四面山,Simian Mountain
1)Simian Mountain四面山
1.The Influence to the Soil Trait and Countermeasures of Durable Evolutional Development by the Forest Community Succession in Simian Mountain Scenic Spot in Chongqing;四面山森林群落演替对土壤特性的影响及可持续发展对策
2.The Forest Ecological,Succession Trend and Durable Evolutional Countermeasure in Simian Mountain Scenic Spot in Chongqing;重庆四面山风景区森林生态现状、演替趋势及可持续发展对策
3.Research and Evaluation on Infiltration Characteristic of Forest Soil in Simian Mountain of Chongqing;重庆市四面山林地土壤水分入渗特性研究与评价

1.Research into the tourism resources characteristics and its development of Simian Mountain of Chongqing;重庆四面山旅游资源特征与发展研究
2.Evaluation of soil conservation capacity of five plantations in Simian Mountain,Chongqing,southwestern China重庆四面山5种人工林保土功能评价
3.A Preliminary Study of Longicorn Beetle Flora in Simian Mountain Natural Reserve in Chongqing重庆四面山自然保护区天牛区系研究
4.Studies on Amphibian Diversity in the Simian Mountains of Chongqing重庆四面山两栖动物物种多样性研究
5.Research on Function of Soil and Water Conservation of Different Plantations in Simian Mountain, Chongqing;重庆市四面山几种人工林的水土保持功能研究
6.A Study on Interspecific Association of the Dominant Population from Secondary Shrub in Simian Mountain at Chongqing;四面山次生灌丛主要种群间的联结性研究
7.Ordination and Environmental Interpretation Of the Evergreen Broad - Leaved Forest Conmmunity in Simian Mountain, Chongqing;重庆四面山常绿阔叶林群落的排序与环境解释
8.Characteristics of Species Diversity of the Secondary Shrub in the Simian Mountain at Chongqing;重庆四面山次生灌丛的物种多样性特征
9.An Analysis of the Application of Scenery, Ecology in the Development of the Shimain Mountain Tourism;四面山旅游开发的景观生态学运用分析
10.Studies on Forest Plant Community Structure and Biodiversity in Chongqing Simian Mountain重庆四面山植物群落结构及物种多样性研究
11.Soil Water Holding Capacities and Infiltration Characteristics of Typical Plantations in Simian Mountain of Chongqing Municipality重庆市四面山人工林土壤持水与入渗特性
12.Analysis of Soil Anti-erodibility of Different Plantation Lands in Simian Mountain,Chongqing重庆四面山几种人工林地土壤抗蚀性分析
13.The non-point source pollution control function of four forest communities in Simian Mountains,Chongqing重庆市四面山4种森林群落面源污染控制功能分析
14.Japan is surrounded by the sea and covered with mountains.日本四面环海,山峦叠嶂。
15.The city is shut in by high hills on every side.这座城市四面环山。
16.The country is ringed with mountains.这个国家四面环山。
17.A valley hemmed in by mountains.四面被山包围的村庄
18.a valley hemmed in by mountains.See Synonyms at enclose四面被山包围的村庄参见

be surrounded by mountains四面环山
3)Chongqing Simian Mountain重庆四面山
1.Seed rain and seed bank of constructive species in evergreen broadleaved forest at Chongqing Simian Mountain.;重庆四面山常绿阔叶林建群种种子雨、种子库研究
2.Studies on Biodiversity in Five Different Deposition Model Plantations in Chongqing Simian Mountain重庆四面山5种不同配置模式人工林生物多样性研究
4)Simian Mountain/Chongqing四面山/重庆
6)Vegetation on Simian Mountain四面山植被

四面山四面山四面山位于江津市境内,距重庆市区140千米。四面山系地质学上所谓“倒置山”,因山脉四面围绕,故名。山势南高北低,最高峰蜈蚣岭海拔1709.4米,最低处海拔560米。占地240平方千米。属中亚热带季风湿润气候,年均气温13.7℃,降水量1522.3毫米。景区景观以原始森林为基调,众多溪流、湖泊、瀑布点染于苍山绿树之间,丹霞地貌丰富其自然色彩,目不暇接的动、植物更为景区增添盎然生机。  四面山的瀑布最为壮观。有大小瀑布100多处。瀑布倾泻激荡,掀起满天烟雾,轰然鸣响,数里之外也能感受到其威势。望乡台瀑布高152米,宽40米,居我国高瀑之首;水口寺瀑布高94米,悬挂在一个天然洞穴之下,景象奇特;鸳鸯瀑布比翼齐飞,撩人遐思。风景区内的洪海湖,湖水晶莹清澈,静如明镜,蜿蜒逶迤于深山峡谷、莽莽森林之中。荡舟湖上,心旷神怡。  四面山原始绿阔叶林带在同纬度中保存较好,有植物1500多种,珍稀濒危植物19种,其中刺桫椤是3.5亿年前的史前残遗植物。动物207种,其中属国家级重点保护动物16种,省级保护动物8种。四面山不愧为我国“物种基因的宝库”。主要景点有大窝铺、八角尖、坪山、吊桥、花果山、水帘洞、骆驼山、象鼻岭、猴子山、老虎嘴、倒流水、和尚山、摩天岭等。