调和平均值,harmonic mean
1)harmonic mean调和平均值

1.The mean effective population size could be estimated as a harmonic means of the Ne.估计出平均有效种群大小,作为所有世代Ne的调和平均值
2.Image Threshold Selection Method Using Weighted Harmonic Average Maximum Entropy加权调和平均型最大熵图像阈值选取法
3.Returns the harmonic mean of a data set of positive numbers: the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of reciprocals返回一组正数的调和平均数:所有参数倒数均值的倒数
4.weighted harmonic average price index加权调和平均价格指数
5.weighted mean value加权平均值,计数平均值
6.correct(ed) average value准确平均值,精确平均值
7.The mean valve of the accommodative facility was 9.64±2.295 per min.调节敏捷度平均值为9.64±2.295周/每分钟。
8.ensemble average集平均;统计平均值;系综平均值;总体均值
9.The Relation between Arithmetic Average, Geometrical Average and Harmonic Average;算术平均数、几何平均数与调和平均数之间的关系
10.From Eq. (3.117) it readily follows that the average value of a sum is the sum of the average value.由(3.117)式,很容易推出一个和的平均值是各平均值之和。
11.The Mathematical Mean of the Physical Quantity and the Physical Experimental Error;物理量的数学平均值和物理实验误差
12.Mean Value of the Square Root Sequence and Arithmetical Function U(n)平方根序列和数论函数U(n)的均值
13.are 1 to 30 numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain numbers for which you want the harmonic mean用来计算调和平均数的1到30个数值,或者是涉及数字的名称、数组或引用
14....remained at a mean of......保持在...平均值水平
15.On 2-Harmonic Submanifolds of a Riemann Manifold;黎曼流形上具有平行平均曲率的2-调和子流形
16.The figure of this ratio relies on the cost of goods sold and the average inventory.它的数值取决于商品销售成本和平均存货额。
17.Is the average and range of Solder Paste height measurements SPC controlled?锡膏厚度测量的平均值和间距SPC是否受控?
18.Numerical Simulation of Reynolds Stresses Influence on Mean and Fluctuation Pressure雷诺应力对平均和脉动压力影响的数值模拟

harmonic iterative mean调和迭代平均值
1.This paper generalized a class of arithmetic iterative mean, geometric iterative mean in the generalized weighted of and harmonic iterative mean, and then gave the definition,the calculation formula, the equality relations, inequality relations of them, and the limits of the multidimensional iteration将一类算术迭代平均值、几何迭代平均值及调和迭代平均值推广到广义加权平均迭代的情形,给出了这3类广义加权迭代平均值的定义、计算公式,以及三者之间的一些等量关系、不等式关系和多重迭代的极限。
3)geometric-harmonic mean几何-调和平均值
1.Remarks on arithmetic-geometric mean and geometric-harmonic mean;算术-几何平均值与几何-调和平均值的注记
4)harmonic algorithm(HARM)调和平均值算法
5)arithmetic mean geometric mean harmonic mean inequality算术平均值-几何平均值-调和平均值不等式
6)harmonic mean调和平均
1.The strong limit theorems on the arbitrary stochastic convergence for the harmonic mean of the random conditional probabilities in the random selection system is studied.主要研究任意随机序列在随机选择系统中的随机条件概率其调和平均的强极限定理。
2.Weighted harmonic means combination forecasting based on degree of reciprocal grey incidence is a new kind of nonlinear combination forecasting method.基于倒数灰色关联度的加权调和平均组合预测模型是一种新的非线性组合预测模型。
3.The purpose of this paper is to provide a direct proof on the fact that the geometric-harmonic mean of any two positive numbers can be calculated by a first complete elliptical integral, and then to give new characterizations of some mean-values.本文的目的是直接证明任何两个正数的几何-调和平均值都可以用第一类完全椭圆积分来计算,并且给出一些平均值新的特征。

调和平均值调和平均值harmonic mean  调和平均值[抽盯以丽cn班,.;rapMoH.,ee即e epe八-Hee],亦称调和平均,数a1,a2,二,氏的 这些给定数的倒数的算术平均值(面thIT祀ticn篮么n)的倒数,即数 n 止十止十…+止‘ a r aZa。 例如,l/n是分数1/(n一1)和l/(n+l)(。二2,3,…)的调和平均值.一些给定数的调和平均值决不大于它们的算术平均值. 几.八.R朔P朋I瞬B撰张鸿林译