改进办法,improvement methods
1)improvement methods改进办法

1.Problems and countermeasures of the out-campus learning centers in the distance education;远程教育校外学习中心面临的问题及改进办法
2.Discussion on the Shortages of and Improving Measures for the Compiling Foundation of the Cash Flow Statement;论现金流量表编制基础的缺陷及改进办法
3.The Improvement and Control Approach and the Environment Ecological Condition in China;我国环境生态状况及其控制改进办法的探讨
4.Analysis on common problems in design and construction process of tunnel and improvement methods浅析隧道设计施工的常见问题及改进办法
5.He put his whole heart into thinking up ways to improve his work.他把整个心思都用来想办法改进工作。
6.We need to discuss ways of improving the machinery of government.我们需要商讨改进政府机构的办法。
7.A New Way of Tax Exemption,Offset and Reimbursement of Export;对出口货物“免、抵、退”税办法的改进
8.Improving the bid evaluation methods and promoting “ successful bid by reasonable low price ”;改进评标办法 推行“合理低价中标”
9.The new clerk is really on the ball. He's already improved the filling system in the office.新来的办事员真能干,他已经改进了办公室文件归档的方法。
10.It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation.我突然想到一个办法可以让我们改进这种局面.
11.It suddenly strike me how we can Improve the situation我突然想到一个办法可以让我们改进这种局面
12.Checking what you eat for one week is a good way to improve your food habits.检查一周的食谱是改进饮食习惯的好办法。
13.Optimization and Improvement on Passenger Trains Composition and the Distribution Methods of the Amount of Passenger Tickets;旅客列车编组与客票票额分配办法的优化改进
14.Reflection on Ways to Improve Fixed Assets Management in School;关于对学校固定资产管理办法改进的思考
15.Improving the Methods of Annual Check to Exert Its Effcacy;改进年度考核办法,充分发挥考核工作效能
16.Reflections on the Improvement of the Method of Compensation Payment;对改进劳动合同补偿金支付办法的思考
17.An Improvement on Income Tax on Enterprises for Avoiding Dual Export Duties;企业所得税避免国际双重征税办法的改进
18.Improvement of the Land Registration System in Measures for Land Registration论《土地登记办法》对我国土地登记制度的改进

control and improvement method控制改进办法
3)improving teaching methods改进教学办法
4)rectification and reform整改办法
5)a generation of chairs办公椅的改进型
6)extended forward step method改进前进法
1.A new numerical method, namely extended forward step method, was presented for the hydraulic analysis of the pipeline sprinkler irrigation system.根据前进法的基本思路,提出了管道式喷灌系统水力解析新方法——改进前进法(EFSM)。

《关于改进国营企业流动资金供应办法的报告》发布《关于改进国营企业流动资金供应办法的报告》发布 【《关于改进国营企业流动资金供应办法的报告》发布】1%1年4月,国务院同意并批复《关于改进国营企业流动资金供应办法的报告》。报告说,按现行制度,国营工交企业所需流动资金,不论定额流动资金或超额流动资金,都由人民银行以放款形式供应。为加强对流动资金的管理和贯彻“八字方针”,今后定额流动资金改为大部分由财政部门拨款,小部分山银行放款。5月17日,财政部会同中国人民银行发出《关于改进国营企业流动资金供应办法的几项具体规定》,从1%1年7月1日起,流动资金80%由败政部门拨款,20%由银行放款,后来,银行不再参与国营企业的流动资金供应,全部由财政部门承担。