1.Summary and suggestions of traditional medicinal pteridophytes used in Jinggangshan region;井冈山民间习用药用蕨类植物研究及展望
2.Amphibian Diversity and Conservation in Jinggangshan Nature Reserve;井冈山自然保护区两栖动物多样性与保护
3.Orchidaceous Plant Resource in Jinggangshan Natural Reserve;井冈山国家级自然保护区兰科植物资源

1.The Jinggang Mountains stand where the boundaries of four counties meet.井冈山位于四县之交。
2.In an article written by Mao Zedong during his days on the Jinggang Mountains, there is the following statement:毛泽东在井冈山写的《井冈山的斗争》,书里有这样一句:
3.On August 23 the regiment was joined by the troops from the Chingkang Mountains, to which it was decided that the combined forces should return by way of Chungyi and Shangyu.二十三日,会合从井冈山来的部队,议决经崇义、上犹重回井冈山
4.On the Internal Identity of Jinggangshan Spirits and Jinggangshan University;精神与大学——论井冈山精神与“井冈山大学”的内在契合
5.On September 26 we returned to the Chingkang Mountains.九月二十六日回到井冈山
6.In October Comrade Mao Tse-tung led these forces to the Chingkang Mountains.十月,起义部队到达井冈山
7.A Survey on the Tourist Market of Jinggang Mountain and the Developing Strategy井冈山旅游客源市场调查及开发对策
8.The“August Failure”in Jinggangshan Revolution peviod--Its experience and lesson试述井冈山的“八月失败”及其经验教训
9.Study on the Ecological Characteristics of Castanopsis Communities in Jinggang Mountain in Jiangxi;江西井冈山栲属群落生态学特征研究
10.Research on Farmers Participation in Politics on Jinggang Mountains Revolutionary Base;井冈山革命根据地农民政治参与研究
11.Mao Zedong s Theories Innovation in the Period of Jingganshan Conflict;毛泽东在井冈山斗争时期的理论创新
12.Research on the Deep Development of Red Revolutionary Culture Resources in Jinggangshan;井冈山红色革命文化资源的深度开发
13.Propagating the Jinggang Spirit and Establishing the Socialist Concept of "Honors vs. Dishonors";弘扬井冈山精神 树立社会主义荣辱观
14.The JGS Spirit and the Development of the Nation Spirit among the Undergraduates;井冈山精神与大学生民族精神的培育
15.The determination and analysis of HBsAg in the new students in jinggangshan medical college for 2000~2003;井冈山医专2000~2003级新生的HBsAg检测分析
16.Primary investigation of birds in campus of jinggangshan university;井冈山学院校园鸟类多样性初步调查
17.Carrying Forward the Jinggangshan Spirit and the Party s Advancedness Construction;论发扬井冈山精神与党的先进性建设
18.Developing the Spirit of Jinggangshan to preserve the vanguard nature of the CCP Members;弘扬井冈山精神 永葆共产党员先进性

Jinggang Mountain井冈山
1.Characteristics and significance of ideological and political education among communists during Jinggang Mountain period;井冈山时期党员思想政治教育的特点及现实意义
2.Features of Population Ecological Quantity Field of Castanopsis fabri Community in Jinggang Mountain;井冈山罗浮栲群落种群生态数量场特征
3.Comparison of the Natural Resources Among the Counties (or Cities ) in Jinggang Mountain;井冈山区各县(市)自然资源条件比较分析
3)Jinggang Mountains井冈山
1.Introduction of Medicinal Plants Resources in Jinggang Mountains;井冈山药用植物资源简介
2.The Characters and Inspirations of Communist Ideological Education of the Jinggang Mountains Period——On the 80th Anniversary of the Founding of Jinggang Mountains Revolutionary Base;井冈山时期党员思想教育的现实解读——纪念井冈山革命根据地创立80周年
3.Enlightenment for the Construction of the Advanced Nature on the Ideological Education of CPC Members in the Period of Jinggang Mountains;井冈山时期党员思想教育对先进性建设的启示——纪念井冈山革命根据地创立80周年
4)Jinggangshan Mountain井冈山
1.Characteristics of Plant Resources and Conservation Strategy of Jinggangshan Mountain;井冈山植物资源特点与保护对策
2.A Primary Study on Rubus Resources in Jinggangshan Mountain;井冈山悬钩子属植物资源的初步研究
3.Jinggangshan Mountain as the First Rural Revolutionary Base of China has become one of the first scenic spots protected specially by the nation.井冈山作为中国第一个农村革命根据地,现在已成为全国重点风景名胜区之一。
5)Jinggang Mountain area井冈山区
1.This article puts forward the designing principles, development objectives, concrete measures and policy inclination for devedoping the intraregional/interregional border trade of Jinggang Mountain area, through elaborating the significance, foundation, situation and problem of the border trade of Jinggamg Mountain area.通过阐述井冈山边境贸易的意义、基础、态势与问题 ,提出了发展井冈山区内、区际边贸设计原则、发展目标、具体措施与政策取
6)Jinggangshan City井冈山市
1.A Study on Tourism Effect of Adjustment of Administrative Demarcation——Giving consideration to comparison of the tourism effect of adjustment of administrative demarcation between Huangshan City and Jinggangshan City;行政区划调整的旅游效应研究——兼论江西井冈山市与安徽黄山市的比较
2.Implementation Pattern of Tourism Exploitation and Rural Urbanization——A Case Study of Jinggangshan City in Jiangxi Province旅游开发与农村城市化的实现模式研究——以江西井冈山市为例
