长耳鸮,Asio otus
1)Asio otus长耳鸮
1.Rodent components in the food of Asio otus in Beijing area;北京市越冬长耳鸮食物中鼠类成分调查
2.Morphological Observation on Digestive System of Asio otus;长耳鸮消化系统形态学研究
3.Food composition of wintering long-eared owls(Asio otus) in different habitats in Beijing不同栖居地和越冬时期长耳鸮的食物组成

1.Food composition of wintering long-eared owls(Asio otus) in different habitats in Beijing不同栖居地和越冬时期长耳鸮的食物组成
2.The Hemogram and Biochemical/Physiological Indices of the Blood in Buteo hemilasius and Asio otus大(狂鸟)和长耳鸮的部分血液生理生化指标及血细胞的显微结构观察
3."Any of several species of nocturnal Birds of prey (genus Tyto), sometimes called monkey-faced owls because of their heart-shaped facial disk and absence of ear tufts."草鸮科草鸮(Tyto)属猛禽的通称。面盘心形,无耳羽,故又称猴面鸮。
4.An investigation of Chixiao in Bin Feng as a Signifier and Its Possible Signified《诗·豳风·鸱鸮》“鸱鸮”释名与语指诸说辩证
5.the field spaniel(猎兔等)长耳猎犬
6.Any of the hairs growing at the entrance to the meatus of the external ear.长在通向外耳耳道入口处的毛发
7.a spaniel with floppy ears.长毛垂耳狗有着松垂的耳朵。
8.ottoman tissue faille frock土耳其式薄线绢长外衣
9.Hedges have eyes and walls have ears.篱笆有眼,墙壁长耳
10.His ears project noticeable.他长了一双招风耳。
11.True hearts have ears and eyes,片片真心生耳长眼,
12.type and only genus of the family Tytonidae.草鸮科的典型且唯一的属。
13.The eagle owl nests on the ground, among rocks.雕鸮在地上筑巢 尤其是在石块之间
14.Ninox novaeseelandiae undulata [Norfolk Island boobook owl]布布克鹰鸮诺福克岛亚种
15."Chixiao" and Its Influence on Allegory Poems in Han Dynasty;《鸱鸮》及其对汉代寓言诗赋的影响
16.In other words,dogs with raised ears hear just as well as dogs with long,floppy ears.用另外一句话说,竖耳朵狗的听觉与长耳朵狗、耷拉耳朵狗毫无区别。
17.The in-ear headphones should be worn with the longer cord behind your neck.使用耳塞式耳机时,让较长一边的导线绕于颈后
18.Survey on KAP about Deafness Rehabilitation in Children Parents with Congenital Deafness先天性耳聋患儿家长耳聋康复的知信行调查

Asio flammeus短耳鸮
1.A New Record of Bird Species in Guangxi——Asio flammeus;广西鸟类新纪录——短耳鸮
2.Morphological Observation on Digestive System of Asio flammeus;短耳鸮消化系统形态学解剖
3.Pellets from Short-eared Owls(Asio flammeus) were collected and analyzed for preyed remains during March-May 2006 in the Gaoping Airport of Nanchong and near pine forest.2006年3~5月,收集南充高坪机场草地和周围松林越冬期短耳鸮(Asio flammeus)的食团,进行食性分析。
3)Tyto alba仓鸮
1.A new record of bird species in GuangxiTyto alba;广西鸟类新纪录——仓鸮
4)The Boreal Owl (Aegolius funereus)鬼鸮
5)Bubo bubo雕鸮
1.Food Habits Comparison between Buteo hemilasius and Bubo bubo;青海门源地区大鵟和雕鸮的食性比较
6)Xiao Fu《鸮赋》
1.Brief Discussion on Xiao Fu by Kong Zang and Four-sentence Literary Works in West Han Dynasty;孔臧《鸮赋》与西汉四言赋抉微
