政治智慧,political wisdom
1)political wisdom政治智慧
1.These political wisdoms are important cultural resource for Chinese nation to establish the modern political civilization.魏源力图通过诠释《老子》以"矫末世之弊",他在《老子本义》中阐发了"不盈、务内"的管理之道、"利人外身"的处世哲学、贵贱同一的平等思想,充分彰显出老学所具有的"救世"价值,这些政治智慧是中华民族进行现代政治文明建设的重要文化资源。
2.To make peace by a marriage between the royal families of two opposing states is a special policy and strategy as a means of dealing with national problems in which lied the thought and political wisdom that still worth pondering over and learning from.和亲作为一种处理民族关系的特殊政策和策略,它所体现的以和平方式解决矛盾的思想和所蕴含的政治智慧仍旧值得我们去思考和借鉴。
3.The chief designer of the war,Mao Ze-dong,demonstrated remarkable political wisdom in decision-making to send troops into the battle,deploying troops,directing the battlefield,mobilizing,truce negotiation,and so on.上个世纪50年代爆发的抗美援朝战争,创造了现代世界战争史上以弱势兵力战胜强敌的典范,而这场战争的总设计师毛泽东无论在出兵决策、调兵遣将、战场指挥、还是在组织动员、停战谈判等一系列问题上均表现出了胜人一筹的高超政治智慧

1.On Mao Ze-dong s Excellent Political Wisdom in the Korean War;从抗美援朝看毛泽东的高超政治智慧
2.On the Origins of the New Testament and the Old Testament,and the Political Wisdom of the Christianity;“新约”“旧约”的由来与基督教的政治智慧
3.Yet it takes the tempering in fierce political strifes to Bring about political wisdom.但是,政治智慧是在复杂政治斗争中锻炼出来的。
4.The Theoretical Logic and Political Wisdom in the Report to the Seventeenth National Congress of the CPC;党的十七大报告的理论逻辑和政治智慧
5.Thinking Method and Political Wisdom in DENG Xiaoping s Theory;浅析邓小平理论蕴涵的思想方法和政治智慧
6.Viewing Deng Xiaoping s Political Brains through his Judging on the Theme of the Times;从对时代主题的判断看邓小平的政治智慧
7.Imagine a New World--On the Political Wisdom in Han Shaogong's Essay想象一个新世界——韩少功随笔中的政治智慧
8.Officer Quality is the Determinant of Government Efficiency:the Modern Enlightenment of the Political Wisdom in Ancient China;官员素质是政府效率的决定因素——中国古代政治智慧的现代启示
9.3. to make out the political wisdom and broad mind of the Chinese Party members.第三 ,要讲出中国共产党人的政治智慧和宽广胸襟 ;
10.The Poet and The King-Shakespeare s Political Wisdom from His Julius Caesar;诗人与君王——从《裘力斯·凯撒》看莎士比亚的政治智慧
11.The Release of Taoist Holy Spirit of Politic Wisdom--Psychological Interpretation of Taoist Culture in Li Bai’s Poems;道家政治智慧灵光的释放——李白诗歌中道家引退文化心理拆解
12.Protagoras argued that the gods have given everyone a share in political wisdom and that all therefore are able to participate in government and achieve virtue.普罗泰格拉认为神赋予了每个人政治智慧,因此每个人都能参与政事,获得美德。
13.To overcome this barrier of binary opposition, we must utilize our political wisdom as men to properly locate the relationship between civil right and government power.超越二元对立的前提在于,运用人类政治智慧对二者的关系合理定位。
14.The resumption of sovereignty over Hong Kong under "One Country, Two Systems" is an ingenious and novel concept.中国恢复行使香港主权,实行一个国家,两种制度,是超凡政治智慧的创举。
15.Literary Wisdom vs Political Virtue--On Arthur Koestler s Political Novel Darkness at Noon;文学智慧与政治德性——评阿瑟·库斯勒《中午的黑暗》
16.On the Relationship Between Politics and Philosophy in Terms of Plato's Justice and Wisdom柏拉图正义与智慧视域下的政治与哲学关系
17.Plato's "politics philosophy" view:perspectives of justice and wisdom柏拉图的“政治-哲学”观——以正义与智慧为视角
18.The wisdom of Taoist ethics in Ideological and Political Education in the use of道家伦理智慧在高校思想政治教育中的运用

political wisdoms政治智慧
1.The political wisdoms abstracted from the epigrams,with a view to ancient officials introspections of their administrations and a special focus on the cultivation of statesmanship and ethic qualities,demonstrated their humanitarian care of people and presented a picture of the ancient Chinese government and traditional political civilization in unique political discourses.官箴文化所传播的政治智慧着眼于官吏修齐治平的内省自觉,特别重视对官僚自身道德素质的培养和业务才干的锻炼,凸显了亲民爱民的人文关怀。
3)Literature and political wisdom文学与政治智慧
4)governing a country through wisdom智慧治国
1.Mohist School advocates governing a country through wisdom,using theories on wisdom,which they elaborated,to economy,ethics,education and military practice,and puts forward many bases with wisdom and propositions of referential value.墨家主张智慧治国,把精心研究的智慧学理论,运用于经济、伦理、教育和军事实践,提出许多有智慧理据和借鉴意义的主张。
5)wisdom of managing state affairs治国智慧
1.Therefore,the influence and function of Military science of Sun Tzu on the history of mankind development is enhancing: it is expanded to political field and become Chinese traditional wisdom of managing state affairs;it is attached increasing attention to ov.孙子兵学在人类发展史上影响、作用越来越大:孙子兵学被拓展运用于政治领域,发展为中国传统的治国智慧;孙子兵学被广泛运用于经济等领域;孙子兵学在国外受到越来越多的重视。
6)executive wisdom执政智慧
1.all of which display their outstanding executive wisdom.当代中国共产党人围绕"发展"这一时代主题不断创新理论,拓展和丰富中国特色社会主义事业的发展空间和思路;准确把握事业发展中各种矛盾诸方面之间的平衡点,在动态发展中妥善处理各种复杂事物的关系;把党的自身建设的视角延展到对执政规律的探索,在领导中国社会转型和社会主义现代化建设这一伟大事业中充分体现出了卓越的执政智慧。

政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political division zhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。