荒漠区,desert region
1)desert region荒漠区
1.Utilizing pulp and paper wasterwater,experiments are run on protection against the wind and sand-fixation ecological forest in desert region.利用造纸废水在荒漠区进行防风固沙生态林试验种植,5 a内植树66。
2.Arid and semi-arid desert region in northwest is the typical desert ecosystem in China,and plays a vital role in maintaining bio-diversity eco-service function and stability of desert ecosystem.西北干旱、半干旱荒漠区是我国典型的荒漠生态系统。
3.The studies on distribution and community structure of rodentsin desert region of Alashan in Inner Mongolia showed that therodents belong to 2 orders, 6 families and 24 species, and two newrecord species were found in the region.对内蒙古阿拉善荒漠区啮齿动物分布和群落结构的研究表明,该荒漠区啮齿动物分属2目6科共24种,并发现2个内蒙古新记录种。

1.Researches on Introduction and Cultivation Techniques of Pinus Sylvestris Var .Mongolica in the Desert Area of the Hexi Corridor;河西荒漠区樟子松引种栽培技术研究
2.Studies on Growing Technology and Management of Berry Fruits in Arid-desert Areas;干旱荒漠区浆果栽培与管理技术研究
3.The characters of shrubby diversity of Alxa arid desert region阿拉善干旱荒漠区灌木多样性的特点
4.Investigation of plant disease damage region in Alashan desert area in Neimenggu内蒙古阿拉善荒漠区植物病害区系调查
5.Studies on Rodent Community, Harmful Division for Region and GIS Analysis in Semi-desert and Desert Region of Inner Mongolia;内蒙古半荒漠与荒漠区啮齿动物群落研究、区域性危害区划及GIS分析
6.Studies on Indicator System of Rangeland Desertification Assessment and Driving Force of Desertification in Mu Us Desert;毛乌素沙区草场荒漠化评价的指标体系及荒漠化驱动力研究
7.The Root Causes of Desertification and Its Status Assessment in Semi-arid Agro-pastural Mosaic Area;半干旱农牧交错区土地荒漠化成因与荒漠化状况评价
8.They explored this desert region in 1923.他们于一九二三年在这荒漠地区探险。
9.The whole area became a desert and then lay waste for hundreds of years.整个地区变成了沙漠,荒芜了几百年。
10.Assessment and Monitoring of Desertification in the Mediterranean Region地中海区域荒漠化评价和监测项目
11.Remote Sensing Monitoring of Desertification in China and Central Asia;中国及中亚地区荒漠化遥感监测研究
12.Remote Sensing Dynamic Analyse of Desertification Evolution in Qinghai Hu;青海湖地区荒漠化演化遥感动态分析
13.The Legal Response of Northwest Glassland Desertification Control;论西北地区草原荒漠化防治法律对策
14.Research on Current Energy Sources Utilization in Desertized Areas;荒漠化地区农村能源利用现状及建议
15.Primary Exploration on Desertification and Ecological Security Problems in the Source Region of YellowRiver;荒漠化与黄河源区生态安全问题分析
16.Thinks on Laws of Controlling desertificationfor North Region in China;我国北方地区防治荒漠化的法律思考
17.Study on Some Species of Ascochyta Collected from Desert Region of Tarim Basin(Ⅰ)塔里木盆地荒漠地区壳二孢研究(Ⅰ)
18.The Artifical Inoculation Experiment of Red Willow Broomrape in Hungriness Region荒漠地区红柳大芸人工接种试验研究

1.Study on Manual Inoculation of Cistanche deserticola Y.C.Ma in Desert;干旱荒漠区肉苁蓉人工接种技术研究
2.Morphological adaptation of four dominant Caragana species in the desert area of the Inner Mongolia Plateau;内蒙古高原西部荒漠区锦鸡儿属(Caragana)优势种的形态适应特征
3.They typically grow in grasslands or deserts,but are sometimes found in forests.比较了内蒙古高原荒漠区4种锦鸡儿属(Caragana)优势植物——柠条锦鸡儿、狭叶锦鸡儿、垫状锦鸡儿和荒漠锦鸡儿的生理适应特性。
3)desert area荒漠区
1.Characteristics of nutrient growth of Ephedra intermedia in desert areas;荒漠区中麻黄营养生长特征研究
2.Phenological characteristics in Minqin desert area and their relationships with air temperature民勤荒漠区植物物候型特征及其与气温的关系
4)Desert and semi-desert region荒漠与半荒漠区
5)xerophytic flora荒漠、半荒漠区
6)Semi-desert and Desert半荒漠与荒漠区
1.Studies on Rodent Community, Harmful Division for Region and GIS Analysis in Semi-desert and Desert Region of Inner Mongolia;内蒙古半荒漠与荒漠区啮齿动物群落研究、区域性危害区划及GIS分析

半荒漠草原(温性荒漠草原)半荒漠草原(温性荒漠草原)  半荒漠草原(温性荒漠草原) 张自和摄