泸沽湖,Lugu Lake
1)Lugu Lake泸沽湖
1.Fish Fauna Status in the Lugu Lake with Preliminary Analysis on Cause and Effect of Human Impacts;泸沽湖鱼类区系现状及人为影响成因的初步探讨
2.A study on the symbiotic integrative mechanism of key stakeholders in the transboundary ethnic cultural scenic spot:A case of the scenic spots in Lugu Lake area of Yunnan Province;跨界民族文化景区核心利益相关者的共生整合机制——以泸沽湖景区为例
3.Vertical Distribution of ~ (210)Pb and ~ (137)Cs and Their Dating in Recent Sediments of Lugu Lake and Erhai Lake, Yunnan Province;云南省泸沽湖、洱海现代沉积物中~(210)Pb,~(137)Cs的垂直分布及其计年

1.A generation ago, few outsiders had ever heard of Lake Lugu or the Mosuo.在上一代,少有外地人听说过泸沽湖或摩梭族。
2.The Problem and Countermeasure Research on Aesthetic Education of Moso Primary School in Lugu Lake Area;泸沽湖摩梭小学美育课程存在问题与对策研究
3.Analysis And Research on the Reason Of Moso Children’s Discontinuing of Their Studies;泸沽湖镇摩梭儿童辍学原因调查及分析
4.Study on Yunnan Lugu Lake s Tourism Development and Ecoligical Economy;云南泸沽湖旅游开发与生态经济问题研究
5.Research on the place spirit construction of Lugu lake with the development of the tour industrialization基于旅游产业化的泸沽湖场所精神建设
6.Seeing from the example of Luguhu the harmonious development of culture, environment and economy of ethnic peoples who live by plateau lakes;高原湖族群文化、生态和经济协调发展:以泸沽湖为例
7.Verbal Literature and Folk Custom in Mosuo Villages Around the Present Lugu Lake Region现阶段环泸沽湖区域摩梭村寨的口传文学及其民俗文化现象
8.The Inherit and Change of the Development of the Tourist Economy and Marriage Family in Lugu Lake in Sichuan;四川泸沽湖摩梭旅游经济发展与婚姻家庭的承继与变迁
9.Thought of Community Autonomy in Development of Minority Tourism the Lugu Lake as the Example;少数民族旅游发展中社区自主权的思考——以泸沽湖为例
10.Preserving Ecological Culture in Development--A Study of Moso Community in Luguhu;在发展中维护民族文化生态——对泸沽湖摩梭社区的研究
11.An Investigation and Problem Analysis of Types of Elementary Education of the Mosuo People in Lugu Lake Area;泸沽湖地区摩梭人基础教育类型考察及问题分析
12.On the Exploitation and Protection of the National Cultual Resources in the Ethnic Areas --Taking Lugu Lake Area as an Example;试论少数民族地区文化 旅游资源的保护与开发——以泸沽湖地区为例
13.Research of Wetlands Investigation in LuGu Lake Based on Multi-source Remote Sensing Images多源遥感数据在泸沽湖湿地资源调查中的应用研究
14.Development Anthropology's Perspectives of Eco-Cultural Tourism:A Case Study on Lugu Lake in Yunnan发展人类学视野中的文化生态旅游开发——以云南泸沽湖为例
15.Quantitative Analysis on Tourism Carrying Capacity in Compliance with Water Environmental Capacity of Luguhu Lake泸沽湖水环境容量条件下的旅游容量和布局计量分析
16.On the Cultivation of Tourism Community Participant in Ethnic Region论民族地区旅游社区参与主体的培育——以泸沽湖里格岛为例
17.Getting to Lake Lugu isn't easy, and the isolation from the outside world helped the tribe keep their customs and culture intact.要到泸沽湖并不容易,而与世隔绝的状况帮助这个部落原封不动地保留了自己的习俗和文化。
18.Development of Cultural Tourism and the Stakeholders Interaction--Case Study of Luoshui Village by Lugu Lake in Yunnan,China;文化旅游发展与利益相关者的关系互动——以云南泸沽湖畔落水村为例

Lake Lugu泸沽湖
1.The Influence of Diffusive Processes on Overlying Waters at the Sediment-water Interface of Lake Lugu;泸沽湖沉积物-水界面扩散作用对上覆水体基本化学组成的影响
3)Lugu Lake of Sichuan四川泸沽湖
4)Lugu Lake scenery district泸沽湖景区
1.Using the evaluation model of Pressure-State-Response(P-S-R) to evaluate the ecological security of Lugu Lake scenery district from 1996~2005,it shows that the ecological security of the lake area is high.运用压力-状态-响应(P-S-R)指标体系模型对泸沽湖景区1996~2005年生态安全评价表明,景区生态安全度较高。
5)Lugu Lake wetland泸沽湖湿地
1.INVERSION TECTONICS IN THE ANNINGHE FRACTURE ZONE (On the example of Lizhou-Lugu belt);安宁河断裂带中的倒转构造──以礼州、泸沽一带为例

泸沽湖  四川省最大湖泊,中国第3大深水湖泊。又称左所海、永宁海、落水海子、勒得海。位于川、滇边境的盐源、宁蒗两县之间,半属云南,半归四川。地质构造上属高原溶蚀断陷湖盆,湖区海拔2700米左右。湖泊呈腰子形,由草海和亮海构成,长9.4公里,平均宽5.2公里,面积48.5平方公里。平均水深40.3米,最大水深93.5米,蓄水量为19.53亿立方米。湖内盛产细鳞鱼和名贵水獭,并有中国特有的波叶海花菜等水生植物37种。湖区水足土肥,农业发达,为"鱼米之乡"。湖周群山环抱,为云南松、丽江云杉、云南铁杉、川滇冷杉、大果红杉、小果垂枝柏、黄背栎等林木所覆盖。湖光山色交相辉映,景色十分优美,有川滇高原的"日内瓦"之誉。现已列为自然保护区,是一类保护动物黑颈鹤的主要越冬场所之一。