黑鹳,Black Stork
1)Black Stork黑鹳
1.Foraging Behavior of Wintering Black Stork in Beijing;北京地区黑鹳越冬期的取食行为
2.For knowing the wintering ecology of black stork(Ciconia nigra) in Beijing,a field survey was carried out on the population number,habitat selection,and feeding rhythm at Shidu nature reserve of Beijing from January 2004 to March 2007.为了解黑鹳在北京地区越冬的生态特点,于2004年1月至2007年3月采用直接观察法对北京市拒马河自然保护区越冬黑鹳的数量、栖息地选择和取食规律进行了观察。
3.Meanwhile, we also analyzed the foraging habitat selection of Black stork (Ciconia nigra) by using multivariate statistics.本文对河北平山湿地水鸟群落特征进行了分析探讨,同时采用多元统计分析方法,研究了在湿地内栖息的重要物种黑鹳(Ciconia nigra)的觅食生境选择。

1.Features of Waterfowls Community and the Foraging Habitat Selection of Black Stork (Ciconia Nigra) in Pingshan Wetlands, Hebei Province;河北平山湿地水鸟群落结构及黑鹳(Ciconia nigra)的觅食生境选择
2.Inhabiting Dynamic Survey of Black Stork Ciconia nigra in Gahai-Zecha National Nature Reserve甘肃尕海-则岔国家级自然保护区黑鹳栖息活动动态监测
3.Old World stork that is glossy black above and white below.东半球鹳,羽毛底层黑色,表层是闪亮的黑色。
4.One night his ship, the Stork; pursued and rammed a U-boat in the darkness.某夜,他的坐舰“鹳鸟”号在黑夜之中追逐一艘潜艇并和它相撞。
5.Geranium pratense f. albiflora,a new form of Geraniaceae from Ningxia of China草地老鹳草一新变型——白花草地老鹳草
6."The stork and the heron, and birds of that sort, and the hoopoe and the bat."鹳,鹭鸶与其类,戴??与蝙蝠。
7.A large tropical American stork(Jabiru mycteria)having white plumage with a pink band at the neck and a naked head.美洲大白鹳一种美洲热带的大鹳(裸颈鹳),具有白色的羽毛,脖子上有一圈淡红色条带,头裸露
8.Any of several large African storks of the genus Leptoptilos that scavenge for carrion and that have a soft white down on the underside.秃鹳非洲大颧中秃鹳属的任一种秃鹳,以腐肉为食,体下有白色的软毛
9.The down of one of these storks or an imitation of it made from other bird feathers.秃鹳的羽毛这些鹳的羽毛或用其它鸟毛制成的仿制品
10.Studies on the Interactions between Geranium Carolinianum L. and Its Pathogenic Fungus Plasmopara Geranii-caroliniani Schr(?)ter;野老鹳草与病原菌野老鹳草霜霉菌相互作用的研究
11.a genus of birds of the family Ciconiidae including wood ibises.包括林朱鹭在内的鹳科的一个属。
12.any of numerous geraniums of the genus Geranium.老鹳草属多种植物中的一种。
13.geranium of western North America having branched clusters of white or pale pink flowers.北美西部老鹳草,白色或粉红色花串。
14.downy feathers of marabou storks used for trimming garments.秃鹳的绒羽,用于清理衣服。
15.Stork- Filial duty, emblem of a grateful man.鹳-辈的天职,象征受欢迎的人。
16.Stork - Filial duty, emblem of a grateful man.鹳-子辈的天职,象征受欢迎的人。
17.Ethologic research on Oriental White Stork Ciconia ciconia boyciana and Black Stork Ciconia nigra in captivity;笼养珍稀鹳类(Ciconiidae)的行为生态学研究
18.Logical Metafunction Analysis of Wang Zhihuan s Poem--Mounting the Stork Tower;对《登鹳雀楼》——一诗的逻辑功能分析(英文)

black stork tail黑鹳尾
3)black stork wing黑鹳翅
4)a reproduction crowd of Ciconia nigra黑鹳繁殖群
1.The amino acids composition of keratin in the feather of cranes and storks was analyzed by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).用高效液相色谱对9种鹤、鹳羽毛角蛋白的氨基酸组成与含量进行检测分析。
6)white stork白鹳
1.This paper discusses the difference between Oriental and European white stork on morphology, ecolygy, behavior and so on.白鹳(Ciconia ciconia)是世界珍稀濒危鸟类,属一类保护动物。
