乌梢蛇,Zaocys dhumnades
1)Zaocys dhumnades乌梢蛇
1.High Specific PCR Identification of Zaocys dhumnades and Its Adulterants;高特异性PCR方法鉴别乌梢蛇及其混淆品
2.The effects of Zaocys Dhumnades(Cantor) hydrolysate on the inflammatory cytokines and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the collagen-induced arthritis(CIA);乌梢蛇水解液对炎性和抗炎性细胞因子的作用

1.Comparative Studies on the LDH Isozymes of Several Tissues in Elaphe Taeniura and Zaocys Dhumn Ades黑眉锦蛇和乌梢蛇几种组织中乳酸脱氢酶同工酶的比较研究
2.Conclusion: SZD can positively adjust the immune function.结论:乌梢蛇血清对机体免疫功能具有正向调节作用。
3.Studies on Annual Histology and Immunocytochemistry of Female Procreation System of the Zaocys Dhumnades;乌梢蛇雌性生殖系统年周期的组织学及免疫细胞化学研究
4.Studies on Annual Variation in Histology and Immunocytochemistry of the Male Reproductive System of Zaocys Dhumnades;乌梢蛇雄性生殖系统年周期的组织学和免疫细胞化学研究
5.Effect of Type Ⅱ Collagen Protein Extracted and Purified from Zaocys on Rat with Adjuvant Induced Arthritis (AA)乌梢蛇Ⅱ型胶原蛋白提取和纯化及对AA大鼠干预作用的研究
6.Effects of Proteins from Zaocys Dhumnades on Apoptosis,Proliferation and the Expression of wt-p53 and bcl-2 mRNA in Vitro Cultured FLS乌梢蛇蛋白对滑膜细胞增殖、凋亡及wt-p53/bcl-2 mRNA表达的影响
7.The Effect of the Type Ⅱ Collagen Protein from Zaocys on Cytokines Production by Synoviocytes in Rats with Adjuvant Arthritis乌梢蛇Ⅱ型胶原蛋白对大鼠佐剂型关节炎滑膜细胞因子的作用
8.Microstructural Changes on Granulosa Cells during Follicular Development in Zaocys dhumnades乌梢蛇卵泡不同发育期颗粒细胞的显微结构变化
9.Clinical Study of Treating Diabetic Peripheral Neuritis(DPN) Wifh Wuqitangmo Capsule Methylcobalamin;乌芪糖末胶囊弥可保治疗糖尿病末梢神经炎的临床研究
10.CE said his theme this year was "revitalization of the economy". Do you think the policies announced this year could revitalize the economy of Hong Kong?特首话?诩戎魈庀怠刚裥司?谩梗?闳衔?衲攴⒈砑日?呖蛇砜梢哉裥讼愀奂染?媚?
11.CE said his theme today was "revitalization of the economy". Do you think the policies announced today could revitalize the economy of Hong Kong?特首话?诩戎魈庀怠刚裥司?谩梗?闳衔?袢辗⒈砑日?呖蛇砜梢哉裥讼愀奂染?媚?
12.A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Hydra and Corvus.巨爵座南天球的一个星座,位于长蛇座和乌鸦座附近
13.any cold-blooded vertebrate of the class Reptilia including tortoises turtles snakes lizards alligators crocodiles and extinct forms.爬行纲的冷血的脊椎动物,,包括乌龟、蛇、晰蜴、鳄鱼和已灭绝的形式。
14.Once the ban was lifted, all sorts of plays about ghosts and monsters such as The Story of a Haunted Black Basin and Retribution by the God of Thunder appeared on the stage.现在一放,什么《乌盆记》、《天雷报》,什么牛鬼蛇神都跑到戏台上来了。
15.Geochemical Characteristics of Wushaoling Ophiolites in North Qilian and Their Tectonic Significance北祁连乌鞘岭蛇绿岩地球化学特征及其构造意义
16.Study on effect and protection of administration of ulinastatin in patients suffering from venomous snake bite蝮蛇咬伤患者早期应用乌司他丁的治疗作用研究
17.Suddenly the old woman moved towards us, her black eyes full of dangerous cleverness like a snake.这位老女人突然移动朝向我们,她那乌黑的眼睛充满著恐怖的聪明就像一只蛇。
18.Purification, Molecular Cloning and Gene Analysis of Ussurin,a Novel Platelet Agglutination-inhibited Metalloproteinases/ Disintegrin from Gloydius Ussuriensis;乌苏里蝮蛇具抑制血小板聚集活性的金属蛋白酶分离纯化及基因信息学分析

1.Harmful Elements in Commercial Zaocys;乌梢蛇商品药材中有害元素分析
2.Research on Content Comparison of Total Phospholipids in Zaocys;商品药材乌梢蛇中总磷脂含量的比较研究
3.The Effect of the Type Ⅱ Collagen Protein from Zaocys on Cytokines Production by Synoviocytes in Rats with Adjuvant Arthritis乌梢蛇Ⅱ型胶原蛋白对大鼠佐剂型关节炎滑膜细胞因子的作用
3)black snake乌鞘梢蛇
4)Z.dhumnades serum乌梢蛇血清
5)Zaocys carinatus黑网乌梢蛇
6)Zaocys nigromarginatus黑线乌梢蛇

乌梢蛇【通用名称】乌梢蛇【其他名称】乌梢蛇 乌梢蛇 拼音名:Wushaoshe 英文名:ZAOCYS 书页号:2000年版一部-59 本品为游蛇科动物乌梢蛇Zaocys dhumnades (Cantor) 的干燥体。多于夏、秋二 季捕捉,剖开蛇腹或先剥去蛇皮留头尾,除去内脏,盘成圆盘状,干燥。 【性状】 本品呈圆盘状,盘径约16cm。表面黑褐色或绿黑色,密被菱形鳞片;背 鳞行数成双,背中央2~4行鳞片强烈起棱,形成两条纵贯全体的黑线。头盘在中间,扁 圆形,眼大而下凹陷,有光泽。上唇鳞8枚,第4、5枚入眶,颊鳞1枚,眼前下鳞1 枚, 较小,眼后鳞2 枚。脊部高耸成屋脊状。腹部剖开边缘向内卷曲,脊肌肉厚,黄白色或 淡棕色,可见排列整齐的肋骨。尾部渐细而长。尾下鳞双行。剥皮者仅留头尾之皮鳞, 中段较光滑。气腥,味淡。 【浸出物】 照醇溶性浸出物测定法项下的热浸法(附录Ⅹ A)测定,用稀乙醇作溶 剂,不得少于12.0%。 【炮制】 乌梢蛇 去头及鳞片,切寸段。 乌梢蛇肉 去头及鳞片后,用黄酒闷透,除去皮骨,干燥。 酒乌梢蛇 取净乌梢蛇段,照酒炙法(附录Ⅱ D)炒干。 每100kg乌梢蛇 ,用黄洒20kg。 【性味与归经】 甘,平。归肝经。 【功能与主治】 祛风,通络,止痉。用于风湿顽痹,麻木拘挛,中风口眼{歪}斜, 半身不遂,抽搐痉挛,破伤风,麻风疥癣,瘰疬恶疮。 【用法与用量】 9 ~12g 。 【贮藏】 置干燥处,防霉,防蛀。