1.High ligation and suspension of processus vaginalis to treat children hydrocele;鞘状突管高位结扎加悬吊治疗小儿鞘膜积液
2.Methods 76 cases of adult hydrocele were randomly divided into study group (n=38) underwent vaginectomy via the plane beneath the dartos, and control group (n=38)underwent conventional vaginal subrvolution.方法76例成人鞘膜积液病例,随机分为两组研究组38例,采用经肉膜下间隙行睾丸鞘膜切除术;对照组38例,采用传统的睾丸鞘膜翻转术。
3.the patient was manifested didymalgia,oscheocele and no peace of mind day and night after hydrocele operation.用中药疝气内消丸合桃仁红花饮加减辨证治疗1例睾丸鞘膜积液手术后遗症,90余日症消,遂以中药补气养血,活血化瘀,健脾利湿善后病愈。

1.radical treatment of hydrocele testis睾丸鞘膜积液根治术
2.acute suppurative hydrocele of tunica vaginalis急性化脓性鞘膜积液
3.chronic infective hydrocele of tunica vaginalis慢性感染性鞘膜积液
4.radical operation for funicular hydrocele精索鞘膜积液根治术
5.Ultrasonic diagnose spermatic cord hydrocele complicating calculi in children超声诊断幼儿精索鞘膜积液合并结石
6.Percutaneous extraperitoneal repair processus vaginalis to treat pediatric hydrocele by laparoscopic suturing ligation腹腔镜辅助经皮腹膜外鞘状突缝合环扎治疗小儿鞘膜积液
7.Report of a case of the ultrasonography on children hydrocele and scrotal calulus幼儿睾丸鞘膜积液并阴囊结石症超声表现1例
8.Operation with Small incision on Transverse Stripe of Abdomen to Treat Children' s Indirect Inguinal Hernia and Hydrocele腹横纹小切口治疗儿童斜疝和鞘膜积液
9.Testis vagina tunic cavity effusion and stone:case report超声诊断睾丸鞘膜腔积液并结石1例
10.traumatic subdural effusion外伤性硬脑膜下积液
11.The presence of pus in a body cavity, especially the pleural cavity.积脓体内积有脓液,尤指在胸膜腔内
12.Replacement of cerebrospinal fluid with negative flow and intrathecal injection to treat tuberculous meningitis for 92 cases脑脊液负流量置换加鞘内注药治疗结核性脑膜炎92例
13.Observation on efficacy of sheath built-in tube combined with cerebrospinal fluid replacement and intrathecal injection on treating tuberculous meningitis鞘内置管并脑脊液置换加注药治疗结核性脑膜炎临床研究
14.Clinical analysis of the tuberculosis cephalomeningitis treated by negative flow of substituting cerebrospiral fluid and intrathecal injection脑脊液负流量置换联合鞘内注药治疗结核性脑膜炎临床分析
15.(4) pleurorrhea and pleural thickening are most commonly seen in SLE .(4)胸腔积液、胸膜增厚以SLE最多见 ;
16.diaphragm sealed displacement transmitter密封膜片容积式液位传感器
17.The Value of Pleural Biopsy in the Etiological Diagnosis of Pleural Effussion胸膜活检对胸腔积液的病因诊断价值
18.Diagnosis and treatment for innocent subdural collection of fluid in infants婴幼儿良性硬膜下积液11例治疗分析

Communicating hydrocele交通性鞘膜积液
3)Spermatic cord hydrocele精索鞘膜腔积液
5)childish vaginal liquorrhea小儿鞘膜积液
1.Treatment of childish vaginal liquorrhea with mini-laparoscopy (report of 51 cases);微型腹腔镜治疗小儿鞘膜积液(附51例报告)
6)hydrocele of testis睾丸鞘膜积液
1.Location of the testis outside the tunica vaginalis with Listerism to treat the hydrocele of testis;睾丸外置加鞘膜内壁腐灼治疗睾丸鞘膜积液
