寄生荔枝蒂蛀虫的刻绒茧蜂属一新种(膜翅目:茧蜂科)
10.The results are as follows: (1)The spatila distribution for the adult of litchi stink bug belongs to the aggregated distribution;结果表明:(1)荔枝蝽成虫的空间分布属于聚集分布;
11.Isoenzymatic Analysis of Several Species of Annona(Annona spp.)几种番荔枝属果树的酯酶和多酚氧化酶同工酶分析
12.It was the best time for litchi honey though.吃鲜荔枝蜜,倒是时候。
13.Asian fruit similar to litchi.类似荔枝的亚洲水果。
14.Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre [Correctional Services Department]荔枝角收押所〔惩教署〕
15.Forecast of occurrence of Conopomopha sinensis Bradley at fruiting stage of litchi荔枝蒂蛀虫在荔枝果期的预测预报方法
16.ISSR Analysis on Cultivated Types and Semi-wildaccessions Lychee in Hainan Province;海南栽培荔枝与半野生荔枝种质的ISSR分析
17.Any of several other plants, especially those with fruits suggestive of the apple, such as the crab apple or custard apple.苹果属植物其它几种这样的植物,尤指苹果状果实的,如酸苹果树或番荔枝树
18.Characteristics of Flowering and Fruit Drop in New Cultivar Litchi chinensis ‘Caomeili’优质荔枝新品种‘草莓荔’开花与落果特性观察

Thais clavigera疣荔枝螺
1.Spectral Analysis and Study of the Microsome Cytochrome P450 Aromatase of Thais clavigera;疣荔枝螺微粒体细胞色素P450酶系的光谱分析
2.Study on protection of activity of endogenous enzymes system in imposex sample of Thais clavigera;性畸变疣荔枝螺体内保护酶系统活力的研究
3.Application of imposex in Thais clavigera to monitoring of marine organotin compound pollution;用疣荔枝螺性畸变监测海洋有机锡污染的方法初探
1.luteostoma and T.利用扫描电镜对3种荔枝螺属种类-疣荔枝螺、黄口荔枝螺和瘤荔枝螺的齿舌进行观察。
4)Annona Linn番荔枝属
1.Karyotypes of Three Species in Annona Linn.番荔枝属3个资源树种的核型分析
5)Thais luteostoma黄口荔枝螺
1.Toxic effect of two heavy metals on Thais luteostoma and its influential factors;两种重金属离子对黄口荔枝螺的毒性及其影响因素的研究
2.The chromosome from Thais clavigera consist of eleven pairs of metacentric and a pair of acrocentric one and that of Thais luteostoma s includes ten pairs of metacentric,one pair of submetacentric and one pair of acrocentric of chromosomes.黄口荔枝螺Thaisluteostoma2n=24,包括10对中央着丝粒染色体,1对亚中着丝粒染色体和1对端部着丝粒染色体;性畸变个体的染色体的形态有所改变,但数目没有变化。
6)Thais gradate蛎敌荔枝螺

拉丁名: Thais clavigera Kuster 英文名: dog whelk, rock whelk 俗名: 辣螺 纲目: 骨螺科 介绍: 贝壳小型,呈纺锤形,壳质坚厚。一般壳高2~3厘米。螺层约6层,疣状突起的有5列。整个壳面密布螺肋和细密的生长线。壳表面为灰绿色和黄褐色,常杂以白色条纹。壳内面黄白色,外唇内侧黑紫色。 经济价值: 我国南北沿岸及舟山各岛屿沿岸均有分布,为岩相潮间带最习见螺类之一。以藤壶、双壳贝类为食。