生态优势度,ecological dominance
1)ecological dominance生态优势度
1.The results showed that the species composition, dominant species construction and species richness of the reconstructed area had nearly approached the original vegetation area by over 20 years of small watershed reconstructing, and its ecological dominance was apparently higher t.结果表明:人工恢复治理区经过20余年的小流域治理,其植被的区系组成、优势种组成和物种丰富度已接近原生植被区,生态优势度则显著高于退化未治理区和原生植被区,但其生活型谱、水分生态类型组成特征与未治理区相似而与原生植被区差异较大,均匀度和信息多样性指数则低于退化未治理区和原生植被区。
2.In this paper,the diversity and ecological dominance as well as succes- sion degree of twenty-four plant communities in the north shore of Qing- hai Lake are measured on the basis of Shannon-Wiener index,Simpson index and succession degree formula.本文通过用 Shannon—Wiener 多样性指数、Simpson 生态优势度指标及演替度公式,测定了青海湖北岸24个群落的物种多样性、生态优势度和演替度,定量研究了植物群落的组成结构和演替程度。
3.An ecological dominance was measured of plant communities after the forest fire onAmur of Mt,Daxinganling, by means of Simpson Index.本文以Simpson指数,测定了大兴安岭阿木尔林区火灾后植物群落的生态优势度
2)ecological advantage生态优势
1.Depending o n the favorable natural ecological advantage such as sufficient water resources ,suitable heat resources and favorable soil environment ,the branch of bureau enforced the strategy of trademark,set up producing base for organic food and p roduced top quality products.分局依托充足的水资源、适宜的热量资源、优良的土壤环境等良好的自然生态优势以及先进的科学技术,实施品牌战略,建立绿色食品生产基地,生产优质产品,将地源优势转变为经济优势,在走可持续发展的生态之路上迈出了新的一步。
2.The potential advantages lie mainly in the ecological environment and are the prerequisite for the development of green economy,which in turn sustains,strengthens and expands the ecological advantages.区域经济研究以区位要素和区位优势分析为基础 ;后发优势主要体现在生态环境上 :生态优势是发展绿色经济的基础和保证 ,发展绿色经济又能维护、巩固的扩大生态优势。

1.On the Ecological Advantages of the Chinese traditional Oral Operas;口口相传“和(hùo)实生物”——试论口语戏曲生态优势
2.The Physiological and Ecological Research about the Dominant Species in Han-jiang River Ditom Bloom;汉江硅藻水华优势种生理生态学研究
3.The Situation and Comparative Advantage and Problems and Countermeasures of Grain Product of the Three Provinces That Is He Bei and Shan Dong and He Nan;冀、鲁、豫三省粮食生产的态势、优势、问题与对策
4.The Situation and Comparative Advantage and Problems and Countermeasures of Grain Product of the Three Provinces in East-north Areas;中国东北三省粮食生产的态势、优势、问题与对策
5.Industry s Developmental Research of Fragile Ecosystem Advantage of the Karst;喀斯特脆弱生态区优势产业开发研究
6.Grasp the Overall and Take Good Advantage Actively Promote the Construction of Ecological Province Forestry;聚优借势 积极推进林业生态省建设
7.Advantage of Ecological Tourism Resources and its Development in Guizhou;贵州生态旅游资源优势及其发展对策
8.The Behavioral Ecology Perspective on the Competitive Advantages of the Enterprise Clusters;企业集群竞争优势的行为生态学透视
9.Advantage of ecological tourist trade and developmental strategy in Benxi,Liaoning,China;本溪市生态旅游业的优势及发展对策
10.Giving full play to the resource advantage and developing ecology effect economy;发挥资源优势 发展生态效益型经济
11.Analysis of the Superiority of Ecological Tourism Resources in the Typical Areas of Zhang and Cheng;张承典型区域生态旅游资源优势评析
12.Analyse Only-child’s Advantages and Disadvantages Under the Attitude of Treating Equally without Discrimination一视同仁态度下独生子女优劣势分析
13.Study on Population Dynamic and Community Dominance Species Niche of Quercus Liaotungensis;辽东栎种群动态及其群落优势种生态位研究
14.Analysis on Superiority Value and Dominance Degree of Various Components of Vegetable Field Ecosystem in Liaoning Province辽宁省菜田生态系统组分优势值与系统优势度分析
15.Studies on the Population Ecology of Dominant Population in Secondary Pinus Massoniana and Acacia Confusa Forests in Coastal Area;沿海马尾松相思次生林优势种群生态学研究
16.Advantages of Zhalong Ecological Resources in Biology Teaching and Research;扎龙生态资源在生物教学与科研中的优势
17.Rely on the Resource Advantage of Heilongjiang Land Reclamation Area to Actively Develop Eco-tourism依托黑龙江垦区资源优势积极开展生态旅游
18.Man's agricultural activities have become the dominant ecological force.人类的农业活动已成为优势的生态力量。

ecological advantage生态优势
1.Depending o n the favorable natural ecological advantage such as sufficient water resources ,suitable heat resources and favorable soil environment ,the branch of bureau enforced the strategy of trademark,set up producing base for organic food and p roduced top quality products.分局依托充足的水资源、适宜的热量资源、优良的土壤环境等良好的自然生态优势以及先进的科学技术,实施品牌战略,建立绿色食品生产基地,生产优质产品,将地源优势转变为经济优势,在走可持续发展的生态之路上迈出了新的一步。
2.The potential advantages lie mainly in the ecological environment and are the prerequisite for the development of green economy,which in turn sustains,strengthens and expands the ecological advantages.区域经济研究以区位要素和区位优势分析为基础 ;后发优势主要体现在生态环境上 :生态优势是发展绿色经济的基础和保证 ,发展绿色经济又能维护、巩固的扩大生态优势。
3)heterotic ecotype优势生态型
1.The classification of heterotic ecotypes was based on the general combining ability(GCA)and special combining ability(SCA).以6个不同生态型的52份籼型水稻品种为亲本,以生态型为单位进行双列杂交,研究了供试生态型亲本的一般配合力和各生态型之间杂交组合的特殊配合力,并据此分析了籼型水稻优势生态型。
2.Four photoperiod (themo ) sensitive genic male sterile rice lines, pei ai64s,N422s,108s,LS2s were crossed with 12 ecotypes of Asian cultivated rice to select heterotic ecotypes of two line japonica hybrid rice in north China based on the analysis of F 1s yield.结果发现 ,培矮 6 4 s与爪哇稻、华北育成粳、韩国地方粳、韩国育成粳、南方育成粳、东北育成粳、东北地方粳等为强优势配对模式 ;南方地方籼、光壳稻、华北地方粳、新株型籼稻、南方育成籼、华北育成粳等为 N4 2 2 s的优势生态型 ;南方地方籼、华北地方粳、韩国地方粳、新株型籼稻等是 10 8s的优势生态型 ;L S2 s与爪哇稻、华北地方粳、华北育成粳等配组优势较强。
4)heterotic ecotypes优势生态型
1.To select heterotic ecotypes of two-line hybrid rice in Yunnan based on the analysis of F_1s yield and their components,3 photoperiod-(themo-) sensitive genic male sterile rice lines(PSMS),namely Pei ai 64s,Shuguang 612s and 95076s,were crossed with 4 ecotypes of Yunnan indica and japonica subspecies,i.农作物杂种优势群或杂种优势生态型研究可有效地指导杂种优势亲本组配和利用。
2.The re- sults indicated that Korea indica rice,South China indica rice and Taihu indica rice were considered as heterotic ecotypes in this study,Korea indica rice×South China indica rice and Taihu indica rice×South China indica rice were regarded as the heterotic patterns in this study.以6个不同生态型的52份籼型水稻品种为亲本,以生态型为单位进行双列杂交,研究了杂种 F1产量及其相关性状的中亲优势和超标优势,以杂种优势值作为划分优势生态型的依据。
5)superior econiche优势生态位
6)Dominance of production生产优势度

比较优势与竞争优势关系  比较优势是由土地、劳动、资本、自然资源等基本生产要素决定的,它属于低层次的竞争力;而竞争优势主要与知识、管理、人力资本、企业家才能等要素相关,属于较高层次的竞争力。拥有比较优势并不能说明一定拥有竞争优势,而拥有竞争优势才能算得上拥有真正的比较优势。  比较优势更多的强调各国产业发展的潜在可能性,是一种潜在的竞争力,它表现为一国的要素禀赋,所以比较优势是静态的,难以改变的;而竞争优势则更多的强调各国产业发展的现实状态,是一种现实的竞争力,它表现为知识技术等的构成,是一种动态的,可以改变的竞争力。  比较优势和竞争优势可以相互转化。一国具有比较优势的产业往往易于形成较强的国际竞争力,即比较优势可以成为竞争优势的内在因素,促进国际竞争力的提高。竞争优势一般会加强一国的比较优势,使比较优势扩大化。  比较优势和竞争优势是相互依存的。一国的比较优势要通过竞争优势来表现,即使是具有比较优势的行业,如果没有国际竞争力,也无法实现其比较优势;反之,缺乏比较优势的行业,一般也很难形成较强的竞争优势。  比较优势和竞争优势的本质都是生产力的比较,都强调的是各国产业间突出的优势。所不同的是比较优势强调的是各国不同产业之间的生产率的比较,而竞争优势强调的是各国相同产业间的生产率差异。