3)Tytonidae;barn owls草鸮科

1."Any of several species of nocturnal Birds of prey (genus Tyto), sometimes called monkey-faced owls because of their heart-shaped facial disk and absence of ear tufts."草鸮科草鸮(Tyto)属猛禽的通称。面盘心形,无耳羽,故又称猴面鸮。
2.type and only genus of the family Tytonidae.草鸮科的典型且唯一的属。
3.An investigation of Chixiao in Bin Feng as a Signifier and Its Possible Signified《诗·豳风·鸱鸮》“鸱鸮”释名与语指诸说辩证
4.The eagle owl nests on the ground, among rocks.雕鸮在地上筑巢 尤其是在石块之间
5.Ninox novaeseelandiae undulata [Norfolk Island boobook owl]布布克鹰鸮诺福克岛亚种
6."Chixiao" and Its Influence on Allegory Poems in Han Dynasty;《鸱鸮》及其对汉代寓言诗赋的影响
7.Any of various plants of the genus Myosotis, such as the forget - me - not.勿忘草属任一种紫草科属植物,如勿忘我草
8.Annual broadleaf and grass weeds are major problems.主要杂草是一年生阔叶杂草和禾本科杂草。
9.North American herbs of the buckwheat family.蓼科荞麦属的北美草本。
10.The members of the grass family considered as a group.草禾本科植物的总称
11.sometimes placed in subfamily Trilliaceae.有时被归为延龄草科内。
12.Weed Science Society for Eastern Africa东非杂草科学研究学会
13.Cooperation Centre for Scientific Research Relative to Tobacco烟草科学研究合作中心
14.treelike tropical Asian herbs.树状亚洲热带草本科。
15.Tibetan People in Sangke Plain,1996桑科草原藏族风情,1996
16.leguminous plant grown for hay or forage.长大后用作干草或草料的豆科植物。
17.From The People in the Ke erqin Prairie to The People in the Prairie;从《科尔沁草原的人们》到《草原上的人们》
18.Two New Synonyms of Ophiorrhiza subrubescens Drake(Rubiaceae)变红蛇根草(茜草科)的二个新异名

3)Tytonidae;barn owls草鸮科
1."Chixiao" and Its Influence on Allegory Poems in Han Dynasty;《鸱鸮》及其对汉代寓言诗赋的影响
5)oilbird;[Latin] Steatornis caripensis油鸱;大怪鸱
6)Tyto alba仓鸮
1.A new record of bird species in GuangxiTyto alba;广西鸟类新纪录——仓鸮

草鸮科  鸮形目的 1科。体长305~534毫米;头骨狭长,宽不及长的 2/3;面盘完整,下方变狭,呈心脏形;中爪具栉缘;有草鸮属和栗鸮属2属,共10种。广布全球。中国有仓鸮、草鸮和栗鸮3种,见于云南、贵州、广东、广西、福建及安徽南部。本科的代表种为草鸮,数量最多,分布最广,见于非洲、印度、东南亚、菲律宾和澳大利亚;中国见于云南、贵州、广东、广西、福建、安徽和台湾。脸盘呈辉棕色。眼的前上方有一黑褐色斑。上体两翅的覆羽和三级飞羽均为鲜亮的黑褐色,各羽近端处大都具一棕色或白色细点;后颈的羽缘亦为棕色,且特别显著。尾羽和两翅的飞羽均棕色,具若干黑褐色狭形横斑,羽端更杂以褐色斑驳。下体为鲜丽的淡棕色,尾下覆羽近白。胸和两胁均满布小褐点。栖于山麓草地,觅食小型鼠类、鸟类、蛇、蛙和昆虫等。卵产于平地长草间。因嗜食小型鼠类和昆虫而对农业有益,但也捕食一些有益动物。