藏羚羊,Tibetan antelope
1)Tibetan antelope藏羚羊
1.Cloning and homologous analysis of coding region of α-globin gene from Tibetan antelope;藏羚羊α-珠蛋白基因编码区的克隆及同源性分析
2.Cloning and Sequencing of Myoglobin Coding cDNA from Tibetan Antelope;藏羚羊肌红蛋白(MGB)基因编码区的克隆与分析

1.About 1, 000 antelopes-大约1000只藏羚羊-
2.which is the main habitat of the antelopes.是藏羚羊的主要栖息地。
3.there were millions of antelopes on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.青藏高原上有数百万只藏羚羊
4.Comparative Anatomical Studies on the Skull Bone of Inner Mongolia Cashmere Goat, Tibetan Antelope and Pseudois Nayaur;内蒙古白绒山羊、藏羚羊、岩羊头骨比较解剖
5.Trophic niches of Pantholops hodgsoni,Procapra picticaudata and Equus kiang in Kekexili region可可西里地区藏羚羊、藏原羚和藏野驴的营养生态位
6.Meanwhile, in those countries where the shawls are sold,同时,在那些出售藏羚羊毛披肩的国家,
7.He had given his life to save the Tibetan antelope.他为拯救藏羚羊献出了生命。
8.the antelope population has slowly begun to grow again.藏羚羊的数目已开始慢慢回升。
9.A shawl made from the wool,一条藏羚羊毛织成的披肩
10.the wool of the Tibetan antelope is the most expensive in the world.藏羚羊毛是世上最昂贵的毛皮。
11.the number had fallen to about 50, 000.藏羚羊的数目下降到了大约5万只。
12.The animals are skinned on the spot,这些被猎杀的藏羚羊被就地剥皮,
13.the poachers shoot whole herds of antelopes at a time,一次就捕杀掉整群的藏羚羊
14.or 2 percent of the world's population-或者说约占全球总数的2%的藏羚羊
15.Choosing the antelope shows that China wants a Green Olympics.选择藏羚羊表示中国需要绿色奥运。
16.The antelope stands for the yellow Olympics ring.藏羚羊代表奥运五环中黄色的一环。
17.The Fish , the Panda ,the Tibetan ,Antelope ,And the Swallow.,he Olympic flame ?鱼、大熊猫、藏羚羊、燕子,奥运圣火。
18.Yingying is the Tibetan Antelope and represents the blessing of health.迎迎是一只藏羚羊,传递的祝福是健康。

Pantholops hodgsoni藏羚羊
1.Effects of Qinghai-Tibetan highway on the activities of Pantholops hodgsoni, Procapra picticaudata and Equus kiang;青藏公路对藏羚羊、藏原羚和藏野驴活动的影响
2.We found that the number of Equus kiang and Pantholops hodgsoni had increased to some extent,but the number of Bos mutus had declined.2003年12月对阿尔金山保护区东部的6种大中型兽类进行了数量和分布状况的考察,发现藏野驴和藏羚羊的数量较以往数量有一定程度的增加,而野牦牛的数量有所下降,藏原羚、狼、赤狐的数量相对比较少。
3)Pantholops hodgsonii藏羚羊
1.Modern Traffic and Endangered Species of Wild Animals Protection——A Case Study of Pantholops hodgsonii;现代交通建设与濒危野生动物的保护——以藏羚羊为例
2.The Tibetan antelope or chiru (Pantholops hodgsonii), a species only distributed in the Tibet Plateau, has experienced a dramatic population decline and severe population fragmentation in the last few decades mainly due to habitat degeneration and illegal hunting.藏羚羊(Pantholops hodgsonii)是青藏高原的特有物种。
1.Species identification of H.sinense infesting chiru by molecular characterization;藏羚羊中华皮蝇蛆的分子生物学鉴定
6)Hypodermatinae larva in Chiru藏羚羊皮蝇

羚羊肉【通用名称】羚羊肉【其他名称】羚羊肉 (《本草拾遗》) 【来源】为牛科动物赛加羚羊等的肉。动物形态详"羚羊角"条。 【性味】《纲目》:"甘,平,无毒。" 【功用主治】①孟诜:"和五味子炒之,投酒中经宿,饮之,治筋骨急强,中风。" ②《本草拾遗》:"主蛇咬,恶疮。"