瓶颈效应,bottleneck effect
1)bottleneck effect瓶颈效应
1.We control growing speed of man-made diamond with change-power and bottleneck effect.分析了我国现阶段金刚石的合成工艺———2 3mm腔体工艺的基础上 ,利用变功率合成技术和瓶颈效应后改变组装方式 ,使腔体内的物量比合理化 ,以达到腔体内合成温度和压力均匀 ,控制金刚石的生长速度 ,在较低的合成压力和合成功率下 ,在 2 8。

1.A Talk on the Breakthrough of Bottleneck Effect of Moral Education at Colleges and;浅谈如何突破高校德育效果的“瓶颈效应
2.Simple Analysis on Bottle-neck Effect of Electric Power Market Increasing for Inner Mongolia Power Grid;浅析内蒙古电网电力市场增长点下的瓶颈效应
3.On the Insufficient Supply of the Rural Public Goods;农村公共物品供给不足对农村经济发展的瓶颈效应分析
4.Breaking through Bottle-neck in PAN Precursor Research,Speeding up Development of Techniques for PAN-based Carbon Fiber in China;突破原丝瓶颈效应 加速我国PAN炭纤维技术的发展
5.The bottle should be filled with water up to the neck瓶中应加水到瓶颈处
6.Bottlenecks and Development Mode in the Application of RFID Technology;RFID技术的应用瓶颈和发展模式研究
7.Applications of SIMOGRAMS to Resolve the Bottleneck of the Production Line;应用SIMOGRAMS方法解决装配生产线瓶颈
8.Bottleneck Analysis (BNA) of Enterprises and Its Application;企业瓶颈管理法(BNA)及其应用
9.Application of Traffic Wave Theory at Traffic Bottleneck交通波理论在交通瓶颈处的应用分析
10.Research Progress,Bottlenecks and Strategies in the Plant Bioreactor植物生物反应器研究现状、瓶颈及策略
11.Countermeasures for Bottleneck Problem in Digital Library Construction:the application of RFID图书馆数字化建设瓶颈对策——RFID的应用
12.In order to further promotes the Sichuan privately operated economy development, we should take all kinds of effective actions, to solute" the bottleneck" of financing difficulty.为了进一步促进四川民营经济发展,应采取各种有效措施,解决融资难这一“瓶颈”。
13.The bottle-neck problems and solving thoughts of information service in new country;新农村信息化发展的瓶颈问题及有效解决思路
14.Institutional Bottlenecks on the Circulation Efficiency of China′s Agricultural Products;制约农产品流通效率的制度瓶颈及其消减
15.pinched neck夹扁的瓶颈(玻璃瓶缺陷)
16.Research on Supply Chain Collaboration Contract Based on Bottleneck Suppliers Lead Time;基于瓶颈供应商提前期的供应链协同契约研究
17.A Bottleneck-based Study of Response Time Optimization and Control in Build-to-order Supply Chain基于瓶颈的BTO供应链响应时间优化与控制研究
18.Optimizing the Response Time in BTO Supply Chain based on Bottleneck Control基于瓶颈负荷的BTO供应链响应时间优化

3)bottle neck effect[农]瓶颈效应
4)Efficient Bottleneck效率瓶颈
5)application bottleneck应用瓶颈
6)magnetic bottle effect磁瓶效应
1.By analyzing the motion,the magnetic bottle effect of geomagnetic field and van Allen radiation belt are explained.用计算机模拟的方法研究了地磁场中带电粒子的运动特性,绘制了粒子轨迹曲线,对粒子运动进行了分析,解释了地磁场的磁瓶效应和辐射带。
