亲子鉴定,paternity testing
1)paternity testing亲子鉴定
1.Behind the Law Lacking --Research on several problems in paternity testing lawsuit;法律缺位的背后——亲子鉴定诉讼中的若干问题探讨
2.Methodology for prenatal paternity testing (with report of 23 cases);产前亲子鉴定方法研究(附23例报告)
3.Results The paternity testing involving doubted mis-exchanging accounted for 0.方法对1997年1月至2006年12月,12例怀疑婴儿错换亲子鉴定案例进行分析。

1.Analyze difference of paternity testing between single-parent group and double-parent goup;单亲与双亲亲子鉴定结果的比较分析
2.Exclusion of 15 Short Tandem Repeat Markers in Duo Paternity Testing;15个STR在单亲亲子鉴定中的排除分析
3.Consideration of one-parent paternity testing and related legal problems: analysis of 275 cases.;单亲亲子鉴定及其法律问题思考——附275例单亲鉴定分析
4.Paternity Identification by using Amniotic Fluid and thinking about its Social Problems --With 28 case analyses of amniotic fluid paternity test;羊水亲子鉴定及其社会问题思考——附28例羊水亲子鉴定分析
5.Study on Paternity Test of Populus Alba Linn. × Ulmus Pumila Linn. and Filial Generation Utilization;银白杨×白榆亲子鉴定及子代利用研究
6.Applying Microsatellites DNA to Identify the Paternity of Holstein;应用微卫星DNA对Holstein奶牛进行亲子鉴定
7.Usefulness of identifiler kit in parentage testing;Identifiler体系在亲子鉴定中的应用分析
8.The application of STR loci genescan in paternity testing;STR位点基因扫描在亲子鉴定中的应用
9.The evaluation of PowerPlex~?6 used in paternity testing;PowerPlex~(TM) 16体系在亲子鉴定中的应用评估
11.The Evaluation of Identifiler~(TM) System in Paternity TestingIdentifiler~(TM)系统在亲子鉴定中的应用评估
12.identification in disputed paternity亲权鉴定/亲子鉴定。 应用医学及生物学有关理论 和技术,判断父母与子女是 否亲生关系。
13.The calculation of PI value in case of paternity testing of alleged parents;双亲皆疑亲子鉴定STR分型亲权指数计算方法探讨
14.Restrictions on Paternity Test by the Principle of the Best Interests of the Child子女最佳利益原则对亲子鉴定程序启动的限制
15.The research progress of DNA molecular markers on paternity verification of animalsDNA分子标记在动物亲子鉴定中的研究进展
16.The Retrospective Analysis of 610 Paternity Testing Cases --Discussion of the Subtle Relationship between Paternity Testing and of Society and Family;610例亲子鉴定回顾性分析——探讨亲子鉴定与社会家庭问题的微妙关系
17.Studies of Related Molecule Marker on Litter Size and Parentage Test in Arctic Fox;北极狐亲子鉴定及产仔数相关基因的研究
18.Application of Microsatellite DNA in Parentage Testing of Liangshan Semi-fine Wool Sheep;微卫星DNA在凉山半细毛羊亲子鉴定中的应用

Parentage identification亲子鉴定
1.By assaying 9 microsatellite DNA loci,parentage identification was carried out to confirm whether the F1 hybrid of two species of mithun(Bos frontalis)×Brahman cattle(Bos indicus)existed.利用9个微卫星座位对一例大额牛与婆罗门牛杂交后代进行亲子鉴定,所有座位都呈孟德尔共显性遗传,计算的父权相对机会为99。
2.Parentage identification of filial generation tea plants, which derived from "Yunnan Daye Cha" (C.ptilophylla)进行人工杂交所获得的F1代植株进行了亲子鉴定
3)paternity test亲子鉴定
1.The paternity test technology should receive certain limits in the legal application.亲子鉴定技术在法律上的应用应受到一定限制。
2.In recent years, more and more litigations related to parental relationships, which involve paternity test, have been brought into courts.近年来,涉及亲子鉴定的亲子关系诉讼案件越来越多,而我国在亲子鉴定方面的法律规范却几乎处于空白状态,给法院在审理亲子鉴定案件时如何正确适用法律增加了难度。
4)Parentage testing亲子鉴定
1.Studies and Application of DNA Polymorphism on Animal Parentage testing;DNA多态在动物亲子鉴定中的应用
2.Parentage testing may give rise to a series of ethic problems about relationship,marriage,property,reputations,and so forth.亲子鉴定会引起一系列有关亲情、婚姻、财产、名誉等多方面的伦理问题,为了确保鉴定的公正性,必须建立健全各项规章制度,从严掌握各项操作规程。
3.In this article the advantages and defects of the use of microsatellite DAN in livestock parentage testing are summarized and its applied prospects is also made.概述了微卫星 DNA用于亲子鉴定的优点及存在的缺陷 ,并对未来的应用前景作了展
1.The application of STR loci genescan in paternity testing;STR位点基因扫描在亲子鉴定中的应用
2.Application and Research Progress of Microsatellite DNA in Animal Paternity;微卫星DNA在动物亲子鉴定中的应用及研究进展
3.Microsatellite DNA is characterized by its length polymorphism,so it is widely used in the individual paternity.微卫星DNA因具有长度多态性这一特点,而被广泛应用于个体的亲子鉴定
6)duo paternity test单亲亲子鉴定
1.Analysis of duo paternity testing;单亲亲子鉴定的分析研究

亲子鉴定亲子鉴定identification in disputed paternity 又称“亲权鉴定”。应用遗传学与医学的理论、技术,对有争议的父母与子女是否属亲生关系进行鉴定。鉴定方法主要包括红细胞血型、酶型和白细胞的HLA(人类白细胞抗原)型。此外,还应参考父母性交和生殖能力、受孕日期及容貌等进行。