1.Foraging habitat selection by sympatric Temminck’s tragopan and blood pheasant during breeding season in southwestern China;繁殖季节同域分布的红腹角雉和血雉的觅食生境选择
2.ampelophaga Guerin-Meneville are sympatric related flea beetles distributed in Beijing.ampelophaga Guerin-Meneville是在北京地区同域分布的两种跳甲,它们外部形态极为近似,为同属近缘种,且都取食蔷薇科蔷薇亚科的植物,被认为是研究昆虫和寄主关系演化的典型材料。

1.Comparison of activity budgets of sympatric Franois’ langurs and Assamese macaques同域分布黑叶猴和熊猴的活动时间分配比较
2.Status, Conservation and Some Ecological Aspects of Sympatric Tibetan Brown Bear and Snow Leopard on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China;青藏高原同域分布的藏棕熊、雪豹生存状态、保护及其生态学研究
3.Diets and Coexsistence of Two Sympatric Morphologically Similar Horseshoe Bats Using Similar Echolocation Calls;同域分布的2种形态和声波相似菊头蝠的食性及共存
4.Pollination Ecology of Two Sympatric Primula Specie (Primulceae)同域分布的偏花报春和海仙报春的传粉生态学研究
5.Dietary Overlap between Sympatric Mongolian Gazelle and Sheep/Goat in Dalaihu Region达赉湖地区蒙原羚与同域分布家羊的食物重叠研究
6.Genetic Diversity, Gene Introgression and Homoplasy in Natural Sympatric Populations of the Genus Actinidia;猕猴桃属植物自然居群的遗传多样性及其同域分布物种的杂交渐渗与同塑
7.A Distributed Wide-area Synchronized Parallel Processing Platform for Power System Monitoring and Control;电力系统分布式广域同步并行处理平台研究
8.Distributed Coordinated Transfer Capability Computation of Interconnected Electric Power Systems;区域互联电力系统输电能力分布式协同计算
9.Characteristics of vegetation types and distributions around the Red River,Vietnam越南红河流域区不同沉积环境的植被分布
10.Study on species abundance distribution of Orchidaceae in Fujian Province福建兰科植物不同区域物种多度分布研究
11.Distributed Coherent Dynamic Equivalent for Multi-area Interconnected Power Systems;区域互联电力系统同调动态等值的分布式协同计算方法
12.Relationship Between Traditional Chinese Medical Syndrome Pattems end Associated Factors in Essential Hypertension Patients from Different Regions不同地域高血压病患者中医证型分布特点及相关因素分析
13.Occurring in separate, nonoverlapping geographic areas. Often used of populations of related organisms unable to crossbreed because of geographic separation.异域种的分布在不同地区的,分布区不重叠的,常指由于地理分隔而不能杂交的相关生物的族群
14.in some classifications coextensive with family Laminariaceae: marine brown algae of cold or polar seas.在某些分类中,与昆布科同延;产于寒冷或极地海域的褐色藻类。
15.Domain Name Service protocol. It searches for resources using a database distributed among different name servers.域名服务协议。它利用分布在不同服务器上的数据库搜索资源。
17.Compartments of cyclic adenosine monophosphate are regulated differentially by phosphodiesterase Ⅲ and Ⅳ in canine trachealis 1磷酸二酯酶同工酶Ⅲ和Ⅳ调节气管平滑肌环腺苷酸的区域化分布
18.Organic Carbon Distribution in the Yangtze River Estuary-Hangzhou Bay and Its Adjacent Sea Area长江口—杭州湾及其邻近海域不同粒级沉积有机碳分布特征

3)regional distribution地域分布
1.Regional distribution of rice grain quality in climatic transitional regions from north to south China.;我国南北气候过渡地区稻米品质的地域分布
2.On the change of the regional distribution of Overseas Chinese;海外华人地域分布变化特征及原因
3.A Study on the Regional Distribution of Chinese Ancient Doctors;中国古代医家的地域分布研究
4)regional distribution区域分布
1.Study on regional distribution of land surface parameters and components of surface radiation balance over South Ningxia;宁南地区地表特征参数及辐射平衡区域分布
2.The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment Regional Distribution to China s Regional Economic;论外商直接投资区域分布对我国地区经济格局的影响
3.Research on regional distribution of universities and colleges:from the view of population and GDP;我国高校的区域分布研究:基于人口、GDP的视角
5)geographic distribution地域分布
1.We can clearly see the development of Confucian culture in Taiwan in Qing Dynasty from the changeover of geographic distribution of those admitted in the Imperial examination,which was promoted by the migrants to Taiwan and the economic development of Taiwan.从清代台湾科举考试中举人的地域分布变迁,可以明晰整个儒学文化的发展变化,这一变化是由清代台湾移民和其自身经济发展的变化所促成的。
6)distribution domain分布域
1.The distribution domain of isomeric kinds of G(4) is denoted by R(v,n).讨论了有固定的最大度△=4和n个顶点的一类无自环,无向、连通平面图G(△)的异构类的分布域R(v,n)(圈秩v=1---n+1)的三种情况,从而获得R(v,n)的A型、B型和C型的分布定理,并举例说明分布域在图论和碳氢化合物上的应用。
