棕背伯劳,Lanius schach
1)Lanius schach棕背伯劳
1.Analysis on Color Polymorphism of Lanius schach;棕背伯劳羽色多态现象探讨
2.Preliminary Study on Lanius schach Vocalizations in the Breeding Season in Nanchong,Sichuan四川南充地区棕背伯劳繁殖期鸣声的初步研究

1.Comparison of Breeding Ecology between Two Color Morphs of Lanius Schach棕背伯劳(Lanius schach)两种色型繁殖生态学的比较研究
2.Preliminary Study on Lanius schach Vocalizations in the Breeding Season in Nanchong,Sichuan四川南充地区棕背伯劳繁殖期鸣声的初步研究
3.Analysis on Color Polymorphism and Comparison of MC1R Gene of Lanius Schach;棕背伯劳(Lanius schach)羽色多态现象分析及MC1R基因序列比较
4."and it had pictured forms of winged beings and palm-trees; a palm-tree between two winged ones, and every winged one had two faces;"墙上雕刻基路伯和棕树。每二基路伯中间有一棵棕树,每基路伯有二脸。
5.Delimiting the Myodes rufocanus and M. rutilus Species by Molecular Methods棕背(鼠平)和红背(鼠平)种间区分的分子方法
6.An Old World shrike(Lanius senator)having black and white plumage with a reddish crown.伯劳,鸫一种东半球伯劳鸟(林?伯劳),具有黑白相间羽毛和红色冠顶
7."These were ornamented with designs of winged ones and palm-trees and open flowers, plated over with gold."上面刻着基路伯,棕树,和初开的花,都用金子贴了。
8.From earth level up to the windows there were winged ones and palm-trees pictured on the wall.从地至门以上,都有基路伯和棕树。殿墙就是这样。
9.My uncle walks with a stoop.我伯父走路时弓着背。
10.Regional Arab Centre of Labour Administration劳工管理阿拉伯区域中心(劳管中心)
11.Conclusion:The study uggested that palm peptide functions against the fatigue结论:本研究表明棕榈肽具有抗疲劳作用。
12.He passed his hand over the brown wash-rag of a back.他的手抚摸着狗背上棕色毛巾似的皮毛。
13.Study on the divergence of three isozyme patterns in different tissues of Calottes emma Gray棕背树蜥不同组织三种同工酶之间的差异研究
14."In the spaces of the flat sides and on the frames of them, he made designs of winged ones, lions, and palm-trees, with ornamented edges all round."在撑子和心子上刻着基路伯,狮子,和棕树,周围有璎珞。
15."On the olive-wood doors were cut designs of winged ones and palm-trees and open flowers, all of them, with the doors, plated with gold."在橄榄木作的两门扇上刻着基路伯,棕树,和初开的花,都贴上金子。
16.On the walls all around the temple, in both the inner and outer rooms, he carved cherubim, palm trees and open flowers.内殿,外殿周围的墙上都刻着基路伯,棕树,和初开的花。
17.A New World thrush(Hylocichla fuscescens)having a reddish - brown head, back, and tail and an indistinctly spotted breast.棕色夜鸫一种新大陆的鸫(褐林鸫鸫属),具有红棕色的头部、背部和尾巴以及斑点不清晰的胸部
18.Any of various birds, especially the shrike, that impale their prey on thorns.伯劳一种鸟类,尤指伯劳,将其捕获物刺穿在树刺上

Rufous-backed Shrike棕背伯劳
1.From March to July 2005,the breeding habit of Rufous-backed Shrike(Lanius schach) was studied in the City of Nanchong,Sichuan Province.2005年3~6月在四川省南充市区及近郊对棕背伯劳(Lanius schach)的繁殖习性进行了研究。
2.5days)of Rufous-backed shrike(Lanius schach)was recorded in Nanchong,Sichuan Province during March to May,2005.2005年3月至5月在南充市郊对棕背伯劳(Lanius schach)的雏鸟4。
3)Lanius collurio红背伯劳
4)Lanius collurioides栗背伯劳
5)Lanius tephronotus灰背伯劳
6)Clethrionomys rufocanus棕背
1.Home range of Clethrionomys rufocanus and its significance to the control of rodent pests in forests;棕背巢区及对林木鼠害防治意义的研究
2.In 2007,experiment was made against Clethrionomys rufocanus and Microtus maximowiczii with the sterilant in the field.2007年在内蒙古大兴安岭林区,分别采取6 m×6 m,7 m×7 m,8 m×8 m和10 m×10 m的不同投药方式,对棕背Clethrionomys rufocanusSundevall和莫氏田鼠Microtus maximowicziiSchrenck进行了林间防治试验,结果表明莫氏田鼠的适口性较好,盗食率达到75%以上,而棕背最高盗食率仅为10。

棕背伯劳中文学名:棕背伯劳中文目名:雀形目中文科名:伯劳科中文属名:伯劳属中文俗名:大红背伯劳拉丁文名:Lanius schach英文名:Long-tailed Shrike物种命名人及年代:Linnaeus,1758物种信息:体长达24厘米左右。成鸟:额、眼纹、两翼及尾黑色,翼有一白色斑;头顶及颈背灰色或灰黑色;背、腰及体侧红褐;颏、喉、胸及腹中心部位白色。头及背部黑色的扩展随亚种而有不同。亚成鸟:色较暗,两胁及背具横斑,头及颈背灰色较重。深色型的"暗黑色伯劳"在香港及广东并不罕见,也偶见于分布区内其他地点。栖息于开阔的平原与低山一带,常在田园、果园及树丛间活动。性凶猛,嘴爪均强健有力,善于捕食昆虫、鸟类及其他动物,甚至能击杀比它自己还大的鸟,如鹧鸪之类。平时常栖止于芦苇梢处,东瞻西望,一见地上有食物,就直下捕杀。亦能在空中捕食飞行的昆虫和小鸟。鸣叫时常昂头翘尾,激健有力,并能仿效它鸟鸣声。4-7月间繁殖。巢呈杯形,以草茎、竹叶、嫩枝、蕨叶及其他杂屑等编成。每窝产5枚黄白色卵,上有疏密不等、浓淡大小各异的灰蓝和淡紫灰色斑,并缀以锈红以至红褐色细点。由雌鸟、孵卵,孵化期12~14天至21天雏鸟在巢期13~14天,离巢后5~7天仍需亲鸟饲喂,幼鸟在领域内活动达1~2个月。它主要还是捕食昆虫的,如蝗虫、步形虫、黑蜂等,此外兼食些野生果实。所残杀的小鸟在其所吃的食物中占的比重很低,因而对农林业是很有益的。分布于伊朗至中国、印度、东南亚、菲律宾及巽他群岛至新几内亚。常见留鸟,高可至海拔1600米。共有13亚种:西南亚种(L.s tricolor Hodgson)本亚种与其他亚种的区别是从额至上背、眼先至耳羽全黑,上体余部及肩羽浅棕色。国内分布于云南以及西藏昌都地区(留鸟)。国外分布于尼泊尔,泰国,缅甸,印度等地(繁殖鸟、冬候鸟);指名亚种(L.s schach Linnaeus)国内主要分布于长江以南广大地区,北至甘肃兰州、陕西秦岭,西至四川、云南(留鸟),偶见于山东。台湾亚种(L.s formosae Swinhoe)与指名亚种的区别在于下体几乎纯白,仅有胁及尾下覆羽略染淡棕。仅分布于台湾(留鸟),可能达于福建省武夷山以东的大陆(留鸟);海南亚种(L.s hainanus Birckhead)体色似指名亚种,但个体显著为小型。仅分布于海南岛(留鸟)。