三道河水库,Sandaohe Reservoir
1)Sandaohe Reservoir三道河水库
1.Water Quality Identification Index in Sandaohe reservoir;三道河水库水质标识指数评价
2.Preliminary study on macrozoobenthos of Sandaohe Reservoir, Hubei Province湖北省三道河水库底栖动物的初步研究
3.The fishery resources of Sandaohe Reservoir were investigated from May to Oct.20 0 3年 5~ 1 0月 ,对本溪市三道河水库渔业资源进行了调查 ,结果表明 :浮游植物平均生物量为 1 。

1.Preliminary study on macrozoobenthos of Sandaohe Reservoir, Hubei Province湖北省三道河水库底栖动物的初步研究
2.Fluvial process and waterway regulation in fluctuating backwater area of the Three Gorges三峡水库变动回水区河床演变及航道整治
3.Erosion and Sedimentation in Sanmenxia Reservoir in Recent Years;三门峡水库近期河道冲淤变化及其原因
4.Channel changes in Caowei Reach after 20 years operation of Three Gorges Reservoir三峡水库运用20a后对草尾河航道的影响
5.The Sedimentation and Regulation of the Chong qing Reach of the Three Gorges Reservoir under the Condition of New Seiries of Water and Sediment新水沙条件下三峡水库重庆河段泥沙淤积与航道整治研究
6.Preliminary Study on 1-D Numerical Simulation of Unsteady flow and Sediment Transport in Mainstream and Tributaries of Three Gorges Reservoir Area三峡水库干支流河道一维非恒定水沙数学模型初步研究
7.Studies on the Eutrophication and the Spring Phytoplankton Bloom in Xiangxi Bay of Three-Gorge Reservoir;三峡水库香溪河库湾富营养化及春季水华研究
8.Study on the Formation and Disappearance Mechanism of Algal Bloom in the Xiangxi River Bay at Three Gorges Reservoir;三峡水库香溪河库湾水华生消机理研究
9.Numerical Simulation of Algal Bloom in the Xiangxi River Bay at the Three Gorges Reservoir三峡水库香溪河库湾水华生消的数值模拟分析
10.Dynamics of suspended solids in Xiangxi Bay of Three Gorges Reservoir during spring algal bloom period三峡水库香溪河库湾春季水华期间悬浮物动态
11.Influence of Riverbed Evolution of the Lower Reach of the Three Gorge Project on the Channal Analyzed from Downstream Bed Erosion of Danjiangkou and Gezhouba Reservoir从丹江口、葛洲坝水库下游河床冲刷看三峡工程下游河床演变对航道的影响
12.Load of Non-Point Source Pollutants from Upstream Rivers into Three Gorges Reservoir三峡水库上游河流入库面源污染负荷研究
13.Analysis of River Evolvement of Chongqing City before the Influence of Three Gorges Reservoir三峡水库影响前重庆主城区河段河床演变分析
14.Research and Application of Eutrophication Model in Channel Type Anabranch of Reservoirs;河道型水库支流库湾富营养化模型研究及应用
15.Simulation of Eutrophication in Branch of Channel-type Reservoirs河道型水库支流库湾富营养化数值模拟研究
16.Influence of the Sidao River Reservior on Laoniu River Basin四道河水库对老牛河流域的社会影响评价
17.Magazine Gap Road No. 3 Fresh Water Service Reservoir马己仙峡道三号食水配水库
18.Water Temperature Structure and Impact of Which on the Bloom in Spring in Xiangxi Bay at Three Gorges Reservoir三峡水库香溪河库湾水温结构及其对春季水华的影响

main stream reservoir河道水库
3)Daoguanhe Reservoir道观河水库
1.The Community Structure and Biodiversity of Macrozoobenthos in Daoguanhe Reservoir,Hubei Province;湖北道观河水库大型底栖动物的群落结构及物种多样性
2.Community Structure and Species Diversity of Zooplankton in Daoguanhe Reservoir, Hubei Province;道观河水库浮游动物的群落结构与物种多样性
3.Study on Fecundity of Xenocypris Microlepis in Daoguanhe Reservoir, Hubei Province;湖北道观河水库细鳞鲴的个体生殖力
4)channel reservoir河道型水库
1.Based on the different hydrological and hydraulical conditions of channel reservoirs during a hydrological year, the prediction model of their total phosphorus (TP) was established by combining the 2-D straight river model and the polar coordinate diffusion model proposed by A B Karaueshev (A B Kapayщв).根据河道型水库特有的水文、水力条件,按各水期的不同情况分别将直角坐标系下的二维河流污染物扩散模型和极坐标下的AB卡拉乌舍夫扩散模型结合起来,建立了河道型水库的总磷预测模型,并将其应用于水深不超过5m的狭长型河道水库。
2.The respective features of near\|bank pollution belts in both the natural channel before reservoir construction and the channel reservoir are studied through an.笔者通过对湖南衡阳水源污染事件发生时的水流条件、水质状况的分析,对事件发生的水域进行流场及浓度场模拟计算,研究了河道型水库与天然河流岸边污染带的变化特性,并对已通过环境影响评价,但又易被忽视而引起的环境问题,提出了一些初步看法与认识。
3.At first, the research situations and significance about the total phosphorus prediction model of channel reservoir are presented.本文首先论述了河道型水库总磷预测模型的研究意义和国内外研究现状,并介绍了湖库富营养化的概念及其危害,说明了对湖库中磷的含量进行控制的必要性。
5)river-type reservoir河道型水库
1.Influence of dynamic capacity of river-type reservoirs on real-time flood regulation;河道型水库动库容在实时洪水调度中的影响
2.The construction of a river-type reservoir will normally cause a change of hydrodynamic condition and a decrease of flow velocity in branch bays,leading to the formation of algae bloom when appropriate environmental conditions and sufficient nutrient supply are encountered,and thereby,causing the deterioration of fluvial ecosystem therein.河道型水库建成后,支流库湾水动力学条件改变,水流减缓,遇到适宜环境条件和充足营养条件后,易产生水华,从而给水生态系统带来不利影响。
6)Santunhe Reservoir三屯河水库
1.External Deformation Monitoring and Data Analysis for Santunhe Reservoir Dam in Changji City;昌吉市三屯河水库大坝外部变形监测及资料分析
2.Application of TCA in dam external deformation monitoring in Santunhe reservoir;TCA测量机器人在三屯河水库大坝外部变形监测中的应用
3.Repair of discharge tunnel in Santunhe Reservoir;硅粉混凝土在三屯河水库放水隧洞修补中的应用
