鸣声分析,Vocalization analysis
1)Vocalization analysis鸣声分析
2)Computer Song analysis Animal计算机傅里叶变换动物鸣声分析
1.Microgeographic Song Variation in the Chinese Bulbul (Pycnonotus sinenesis) in Urban Areas of Hangzhou City;杭州市区白头鹎鸣声的微地理差异
2.Studies on the Songs and Stridulatory Organs of Euconocephalus nasutus (Thunberg) and E.pallidus (Redtenbacher);鼻优草螽和苍白优草螽鸣声和发声器的研究
3.Entomic song are species\|specific, we use it to make bioacoustic survey for insect community in Hangzhou botanical garden at autumn night.昆虫的鸣声是因种而异的 ,利用这一特征 ,对杭州植物园秋季夜间昆虫群落进行了声学调查。

1.birds singing, trees falling to the ground.鸟鸣声,树倒地声。
2.the blare of police sirens, a brass band警车警报器的鸣声,铜管乐队的奏鸣声
3.To utter a sound similar to this cry, especially a whine.哀鸣发出和这种叫声相似的声音,尤指哀鸣声
4.A faint rumbling was heard in the distance.远方传来低沉的轰鸣声
5.So it is with the music of birds.鸟类的鸣声也是如此。
6.The bells ring a merry peal.钟发出悦耳的鸣声
7.We went into the forest to listen for Birds.我们森林里倾听鸟鸣声
8.He is awaken by the songs of birds in the trees他被林中的鸟鸣声闹醒
9.He was awakened by the song of birds in the trees.他被林中的鸟鸣声闹醒。
10.the yammer of a machine gun机关枪的轰鸣(声)
11.warble songs以颤声唱歌[鸣啼]
12.The ringing or sounding of bells.钟声钟的鸣响或声响
13.a roar of applause, anger, etc雷鸣般的掌声、 怒吼声等
14.The sound of a bell knelling;a toll.鸣钟通报缓慢而庄严地鸣钟的声音;鸣钟通报
15.The silence is succeded by the striking of a clock时钟鸣响声打破了寂静
16.To sound loudly and sonorously.隆隆地响,使大声鸣响
17.North American songbird whose call resembles a cat's mewing.北美洲鸣鸟,其叫声象猫。
18.an imitation of the crow of a cock.模仿公鸡啼鸣的声音。

Computer Song analysis Animal计算机傅里叶变换动物鸣声分析
1.Microgeographic Song Variation in the Chinese Bulbul (Pycnonotus sinenesis) in Urban Areas of Hangzhou City;杭州市区白头鹎鸣声的微地理差异
2.Studies on the Songs and Stridulatory Organs of Euconocephalus nasutus (Thunberg) and E.pallidus (Redtenbacher);鼻优草螽和苍白优草螽鸣声和发声器的研究
3.Entomic song are species\|specific, we use it to make bioacoustic survey for insect community in Hangzhou botanical garden at autumn night.昆虫的鸣声是因种而异的 ,利用这一特征 ,对杭州植物园秋季夜间昆虫群落进行了声学调查。
1.The Preliminary Study on Vocalizations of Captive Rusty Laughing Thrush;笼养状态下棕噪鹛华南亚种鸣声的初步研究
2.Birds communicate by songs,and avian vocalization is a main aspect of ornithology.鸟类鸣声是鸟类交流的“语言”,也是鸟类学研究的主要内容之一。
1.Acoustic properties in sounds of the eastern striped cricket, Velarifictorus micado (Saussure) and their biological implications;迷卡斗蟋鸣声的声学特征及其生物学意义
2.Comparative Analysis on the Sounds Acoustic Property of Gryllus bimaculatus;双斑蟋鸣声特征与行为关系的初步研究
1.Study on Birdcalls of Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax;红嘴山鸦青藏亚种鸣声的初步探讨
2.Study on Calls of the Crested Ibis(Nipponia Nippon);珍稀鸟类朱鹮鸣声特征与行为关系的研究
3.Digital Study on Calls Character of Crested Ibis in Breeding Season;朱鹮繁殖期鸣声特征数字化研究
