动物解剖学,animal anatomy
1)animal anatomy动物解剖学
1.Reform and Practice of Animal Anatomy of High Agricultural Specialty School农业高专动物解剖学教学改革与实践

1.practical invertebrate anatomy实用无脊椎动物解剖学
2.Reform and Practice of Animal Anatomy of High Agricultural Specialty School农业高专动物解剖学教学改革与实践
3.He found out a great deal about the anatomy of animals.在动物解剖学方面,他有过许多发现。
4.comparative anatomy of vertebrates脊椎动物比较解剖学
5.operating on living animals especially in scientific research.为了科学研究而解剖活的动物。
6.The Comparative Anatomy Study of Invertebrate Nervous System;无脊椎动物神经系统比较解剖学研究
7.Initial investigation on concrete thinking pedagogy of animal pathological anatomy;动物病理解剖学的形象思维教学法初探
8.The anatomical study of the microscopic structure of animal and plant tissues.组织学对动植物组织的微以构的解剖研究
9.The Development of Micromovement and Anatomical Acromioclavicular Plate and Its Biomechanical Study;微动解剖型肩锁钢板的研制及生物力学研究
10.The Use of Animal Organs as Supplement of Teaching Human Anatomy利用动物器官补充人体解剖教学的研究
11.It should include sport psychology, physiology, anatomy, biomechanics, biochemistry, theory of exercise, and so on.它包括运动心理,生理,解剖学,生物力学,生物化学,训练学等.
12.An expert in or a student of anatomy.解剖学专家,解剖学学生
13.Anatomical and Biomechanical Analysis of Frequent Error Action in High Jump Teaching;跳高教学中易犯错误动作解剖学与生物力学分析及对策
14.(anatomy) the part of an organ nearest its point of attachment.解剖学中称动物或植物的器官最接近结合点的部分。
15.Dynamic Mechanics of Anterior Cruciate Ligament: Study of Correlation between Anatomy of Attachment Site and Multi-bundle Fasciculi;国人ACL起止点解剖与多纤维束动态生物力学相关性研究
16.collection or collectors' pieces of zoological, botanical anatomical or mineralogical interest (excl. precious or semiprecious stones)具有动物学、植物学、解剖学或矿物学价值的收集品和收藏品(不包括宝石或半宝石)
17.To dissect(an animal or other organism) to study the structure and relation of the parts.解剖解剖(动物或其它有机物)来研究其结构及各部分之间的关系
18.An Anatomic and Radiographic Measurement for Ribs and a Designing、Manufacturing、Biomechnical Measurement for Anatomic Plate of Rib;肋骨的解剖学、影像学测量及肋骨解剖钢板的研制和生物力学测定

3)arthropod anatomy节肢动物解剖学
4)animal dissection动物解剖
1.Application of VRML in animal dissection virtual experiment;VRML在动物解剖学虚拟实验中的应用
6)primatological anatomy灵长目动物解剖学

病理解剖学病理解剖学  从形态变化角度来阐明疾病的发生、变化和发展规律的学科。用解剖和显微镜观察患病的器官、组织和细胞的形态改变,为临床诊断和疾病防治提供依据。