三亚湾,Sanya Bay
1)Sanya Bay三亚湾
1.Monitoring and Analysis of Key Water Quality Parameters in Sanya Bay;三亚湾海域关键水质因子的监测与评价
2.Contents of heavy metals in coral Porites in Sanya Bay and their environmental significance;三亚湾滨珊瑚中的重金属及环境意义
3.Distributions of chlorophyll a concentration and abundances of total bacteria and coliform in the waters of Sanya Bay and Yulin Bay, Hainan;海南省三亚湾和榆林湾海水中叶绿素a浓度、总细菌和大肠杆菌的丰度与分布

1.Investigation and Evaluation on Environmental Quality in Sanya Bay三亚湾海域环境质量现状调查与评价
2.Kempinski Resort& Spa Sanya is located in beautiful Sanya Bay at the southern most tip of Hainan Island.三亚凯宾斯基度假酒店地处于海南岛最南端风景美丽的三亚湾
4.Holiday Inn Resort Yalong Bay, Sanya is located on the most popular Chinese beach resort in Yalong Bay, Sanya, Hainan Island.三亚亚龙湾假日度假酒店地处中国最著名的度假海滩—海南岛三亚市亚龙湾度假区。
5.brilliant landscape at Yalong Bay:Design of Sheraton Hotel Sanya亚龙湾一道亮丽的风景:三亚喜来登酒店设计
6.Study on the Development and Management Model of Yalong Bay Holiday-making Resort,Sanya and Its Enlightenment;三亚亚龙湾度假区开发管理模式研究及启示
7.The government has targeted Sanya and Yalong Bay as major resorts areas.政府的目标是把三亚和亚龙湾发展成重要的度假区。
8.Comparative Study on Coastal Resorts Morphology and Development: Yalong Bay,Dadong Hai,Haipo as Case Studies;三亚海滨度假区形态及经营绩效比较研究——亚龙湾、大东海、海坡案例
9.Technology application of ice-storage district cooling in Sanya Yalong Bay Resort District三亚亚龙湾旅游度假区冰蓄冷区域供冷技术的应用
10.The primary coastline of the port was bedrock embayment and composed of Mesozoic granite.三亚港原始岸线为基岩港湾海岸,由中生代花岗岩构成。
11.But three African countries were rated higher: Benin, Namibia and Mauritius.但是三个非洲国家:贝宁湾、纳米比亚和毛里求斯排名更高。
12.Numerical Simulation of the Flow Field and Material Field Using a Three Dimensional Model: Application to the Sea Nearby Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station;大亚湾核电站海域三维分层潮流场和物质场数值模拟研究
13.Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Action Plan红海和亚丁湾行动计划
14.Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Environment Programme红海和亚丁湾环境方案
15.Regional Fishery Committee for the Gulf of Guinea几内亚湾区域渔业委员会(几内亚湾渔委会)
16.The third EOF shows Guinea Gulf upwelling and north equatorial downwelling peak in June-July.第三模态表征的是几内亚海湾上升流和赤道北部下降流在6~7月强度达到最大。
17.Situated on a quiet" island" in the crowded city, Yujingwan Garden boasts of its unique geographic position.大亚湾"渝景湾花园"闹中取静,地理位置得天独厚。
18.Exploitative Degree Evaluation of Bay Based on PVS Framework--A Case Study of Daya Bay基于PVS的海湾开发利用程度评价——以大亚湾为例

Sanyawan Bridge三亚湾大桥
1.Making the Sanyawan Bridge as a project example,make dynamic analyse to the bridge using FEM software ANSYS,and make an spot dynamic test on the bridge,at last,the theoretic result is basically the same as the test result.以海南三亚湾大桥为工程实例,用有限元分析软件ANSYS对大桥进行了动力分析,并进行了现场动载试验,所得理论分析结果与实验结果基本一致,说明应用大型有限元分析软件ANSYS进行车桥动力相互作用理论分析是基本可行的。
3)Daya Bay大亚湾
1.Study of typical organochlorine pesticides bioaccumulation and influence factors in Daya Bay;大亚湾海域典型有机氯农药生物累积特征及变化因素研究
2.GIS-based comprehensive assessment of marine ecological environment quality in Daya Bay;基于GIS的大亚湾海域生态环境质量综合评价
3.Population dynamics of Chaetoceros spp. and multivariate analysis of its relationship with environmental factors in Daya Bay, South China Sea;大亚湾角毛藻细胞数量波动及其与环境因子关系的多元分析
4)Yalong Bay亚龙湾
1.Coastal Resorts Morphology:Yalong Bay,Dadong Hai,Haipo,Sanya,Hainan Province as Case Studies;三亚海滨度假区形态研究——以亚龙湾、大东海、海坡为例
2.Comparative Study on Coastal Resorts Morphology and Development: Yalong Bay,Dadong Hai,Haipo as Case Studies;三亚海滨度假区形态及经营绩效比较研究——亚龙湾、大东海、海坡案例
3.Study on the Development and Management Model of Yalong Bay Holiday-making Resort,Sanya and Its Enlightenment;三亚亚龙湾度假区开发管理模式研究及启示
5)the Guinea Gulf几内亚湾
6)Gulf of Aden亚丁湾

三亚湾东起三亚港,二十里长的滨海大道依湾绵延,椰树成林西行延伸至天涯湾。人道十里银滩美,可比起这二十里椰林画廊,就大巫见小巫了!放眼望去,东、西玳瑁洲(俗称东岛、西岛)两座小岛浮于海 中,相邻而望,东岛驻军戒备森严,西岛渔家出入自由,相邻的小岛承担的却是不同的使命。三亚湾东临港口、市区一带,因生活污水的污染,海水、沙滩大不如前,目前正在进行海湾整治,暂不适合游泳。西边海坡度假区,沙滩质地柔软,海水洁净,是游泳的好去处。日落时分,红霞满天,不远处,传来渔民铿锵有力的节奏声,“一、二、三”,十几二十人正在奋力地拉着拖网。不想赶海吗?快加入这拉网大军中,体验真实的渔家生活。可别以为只是拉拉网这么简单,一张网长有百米,拉一次网要2、3小时,下午拉网,晚上8点左右才把网拉上来。在大东海、亚龙湾拉网已经是不允许的,只有在三亚湾才见得到渔家拉网的生活点滴。拉网的收获实行平均分配,再分别由渔夫的妻女拿到附近的迎宾大道的小渔市售卖,在那可吃到鲜活的海鲜烧烤和海鲜火锅。