1.Cytochrome b Complete Sequences and RAPD Analysis of the Phylogenetic Relationships among the Fishes of the Genus Macropodus斗鱼属鱼类亲缘关系的Cyt b基因序列和RAPD分析
2.Combine mitochondrial DNA sequence with polymorphism data of nuclear genome,mitochondrial cytochrome b(Cyt b)sequencing and random amplified polymorphie DNA(RAPD) technique were applied to study the molecular systematics of 4 species in genus Macropodus in China:M.erythropterus)四种斗鱼属鱼类的系统发育关系。

1.Cytochrome b Complete Sequences and RAPD Analysis of the Phylogenetic Relationships among the Fishes of the Genus Macropodus斗鱼属鱼类亲缘关系的Cyt b基因序列和RAPD分析
2.Of or belonging to the Dipnoi.肺鱼的或属于肺鱼的
3.a soft-finned fish of the family Gadidae.属于鳕鱼科的软鳍鱼。
4.torpedo warhead extension鱼雷战斗部的延伸部分
5.He wrestled an alligator.他与一条鳄鱼搏斗。
6.The Guanyin Bodhisattva is fighting against the turtle.观音菩萨正和鳌鱼搏斗。
7.any of various genus of fish.各种鱼属的任意一个属。
8.fighting chair搏斗椅, 钓鱼椅(牢固钉在船上供钓鱼者与上钩的鱼搏斗的坐椅)
9.Any of various flatfishes, especially a flounder of the genus Paralichthys.鲽鱼一种比目鱼,尤指牙鲆属鲽鱼
10.Any of several fishes of the family Cottidae, such as the sculpin and the miller's thumb.鲇鱼科,杜父鱼科属于杜父鱼科的鱼,如杜父鱼和鲇鱼
11.Any one of various freshwater sunfishes of the genus Lepomis and related genera, such as the bluegill.太阳鱼一种太阳鱼属及相关属的淡水太阳鱼,如蓝鳃太阳鱼
12.Yellow bettas are also called Non-red( NR) Bettas. This mutated gene causes the alteration of red pigment to yellow.黄斗鱼又称为非红斗鱼,基因的突变让红色素转黄。
13.Any of several fishes of the genus Epinephelus of Atlantic waters, related to and resembling the groupers.石斑鱼大西洋产的几种石斑鱼属鱼类,和鲶科鱼有关或象鲶科鱼
14.any of numerous small silvery North American cyprinid fishes especially of the genus Notropis.多种银色北美鲤科小鱼,尤指棱鱼属鱼类。
15.White白: even white colour over the body and the fins, with a light iridescent effect. The colour of the eyes is black.白色:斗鱼鱼身、鳍颜色较白,带有淡淡红晕效果。鱼眼色黑。
16.type genus of the Scombridae.鲭鱼科的一个模式属。
17.type genus of the Osmeridae.胡瓜鱼科的一个模式属。
18.type genus of the Istiophoridae.旗鱼科的一个模式属。

fish hopper鱼斗
3)Macropodus opercularis叉尾斗鱼
1.Observation on the Breeding Behavior of Macropodus opercularis;叉尾斗鱼繁殖行为的观察
2.Gill histopathology of Heteronchleidus(Monogenea:Ancyrocephalidae) infection in Macropodus opercularis;叉尾斗鱼关睾虫(单殖亚纲)病的鳃组织病理学研究
4)Macropodus chinensis圆尾斗鱼
1.RAPD was employed to assess the genetic variations of Macropodus chinensis populations distributed in three geographical colonies:Xiangjiang river,Yiyang river,and Yuanjiang river systems.为进一步开发和利用圆尾斗鱼,并为保护圆尾斗鱼种质资源提供分子水平上的依据,以湘江、益阳和沅江三个地理种群圆尾斗鱼的基因组DNA为材料,进行遗传多样性的RAPD分析。
2.Macropodus chinensis is the first registed in Hainan Island, China.报道9种采自海南岛尖峰岭保护区(天池,海拔820m)山间小溪流的小型淡水鱼类,其中圆尾斗鱼Macropoduschinensis(Bloch)在海南岛是首次报道,为海南岛新记录。
3.The Macropodus chinensis is a new record of Ningxia fish which distributes inYinchuan suburbs.圆尾斗鱼系宁夏鱼类动物新纪录,分布于银川郊区,体长40mm,为体高的3倍,头长的3。
5)unloading hopper卸鱼斗
6)Siamese fighting fish暹罗斗鱼

斗鱼属  鲈形目斗鱼科的 1属。本属鱼类通称斗鱼。因喜斗而得名。体长椭圆形,侧扁。尾柄不明显。仅前鳃盖骨无锯齿;鳃盖膜愈合,不连于鳃峡;鳃上腔内有瓣状辅助呼吸器官。背鳍基一般短于臀鳍基,二鳍均有较多鳍棘,前者第三至四鳍条,后者第六至七鳍条延长;腹鳍胸位,第一鳍条延长呈丝状;尾鳍上下叶均延长。体侧有10余条蓝绿色横带纹,带纹之间暗红;头侧略红;自吻端经眼至鳃盖有1褐条纹,其上下在眼后又各有1条;鳃盖后角有1暗绿色圆斑,边缘或有黄边;背鳍与臀鳍灰黑而有红边;腹鳍第一鳍条及尾鳍红色。雌鱼体色较暗。分布于亚洲东南部。中国有2种,即叉尾斗鱼(见图),分布于长江及以南各省;圆尾头鱼,分布于辽河到珠江流域。朝鲜亦产。    喜栖居于小溪、河沟、池塘、稻田等缓流或静水中。雄鱼好斗,产卵期集草成巢,雄鱼口吐粘液泡沫,雌鱼产卵其中,卵浮性,受精卵在泡沫内孵化。雄鱼尚有护卵和护幼现象。一般作观赏用。