唇,Hemibarbus labeo
1)Hemibarbus labeo唇
1.Scale and Growth Characteristics of Hemibarbus labeo in the Wusulijiang River;乌苏里江唇的鳞片和生长特征
2.Application of RAPD markers in stock identification of Hemibarbus labeo and Hemibarbus maculates;RAPD标记在唇与花种质鉴定中的应用
3.Screening of microsatellite primers and population genetic structure of Hemibarbus labeo in Heilongjiang River and Wusulijiang River;黑龙江和乌苏里江唇的微卫星引物筛选及群体遗传结构
1.Esthestic Effection of Lip Vascular Anomalies Treated with Different Ways;唇部脉管性疾病治疗的美容效果
2.Clinical observation for 58 cases of numbness of lower lip after impacted wisdom tooth of extraction;58例拔除下颌阻生智齿引起下唇麻木的临床观察
3.Quantitative Design of Vermilion Flap in Unilateral Cleft Lip Repair;单侧唇裂修复术中唇红瓣的量化设计

1.Having lips or liplike parts.有的或形部分的
2.Relating to both lips.二的与两有关的
3.Of or relating to the lips or labia.的嘴的或状物的,或与此有关的
4.A lip or liplike structure, such as the one forming the roof of the mouth in insects.状结构,例如昆虫的部分
5.One of the liplike divisions of a labiate corolla.下形花冠的状分裂物中的一个
6.She parted her lips and smiled.她双一绽,笑了。
7.Lovely cheeks or lips or eyes.纵颊、、眼俱美!
8.and lips that are so red.和红润的嘴。 ”
9.the upper lip, arm, jaw上、 上臂、 上颌
10."and the bright red lips, "“涂着鲜红的嘴。”
11.oral fixation口固结(心理学)
12.Kissing on the lips signifies love.在上接吻——爱情。
13.lip language(聋哑人用的)
14.cleft palate ;deformed condition in which the roof of a person's mouth is split at birth裂(出生时板裂开的畸形).
15.The comprehensive correction of the secondary lip-nasal deformities of cleft lip裂术后继发鼻畸形的综合修复
16.The part of the lips visible on the human face.嘴人类脸部可被看见的的一部分
17.Having two lips, as the corollas of the snapdragon.二的二的,如金鱼草的花冠
18.Having the lips pressed together.嘴紧闭的嘴闭到一起的

1.Esthestic Effection of Lip Vascular Anomalies Treated with Different Ways;唇部脉管性疾病治疗的美容效果
2.Clinical observation for 58 cases of numbness of lower lip after impacted wisdom tooth of extraction;58例拔除下颌阻生智齿引起下唇麻木的临床观察
3.Quantitative Design of Vermilion Flap in Unilateral Cleft Lip Repair;单侧唇裂修复术中唇红瓣的量化设计
3)lower lip cancer下唇唇癌
