利他行为,altruistic behavior
1)altruistic behavior利他行为
1.The thinking of nursing altruistic behaviors under the market economy;市场经济条件下护理利他行为的思考
2.The Evolutionary Models and Simulation for the Reciprocate Altruistic Behavior;互惠利他行为的演化模型与仿真
3.Social capital theory provides a possible mechanism which can break through non-cooperative game dilemma from three aspects: collective action dilemma,information asymmetry and reciprocity altruistic behavior.社会资本理论在解决集体行动困境、信息共享以及互惠利他行为三个方面提供了走出非合作博弈困境的可能。

1.But I wasn't just being altruistic.不过,我这不仅仅是一种利他行为
2.Research on Altruistic Behaviors of Top Class Children in Kindergarten;大班幼儿生活活动中利他行为之研究
3.Genes and Altruism--A Biological Interpretation of Ethics;基因与利他行为——道德的生物学解释
4.The thinking of nursing altruistic behaviors under the market economy;市场经济条件下护理利他行为的思考
5.Analysis the probability of benefit-other-behavior from "Bedroom tragedy";由“寝室的悲剧”看利他行为的可能
6.Altruist and Egoist Behaviors and Externality;利他行为·利己行为·外部性——对当前赞助活动的一个经济学解释
7.The Altruistic Behavior of Modern Social Work:A Social Welfare Analysis现代社会工作的利他行为:一个福利分析
8.On Endogenetic Preference for Altruism Behaviors and Its Implications to Economics;作为内生偏好的利他行为及其经济学意义
9.They considered her behaviour a shameful piece of snobbery.他们认为她为人势利, 行为可耻.
10.He cannot avail himself of such acts as are beneficial to him and repudiate those which are detrimental.他不能仅仅追认那些对他有利的行为而否认那些不利于他的行为。
11.Rule 84 Any of the following is an act of passing off the patent of another person as one's own:第八十四条 下列行为属于假冒他人专利的行为:
12.This misbehavior will go against his chance of promotion .这一错误行为将不利于他提升的机会。
13.His selfish conduct reflects on him.他的自私行为对自己的名声不利。
14.He also drew cartoons for popular magazines including Life and Vanity Fair.他还为流行杂志如《生活》和《名利
15.He proceeded to open negotiations looking toward the surrender of Italy.他着手进行谈判,为意大利投降作准备。
16.I'm interested in his proceedings.他的行为与我有利害关系。
17.His fight for freedom and privilege and restitution was not over yet.他为自由、权利、复业的斗争还在进行。
18.His behavior is injurious to the interests of the vast majority of people.他的行为有损于大多数人民的利益。

1.Is human altruism a result of senses or a product of experience? Based on the modern biological evolutionary theory,social biology,from the perspective of genes,makes a tentative study of the formation of human altruism,emphasizing the kin selection s decisive role in the act of absolute altruism.人类利他行为究竟是理性的产物还是经验的产物呢?社会生物学以现代生物进化论为基础,从基因的角度探讨人类利他行为的形成,强调亲缘选择对绝对利他行为的决定作用,同时通过进化博弈说明人类的文明源于相对利他行为的出现。
2.In this study, 92 children from age 3 to age 5 were selected to explore the causal relationships among children s social inhibition, types of parents authority and altruism by lab experiments, video analysis and questionnaires.采用实验室实验和问卷法相结合的方法,以92名3~5岁幼儿为被试,着重探讨了社会抑制性与父母教养方式对幼儿利他行为的影响。
3.This paper presents the definition,theovies and determinants of altruism.本文简要论述了利他行为的概念,理论及其决定因素。
3)altruism behavior利他行为
1.The results showed that teachers organizational citizenship behavior consists of five factors,namely,school identification,altruism behavior,conscientiousness,interpersonal harmony,resources protecting.研究结果表明:教师组织公民行为由学校认同、利他行为、责任意识、人际和谐和资源保护等五个因素构成;职称和学校等级对教师的组织公民行为有显著影响;高级职称教师的组织公民行为高于低级职称教师;省一级学校教师的组织公民行为高于市一级学校教师,而市一级学校教师的组织公民行为高于区一级学校教师。
4)behavior of benefiting for others on internet网络利他行为
5)Altruistic behavior tendency利他行为倾向
6)The New Opinion of Altruistic Behavior"利他行为"新解
