摄食生态,feeding ecology
1)feeding ecology摄食生态
1.Experimental study on the feeding ecology of Sagitta crassa;强壮箭虫摄食生态的实验研究
2.Study on feeding ecology of rotifer Brachionus urceus壶状臂尾轮虫摄食生态的实验研究
3.Observation on feeding ecology was conducted based on the data of Thunnus obesus captured by tuna longline fishery in the western Atlantic Ocean from August,2004 to March,2005.根据2004年8月-2005年3月在大西洋西部延绳钓作业捕获的大眼金枪鱼数据,对其摄食生态进行了初步研究。

1.Feeding Ecology of Marine Copepods and Their Grazing Impacts on Phytoplankton;海洋桡足类摄食生态及其对浮游植物的摄食压力
2.Studies on Community Composition and Feeding Ecology of Fish in the Littoral Zone of Mayliang Bay, Taihu Lake;太湖梅梁湾沿岸带鱼类组成和摄食生态研究
3.Research on Feeding Ecology of Zooplankton in Prawn Cultivated Pond and Natural Waters;虾池和自然海区浮游动物摄食生态研究
4.The study on feeding behavior and ecological niche of Esox lucius in Lake Ulungur乌伦古湖白斑狗鱼摄食生态的初步研究
5.Studies on the Feeding Ecology of Dominant Fishes and Food Web of Fishes in the Central and Southern Yellow Sea;黄海中南部主要鱼种摄食生态和鱼类食物网研究
6.Study on feeding habits of organisms from Changjiang Estuary and adjacent Southern Yellow Sea in spring with stable isotope technology长江口及南黄海水域春季生物摄食生态的稳定同位素研究
7.Microzooplankton and Its Grazing on Phytoplankton in Taiwan Strait and Xiamen Waters;台湾海峡及厦门海域微型浮游动物及其对浮游植物的摄食生态学研究
8.Studies on Larval Feeding Ecophysiology of Ivory Shell, Babylonia Areolata Link;方斑东风螺幼体摄食的生理生态研究
9.Experimental Ecological Study on Feeding and Growth of Marine Heterotrophic Flagellates;海洋异养鞭毛虫摄食与生长的实验生态学研究
10.The functional feeding group ecology of macroinvertebrate in Xiangxi River system香溪河水系大型底栖动物功能摄食类群生态学
11.Preliminary Studies on the Autumn Seed Producing Techniques, Growth, Gonad Development and Feeding Eco-physiology of Scallop Chlamys Farreri;栉孔扇贝秋季苗种的培育及生长发育和摄食生理生态的初步研究
12.Food Consumption, Growth, and Ecological Conversion Efficiency of the Two Key Middle-to-Up Layer s Fishes of Bohai and Yellow Sea;渤、黄海两种主要中上层小型鱼类的摄食、生长和生态转化效率
13.derive their food from other organisms从别的生物摄取食物
14.The Studies on Feeding Behavior Ecology and Reproducing Behavior Ecology of Macrobrachium Nipponensis and Pseudobagrus Fulvidraco;日本沼虾和黄颡鱼摄食与繁殖行为生态学的研究
15.Effects of feeding stimulants on feed intake and growth of Sebastes schlegeli摄食促进物质对许氏平鲉摄食和生长的影响
16.Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Float Microorganism and the Quantification Relationship of Grass Carp and the Eaten Water Plant in the Ecological Repairing Process of Honghu Wetland;洪湖湿地生态修复过程中浮游微生物时空分布及草鱼摄食水草量化关系
18.Morphological Study on the Mechanism of Food Intake Regulation of Serotonin in Duck;5-羟色胺对鸭摄食调节作用机理的形态学研究

feeding niche摄食生态位
3)feeding ecology摄食生态学
4)feeding physiological ecology摄食生理生态
5)feeding physiology摄食生理
6)Feeding and Growth摄食生长

昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)  昆虫个体生态学见昆虫生态学