1.Decolorization of syrup by polyaluminium chloride-polyacrylamidecompound flocculant;PAC-PAM复合絮凝剂对回溶糖浆脱色的研究
2.Comparison between several microporous absorbent resins in syrup decolorization;几种大孔吸附树脂糖浆脱色的性能比较
3.Determination and Study of Residual Sulphur before and after Syrup Flotation;糖浆上浮前后残硫量的测定研究

1.Syrup or sweet sauce poured on ice cream.糖浆,糖汁浇在冰淇淋上的糖浆或甜汁
2.concentrate sugar solution into syrup将糖的溶液浓缩为糖浆
3.The most common sugar used in soft drinks is highfructose corn syrup or related corn sugars.糖软饮料中最常用的糖是高果糖玉米糖浆或相关的玉米糖浆
4.To cook, preserve, saturate, or coat with sugar or syrup.用糖煮用糖或糖浆煮、腌制、浸泡或覆盖
5.A sweet syrupy drink, especially one to which medicine can be added.糖浆药水一种含糖浆的饮料,尤指可以加药物的含药糖浆
6.bread spread with golden sirup涂着金黄色糖浆的面包
7.The maple sap was boiled down to a thick syrup.槭树汁被煮成糖浆
8.milk flavored with chocolate syrup.用巧克力糖浆调味的奶。
9.a medicinal syrup that has a calming effect.有镇静作用的药类糖浆
10.I 'll prescribe a bottle of cough syrup for you .我给开一瓶咳嗽糖浆
11.She drowned her pancakes in syrup她把煎饼浸在糖浆中。
12.A cough syrup that goes down readily.治咳的糖浆容易下咽
13.The syrup boils down in a very short time在短时间内煮浓糖浆
14.Is this syrup for my cough?这瓶糖浆是治咳嗽的吗?
15.syrup prepared from corn.玉米精制而成的糖浆
16.Cough mixture is an internal medicine.止咳糖浆是一种内服药。
17.a bland cough syrup无刺激性的止咳糖浆
18.popcorn combined with a thick sugar or molasses or caramel syrup and formed into balls.爆米花和稠糖或糖蜜、焦糖糖浆混合,抟成球。

4)Fructose syrups果糖糖浆
5)high fructose syrup高果糖糖浆
6)refinery syrup精制糖浆<糖>

阿莫西林干糖浆药物名称:阿莫西林干糖浆英文名:Syrups Amoxycillin Siccus 性状: 本品略具橙色及香橙香气的干燥颗粒,味甜,加水适量振摇后可混悬液。 药理作用: 本品为广谱抗生素。对敏感的革兰氏阴性和革兰氏阳性细菌均有抑制及杀灭作用。此外,对钩端螺旋体亦有杀菌作用。体内吸收良好,生物利用度高,在体液、组织及器官中分布广泛。杀菌力强而迅速,排泄快而无蓄积作用。服药后的吸收不受胃酸及胃中食物影响,更是其特点。 适应症: 用于敏感细菌引起的感染症:包括呼吸道的急、慢性支气管炎、肺炎、感冒后的继发感染;消化道的肝、胆感染症、胃肠炎、伤寒、菌痢等;泌尿道的淋病及非淋病尿道炎、肾盂肾炎或膀胱炎等;耳鼻喉及软组织感染如中耳炎、鼻及鼻窦炎、咽及扁桃腺炎及口腔粘膜感染,蜂窝组织炎等及白喉、百日咳、心内膜炎、败血症等 用量用法: 冷开水冲服或含服。成人每次4包,小儿按年龄折算用量,每日3次。亦可与牛奶等饮料混合服食。 不良反应: 本品无毒笥,副作用少且较轻微,偶有皮疹、胃肠不适等,停药后症状自动消失 类别:抗生素