1.Morphological Diversity of Mayfly Nymphs and its Adaptive Derivation;蜉蝣稚虫形态多样性及其适应性变化

1.A Preliminary Taxonomic Study on the Potamanthidae from Mainland of China (Insecta: Ephemeroptera);中国大陆河花蜉科初步分类研究(昆虫纲:蜉蝣目)
2.A Preliminary Study on the Leptophlebiidae from Mainland of China (Insecta: Ephemeroptera);中国大陆细裳蜉科初步研究(昆虫纲:蜉蝣目)
3.Any of various fragile winged insects of the order Ephemeroptera that develop from aquatic nymphs and live in the adult stage no longer than a few days.蜉蝣蜉蝣纲的各种有纤细翅膀的昆虫,由水生的蛹发育而成,成年期仅存活几天
4.In May 1911 the Mayfly was found to lack sufficient lift to get airborne.一九一一年五月,发现“蜉蝣号”飞艇的升力不足。
5.The Concept of Life and Death in Book of Poetry;从《曹风·蜉蝣》说开来——浅论《诗经》中的生死观
6.Theme inquiry into two songs of Book of Songs;生命的感叹与思索——《曹风·蜉蝣》、《唐风·蟋蟀》意旨探微
8.Mayflies, after hatching and then spending one to three years developing as naiads, live only one day as adults.蜉蝣孵化出来后有1---3年作为稚虫生长,作为成虫只活一天。
9.a larva of an insect with incomplete metamorphosis (as the dragonfly or mayfly).处于未完全发育截断的昆虫的幼虫(如蜻蜓或蜉蝣)。
10.The life cycle of mayflies consists of four stages: egg, nymph, subimago, and imago.蜉蝣的生命周期由四个阶段组成:卵,蛹,亚成虫,成虫。
11.Taxonomy of Fossil Ephemeroptera from Late Mesozoic in China, with Comments on Succession of Aquatic Insect Community中国中生代晚期蜉蝣目化石研究及水生昆虫群落演替分析
12.Then there is spring, the season for simpering adolescents, May flies and impressionable poetasters.再说春天吧。 那是乐呵呵的小青年,多愁善感的三流诗人和蜉蝣的季节。
13.You hold all that it can give or take away was the midge that the sun-blink brings out, and the evening wind sweeps away.你认为人世间的得失不过是朝生暮死的蜉蝣,早晨的阳光孕育了它,一阵晚风又把它一扫而光。
14.An errant May-fly swerved unsteadily athwart the current in the intoxicated fashion affected by young bloods of May-flies seeing life.一只漂在水上的蜉蝣,学着那些放荡不羁的纨绔子弟的样子,在河里横冲直撞地游着。
15.like ants trying to shake a huge tree, ridiculously overrating themselves; They were merely like ants trying to shake a giant tree. How they overrated themselves!蚍蜉撼大树, 可笑不自量。
16.A fishing fly having this color.具有此种颜色的蜉蚍的亚成虫
17.Ants on the locust tree assume a great-nation swagger; and mayflies lightly plot to topple the giant tree.蚂蚁缘槐夸大国,蚍蜉撼树谈何易
18.The aquatic nymph of certain insects, such as the mayfly, damselfly, or dragonfly.稚虫某些昆虫的水生蛹,如蜉游、豆娘或蜻蜓

mayfly naiad蜉蝣稚虫
1.Species distribution and community structure of mayfly naiads in one site respond to the local aquatic environmental condition closely.报道了北京地区几条主要河流蜉蝣稚虫的种类分布,探讨了其群落结构特征及其与水体环境质量之间的关系,运用种类多样性指数和聚类分析方法对各水体质量状况进行分类评价,结果表明白河和拒马河质量为最好,其余依次为永定河、清水河上游、潮河和清水河。
1.The genus Cinygmina (Ephemeroptera:Heptageniidae) in China, with a description of a new species;中国似动蜉属及一新种记述(蜉蝣目:扁蜉科)(英文)
2.Three New Species of the Genus Caenis from Hong Kong, China (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae);中国香港细蜉属三新种记述(蜉蝣目:细蜉科)(英文)
3.The Genus Rhithrogena Eaton (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) from Chinese Mainland, with Description of a New Species;中国大陆溪颏蜉属Rhithrogena分类研究及一新种描述(蜉蝣目:扁蜉科)(英文)
4)Ephemera sp蜉蝣(Ephemerasp.)
1.The Description of Five Ephemera Species Larvae (Ephemeroptera:Ephemeridae);蜉蝣属Ephemera五种稚虫描述
2.Two new synonyms: Ephemera serica Eaton, 1871 (= E.我国大陆蜉蝣蜉蝣属Ephemera中的张家界蜉E 。
