野鸭湖湿地,Yeyahu wetland
1)Yeyahu wetland野鸭湖湿地
1.A Study on the Conservation of Autumn and Winter Birds in Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve of Beijing北京野鸭湖湿地自然保护区秋冬季鸟类调查及保护研究
2.With the Yeyahu wetland as a study case,using the remote sensing images,making in-depth analysis of the spectral characteristics of the salinized soil,and then extracting special information of soil salinization in virtue of the PCI and ENVI image processing platform,this paper has summarized the dynamic trend of soil sal.以北京野鸭湖湿地为例,利用遥感影像,深入分析湿地地区盐渍化土壤的光谱特征,借助PCI和ENVI图像处理平台,进行盐渍化土壤专题信息的提取,得出湿地地区土壤盐渍化的动态演变趋势。
3.According to the investigation from October 2007 to March 2008,69 species of birds, belonging to 13 families,24 orders,45 genera,were recorded in Yeyahu Wetland of Beijing.2007年10月至2008年3月对北京野鸭湖湿地进行鸟类多样性调查,共记录到鸟类69种,隶属13目24科45属。

1.Researching Ecological Effect of Wetland Change in Beijing Region-Take Yeyahu Wetland Example;野鸭湖湿地变化的生态环境效应研究
2.An Analysis of Species of Litter-layer Insects in Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve野鸭湖湿地自然保护区地表昆虫多样性分析
3.Annual Comparative Studies on Structure of Zooplankton Community in the Yeyahu;北京市野鸭湖湿地浮游动物群落生态研究
4.The Assessment of Wetland Eco-environmental Quality Based on 3S Technology-A Case Study at Yeyahu Wetland;基于3S技术的湿地生态环境质量评价——以野鸭湖湿地为例
5.Composition, Spatial and Seasonal Dynamics of Ground-dwelling Beetle (Insecta: Coleoptera) Communities in Different Vegetation Types in Yeyahu Wetland, Beijing野鸭湖湿地不同植被类型地表甲虫群落组成及时空动态
6.Composition and spatial distribution pattern of ground-dwelling beetle communities in Yeyahu Wetland,Beijing北京野鸭湖湿地地表甲虫群落组成与空间分布格局
7.Research on Wintering Common Cranes(Grus Grus) in Beijing Yeyahu Wetland Natural Reserve;北京野鸭湖湿地自然保护区灰鹤(Grus grus)的越冬生态研究
8.Diversity and Dynamic Distributions of Beetle Communities in Yeyahu Lake Wetland Nature Reserve, Beijing;北京野鸭湖湿地自然保护区甲虫群落多样性及其动态分布的研究
9.The Composition and Indicative Function of Carabid Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Community in Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve, Beijing北京野鸭湖湿地步甲群落的组成特征及其指示作用的探讨
10.A Study on the Conservation of Autumn and Winter Birds in Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve of Beijing北京野鸭湖湿地自然保护区秋冬季鸟类调查及保护研究
11.Habitat Selection of Winter Birds in Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve,Beijing北京野鸭湖湿地自然保护区冬季鸟类生境选择研究
12.The Research on Soil Germplasm Resource Distribution in Different Periods of Water Degeneration in the North Temperate Zone Wetland:A Case Study of Yeyahu Wetland北温带湿地不同退水时间土壤种质资源结构及分布格局——以野鸭湖湿地为例
13.Diversity and Dynamic Distributions of Hymenoptera Communities in Yeyahu Lake Wetland Nature Reserve, Beijing;北京野鸭湖湿地自然保护区膜翅目群落多样性及其动态分布的研究
14.Diversity and Conservation Priority of Wetland Vascular Plant in Yeyahu Nature Reserve, Beijing;北京市野鸭湖自然保护区湿地维管束植物多样性及其保护研究
15.Studies on the Managing Mode for Wetland Nature Preservation Zone in Suya Lake Approved by Province Administration;宿鸭湖湿地省级自然保护区管理模式研究
16.Population quantity of Erthesina fullo Thunberg and the community analysis of Populus nigra in SUYA Lake Wetland宿鸭湖湿地麻皮蝽种群数量与黑杨群落分析
17.Diversity of Wild Plant in the Wetland of West Dongting Lake Investigated during the Overwintering西洞庭湖湿地越冬期野生植物多样性
18.Study on plant species diversity and community succession of artificial wetlands of SUYA laker宿鸭湖人工湿地植物物种多样性和群落演替初探

Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve野鸭湖湿地自然保护区
1.Habitat Selection of Winter Birds in Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve,Beijing北京野鸭湖湿地自然保护区冬季鸟类生境选择研究
3)Suya Lake wetland宿鸭湖湿地
1.The Change of Yeyahu Wetland Resources in Beijing;北京野鸭湖湿地资源变化特征
2.Bird Resource and Conservation of Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve of Beijing;北京野鸭湖湿地自然保护区鸟类资源及其保护
3.Studies on the Flora of the Beijing Yeyahu Wetland;北京市野鸭湖湿地植物区系分析
5)Xihu Mallard西湖野鸭
1.This study sequenced the mitochondrial DNA control region partial sequence of 106 individuals from four different domestic duck breeds or strains in Zhejiang province, one Xihu Mallard and Muscovy duck were also included in this analysis.本试验测定了西湖野鸭31个个体mtDN D—环部分序列,。
2.There were six polymorphic sites and four haplotypes in thirty-one Xihu Mallard samples, which were sequenced for 523bp D-loop segments;the results suggested that the genetic diversity of Xihu Mallard were not abundant.本试验测定了西湖野鸭31个个体线粒体DNA控制区(D-loop)523bp序列,共检测到6个变异位点,4种单倍型;结果表明,西湖野鸭的遗传多样性并不丰富。
6)Yeyahu resort野鸭湖景区
1.The soil characteristics of Yeyahu resort in Kunming city was studied by setting sample plots under different vegetation types and different soil types.通过对昆明市野鸭湖景区不同的植被类型及土壤类型设样调查。

饼子野鸭【菜名】 饼子野鸭【所属菜系】 江苏菜 【特点】 色泽棕黄,鸭肉酥烂脱骨,肉饼松香,汤汁鲜浓。【原料】野鸭一50克。 去皮猪五花肉75克、带皮猪肥膘50克、熟冬笋片30克、水发冬菇25克。葱结10克、姜块10克、酱油25克、白糖7.5克、精盐2.5克、绍酒20克芝麻油10克、花生油45克。【制作过程】将野鸭干煺去毛,治净,放入清水中漂净血水。将野鸭和猪肥膘肉一起放入水锅中烧沸,撇去浮沫,捞出洗净,用绳紧扎三圈,鸭胸朝下放入内有竹箅垫底的砂锅中,肥膘肉放在野鸭两旁。原汤锅中加酱油、白糖、精盐、绍酒烧沸,倒入砂锅中,加葱结、姜块,用一只平盘压住鸭身、加盖上中火烧沸后,移至小火烟1小时离火,拣去葱姜。将猪五花肉斩成米粒状,放入碗内加调料拌匀,做成长圆形肉饼。将锅置火上烧热,放油,投入肉饼煎成金黄色,加绍酒、酱油、白糖、猪肉汤烧沸、焖3分钟后。倒入盛有野鸭的砂锅中,再将砂锅置火上烧焖1小时,至野鸭酥烂离火,取出肥膘肉、竹箅垫,解去扎绳,将鸭胸朝上,放上笋片、冬菇。将炒锅置火上,放油,投入葱段炸香,倒入砂锅中,盖上锅盖,置小火略焖,去盖,淋芝麻油即成。