种群遗传,population genetics
1)population genetics种群遗传
1.Application of microsatellites to population genetics of quarantine fruit flies;微卫星DNA标记及其在检疫性实蝇种群遗传学中的研究应用
2.The application of AFLP on population genetics of fungal phytopathogen;AFLP技术在植物病原真菌种群遗传上的应用
3.The two main objectives of population genetics of plant virology are describing the genetic variation in virus population and their mechanisms.植物病毒自然种群遗传结构通常包括1-2种优势的序列变异类型和一些低频率的序列变异类型,即具有准种遗传结构特征。

1.Study on Population Genetic Diversity and Genetic Differentiation of Disanthus Cercidifolius Maxim. var.Longipes H.T.Chang in Jinggangshan井冈山长柄双花木种群遗传多样性与遗传分化
2.Study on Genetic Diversity and Genetic Differentiation of Tilia Amurensis Natural Population紫椴天然种群遗传多样性和遗传分化的研究
3.Genetic Diversity and Differentiation among Populations of Flaveria Bidentis in Hebei Province河北省黄顶菊种群遗传多样性和遗传分化
4.Parsons has reviewed the population genetics literature.Parsons给种群遗传学文献写了书评。
5.Population Genetic Diversity of Rock Carp (Procypris Rabaudi) Based on AFLP Markers and Mitochondrial DNA Control Region;岩原鲤(Procypris rabaudi)种群遗传多样性研究
6.Genetic Structure and Variability of a Virus in Geminivirade;双生病毒(geminiviruses)的种群遗传结构和变异
7.Detection of Genetic Diversity in Stipa Grandis Using RAPD Markers;大针茅种群遗传变异的RAPD研究
8.Genetic Diversity of Six Populations in Chinese Pine (Pinus Tabulaeformis) by RAPD Analysis;6个油松种群遗传多样性的RAPD分析
9.Genetic Differentiation of Micro-geographic Oligostachyum Scabriflorum Populations;糙花少穗竹微地理种群遗传分化研究
10.Genetic Diversity of Geographic Populations of Seabuckthorn Carpenter Moth: Holcocerus Hippophaecolus (Lepidoptera: Cossidae);沙棘木蠹蛾地理种群遗传多样性研究
11.The Super Population Genetic Algorithm base on the choosing mechanism of the Olympic Gmes;基于奥运选拔机制的超种群遗传算法
12.Analysis on Genetic Diversity in the Wild Population of Sea Cucumber (Apostichopus Japonicus) in Weihai威海仿刺参野生种群遗传多样性分析
13.The Improvement and Application Research of Dual Population Genetic Algorithm双种群遗传算法的改进及其应用研究
14.RAPD analysis on genetic differentiation of Hyphantria cunea populations.美国白蛾种群遗传分化的RAPD分析
15.Population genetic structure of the endangered species Epalzeorhynchus bicornis in the Nujiang River怒江濒危鱼类角鱼种群遗传结构研究
16.RAPD analysis on genetic diversity in eight natural populations of Phoebe bournei from Fujian and Jiangxi Province,China闽楠天然种群遗传多样性的RAPD分析
17.Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Wild Populations of Licorice(Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.) with AFLP Markers甘草野生种群遗传多样性的AFLP分析
18.Genetic Diversity and Differentiation of Geographical Populations of Plateau Pika;高原鼠兔地理种群的遗传多样性与遗传分化

population genetic种群遗传
1.The research progress on the population genetic relation of fruit flies basing on molecular genetic markers.;基于分子遗传标记技术的实蝇种群遗传关系研究进展
2.It was found that nature selection gave impact on evolution of gene associated with pyrethroid resistance in Musca domestica by analyzing the population genetic structure and the kdr allele.本研究主要对家蝇种群遗传结构对拟除虫菊酯击倒抗性kdr基因的影响进行分析,取得如下结果。
3)population genetics种群遗传学
1.Population Genetics of a Marine Copepod, Calanus Sinicus Brodsky;中华哲水蚤种群遗传学研究
4)population genetics群体遗传学;种群遗传学
1.An EDM Prediction Model Optimized by MPGA;多种群遗传算法优化的电火花加工模型
2.This paper put forward a calculational method basing on the mathematic model,the calculational method was multi-population genetic algorithm(MPGA).针对该模型,提出了使用多种群遗传算法(MPGA)的求解方法,即对0-1二值型变量和实型多维变量分别编码构建种群,以实型多维变量为中心,联合0-1二值型变量进行遗传运算求得函数极大值。
6)micro genetic algorithm小种群遗传算法

种群增长率(见种群出生率)种群增长率(见种群出生率) 种群增长率见种群出生率。