1.The larvae of the red sea bream differentiate their swimbladder 1-30 days after hatching.采用组织切片和显微观察方法,对孵化后1~30d的真鲷(Pagrusmajor)仔稚鱼的发育与分化发育进行了研究。

1.slender cylindrical marine fishes lacking air bladders and teeth.无或齿的长圆型海水鱼的一个属。
2.Certain fishes have a swim bladder which aids in diffusion of gases.有些鱼有,它有助于散布气体。
3.Any of several marine food fishes of the genera Menticirrhus and Merluccius, including the corbina and the silver hake, of North American coastal waters.银无须鳕,小鳍鳕任一种无石首鱼属和无须鳕属的海产食用鱼,包括无石首鱼和银无须鳕
4.Studies on the Age and Growth、Reproduce Biology of Xenophysogobio Boulengeri Tchang;异鳅鮀的年龄与生长、繁殖生物学研究
5.Glucose Biosensor Based on Glucose Oxidase Immobilized on a Swim Bladder Membrane;基于鱼膜的葡萄糖氧化酶生物传感器的研究
6.Peptides from Variegated Carp (Aristichthys nobilis) Swim Bladder: Fermentation Production and Assessment of Antioxidant Properties发酵法制备鱼多肽及其抗氧化活性研究
7.Study on Molecular Identification and Pharmacology of Hemostasis Action for Isinglass鱼的分子鉴别及其止血作用的药理学研究
8.Any of several similar or related fishes, indigenous to the Pacific Ocean.无石首鱼,月鱼太平洋产的几种相似或有亲缘关系的鱼之一
9.Molecular Phylogeny and Divergence Time Estimations of Some Groups of Ostariophysan Fishes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi);骨鱼类若干类群的分子系统发育和分化时间估算
10.Determination of Echinacoside Content in Yupiaobushen Pills by High Performance Chromatography高效液相色谱法测定鱼补肾丸中松果菊苷的含量
11.Any of various distensible membranous sacs, such as the urinary bladder or the swim bladder, that serve as receptacles for fluid or gas.膀胱,囊一种可膨胀有膜囊状物,如膀胱或,作为储存液体或气体的器官
12."bladder:any of various distensible membranous sacs, such as the urinary bladder or the swim bladder, that serve as receptacles for fluid or gas."膀胱,囊:一种可膨胀有膜囊状物,如膀胱或,作为储存液体或气体的器官。
13.A transparent, almost pure gelatin prepared from the air bladder of the sturgeon and certain other fishes and used as an adhesive and a clarifying agent.鱼胶;牛皮胶一种从鲟鱼或其它鱼类的中提取的透明,几乎纯净的明胶,用作粘合剂或净化剂
14."Fish generally respire through gills. Most Bony fishes have a swim Bladder, a gas-filled organ used to adjust swimming depth."一般是经由鳃呼吸。大部分硬骨鱼有,这是源于消化管的憩室,司控制浮力或为辅助呼吸器官。
15.A fish has a swimming bladder inside it-that is, a sack containing air.If it wants to dive deep down and stay down, it squeezes out some of the air and lets in water.鱼肚里有鱼,也就是盛空气的袋子,如果它要潜下深水不上来时,就吐出一些空气,把水换进去。
16.an order of animals including almost entirely freshwater fishes: characins; loaches; carp; suckers; sometimes classified as a suborder of Ostariophysi.包含几乎所有淡水鱼的一个目;热带淡水鱼;泥鳅;鲤鱼;鲤属鱼;有时被归为骨目的一个亚目。
17.Phylogenetic Relationships of Eurasian Catfishes (Otocephala: Siluriformes) and Divergence Time Estimates for Major Otocephalan Clades;欧亚大陆鲇形目鱼类系统发育与骨下区鱼类分化时间估计及其起源与演化过程研究

swim bladder鳔
1.This paper describes the histological development of the gill, pseudobranch and swim bladder of the white achama by use of the technology of histological section and microscopy.本文应用切片和显微技术,对短盖巨脂鲤鳃、伪鳃和的胚后发育的组织形态学进行了研究。
3)fish maw鱼鳔
1.Fish maw and fish glue (1) The basic composition and performances of fish maw;鱼及其鱼胶粘剂(一)鱼的基本组成与性能
2.Three different kinds of fish maws were selected in the experiment.实验选择三种不同的鱼 ,分别考查了胶液固体含量与粘度的关系 ,粘温特性和固体含量与折射率的关
4)swim bladder鱼鳔
1.Determination and analysis of content of inorganic salts in swim bladders;鱼中无机盐含量测定分析
2.Study on food nutrient contents and preparation of nutrient liquid of swim bladder in Muraenesox cinereus;海鳗鱼营养成分分析及鱼营养液的研制
3.Isinglass is a kind of gelatin made from fish swim bladder and can be used in many fields,which introduces the new study of isinglass.用十二烷基硫酸钠 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳 (SDS PAGE)法检测 ,从鱼中提取的明胶的α1组份的含量可达到总组份含量的 50 %以上 。
5)ossicula Weberi鳔骨
6)isinglass; fish glue鳔胶
