野生鸟类,wild birds
1)wild birds野生鸟类
1.Along with the migration of wild birds,HPAI spreads widely in the world.高致病性禽流感流行病学特点之一是随野生鸟类的迁徙,该病在全球广泛扩散和蔓延。
2.The 41 species of wild birds distributing in China are composed of 19 Eurytopic realm species(46.野生鸟类以广布种类为主,有19种,占所见种类的46。

1.a hospitable environment for wild birds适合野生鸟类居住的环境
2.She was engaged in protecting wild birds.她致力于保护野生鸟类的工作。
3.flesh of any of a number of wild game birds suitable for food.适合作食物的各种各样的野生鸟类的肉。
4.The Wild Bird Community and the Relation Between the Community and the Environment in Kunming Zoo昆明动物园野生鸟类群落及与环境的关系
5.Primary Survey of AIV and NDV Infections in Wild Birds in Some Areas of Hei Longjiang Province;黑龙江部分地区野生鸟类AIV和NDV感染状况的初步研究
6.Primary Survey of AIV Infection in Wild Birds in Some Areas of Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省部分地区野生鸟类禽流感病毒感染状况初步研究
7.Isolation and Identification of Newcastle Disease Virus from Wild Birds and Study on Molecular Character of the Isolates野生鸟类新城疫病毒的分离鉴定及其F与HN基因的分子特征研究
8.Urgent Problems in Monitoring and Control of Avian Influenza Epidemic in Wild Birds in Qinghai青海野生鸟类禽流感监测防控亟待关注解决的问题
9.Chinese Herbal Medicine-artemsia Argyi of Wild Birds AIVH9 Prevention and Treatment of Clinical Observation中药艾叶对野生鸟类禽流感病毒H9株的临床防治观察
10.in 1992, and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).申请该证要符合1992年美国批准的野生鸟类保护法案和濒危野生动植物国际贸易惯例。
11.Domestic poultry is infected when they come into direct/indirect contact with faeces or nasal secretion of infected wild birds.家禽与感染后的野生鸟类排泄物或鼻内分泌物直接/间接接触后也会被感染。
12.Animal health experts say people who want to protect chickens and other birds should keep them in a closed area away from wild birds.动物健康专家们说想保护家鸡和其他家禽的人们必须把他们养在远离野生鸟类的封闭的地方。
13.b) To avoid stressing birds or exposing them to danger, exercise restraint and caution during observation, photography, sound recording, or filming.在观察、摄影、录音时请一定要避免给野生鸟类带来压力,使其暴露于危险之中。
14.and there are 2 species belonging to state first-class protection of Aves and 34 species to second-class protection.国家Ⅰ级野生保护鸟类2种,国家Ⅱ级野生保护鸟类34。
15.a `bird,`game,`wildlife,etc reserve鸟类、猎物、野生动物等保护区.
16.a bird, game, wildlife, etc reserve鸟类、 猎物、 野生动物等保护区.
17.watch and study birds in their natural habitat.在野外观察并学习鸟类。
18.A wild game bird, such as a duck, goose, or quail.野禽,猎鸟一种野生的猎鸟,如野鸭、野鹅或鹌鹑

Wild bird野生鸟类
1.We analyze the role of wild birds on avian influenza.结合最近疫情,文章对野生鸟类在禽流感爆发和传播中的作用与影响予以简要分析,并提出了建议。
2.Transect survey and fixed-spot observation were carried out in Kunming Zoo to study the wild bird diversity in two periods of time from 1990 to 1992,and between October 2006 and September 2008.在1990—1992年和2006年10月至2008年9月,对昆明圆通山野生鸟类多样性进行样线和定点观测调查,共记录到野生鸟类59种,隶属于7目21科,其中留鸟39种,冬候鸟13种,夏候鸟7种,分别占记录野生鸟类总数的66。
3)Wild bird conservation野生鸟类保护
4)water birds野生水鸟
1.In this paper,the distribution of the main groups of water birds(eg.2005年全球暴发的禽流感疫情备受世界关注,候鸟带毒且野生水鸟是禽流感病毒的天然储库已被世界公认,我国野生动物疫源疫病监测工作已被提到重要议事日程。
5)Wild medicinal bird野生药用鸟
6)Associated bird伴生鸟类
