1.The Narration s Duality of the Warring States Stratagems:presenting and covering;澄显与遮蔽——《战国策》叙史方式的二重性
2.Covering and Opening ——A Comparative Reading between Golden road and Common People;遮蔽与敞开——关于《金光大道》和《苍生》的对比阅读
3.On the Covering and Clarifying of Teacher s Life Significance;论教师生命意义的遮蔽与澄明

1.A screening against light or heat.遮蔽光或热的遮挡物
2.To shade or border with interlaced branches or vines.遮蔽用编结的树枝或藤条遮蔽或搭界
3.To cover with or as if with a canopy.用华盖遮蔽或仿佛用华盖来遮蔽
4.open and closed shelter deck ship开式和闭式遮蔽甲板船
5.The branches of the trees roofed the trail through the forest.树枝遮蔽了林间的小路。
6.A thick curtain of fog hid the mountains from view.一层浓雾遮蔽群山。
7.To get in the way of so as to hide from sight.遮蔽挡住,以使其看不见
8.Darkness began to close upon the scene.黑暗开始遮蔽景物。
9.A shelter of simple construction.建筑式样简单的遮蔽
10.Mist shrouded the castle.迷雾遮蔽了整个城堡。
11.velvet-draped windows.遮蔽着天鹅绒的窗户。
12.having the head and face covered.头部或面部被遮蔽的。
13.A covering, as of mist or clouds.覆盖遮蔽,如云、雾等
14.draw the curtains to shut out/let in the sun拉窗帘遮蔽[放进]阳光
15.find a sheltered spot for a picnic找个有遮蔽的地方野餐.
16.The tall tree overshadowed the house; The tragedy overshadowed the couple's happiness.这棵高树遮蔽了房子。
17.A fog had come over the mountains from the sea.海上来的雾遮蔽了群山。
18.The moon was covered by the dark clouds.月亮被乌云遮蔽了。

1.If crystallized, “World Literature” will transform into the most advanced “National Literature,” which implies the concealment of other national literatur.“世界文学”不仅是对“民族文学”的否定 ,而且是对自身的否定 ,只要与“民族文学”相对立 ,就被抽取具体内容而被普遍化、抽象化 ;倘具体化 ,就会转化为最高级的“民族文学” ,这隐含了对其他民族文学的遮蔽
2.First, "Publicizing: against to concealment", ma.本论文共分三章:第一章:“张扬:对遮蔽的反抗”,主要梳理了女性长久以来被遮蔽的历史,分析了女性意识全面觉醒的原因,并概述了90年代女性文学以高涨的热情与张扬的写作姿态反抗男权中心话语遮蔽的种种努力。
3.However, Being remains self-sheltered and self-withdrawed, which is the inevitable concealment in the sense of ontology.但澄明着的存在本身却是自身庇护-自身隐匿的,是存在论上的必然的遮蔽
1.Recently, architectures are usually covered by various types of skin.近年来的建筑常常被各种各样的表皮所遮蔽,其表皮呈现出自在化、媒体化、虚拟化、智能化、非物质化、临时化的趋势,但这种"遮蔽"却是一种"解蔽",一种"呈现"。
2.this article s discussion begin from the question how the truth is covered and try to explain the meaning of Heidegger s poetics.诗与“在”的关系 ,是海氏诗学框架的核心内容 ,诗与“在”的关系又进一步引申为艺术与真理的关系 ,本文从真理如何被遮蔽的问题入手 ,试图读解海德格尔诗学的内涵。
3.The mining and metallurgy literature has been covered by the literature on the subject of industry and other literature forms.一直以来,矿冶文学为工业题材文学等其他文学形式所遮蔽,实际上,矿冶文学与工业题材文学在创作客体与创作意义上存在着一定的差异。
1.The shading attenuation characteristics of IR spectrum by water fog are introduced briefly in theory.从理论上简要阐述了水雾对红外光谱的遮蔽衰减特性,用朗伯—比尔定律描述、分析了红外光谱在辐射传输过程中辐射经水雾吸收和散射后的能量变化。
2.Both shading and fusing abilities are needed for ground target stealth camouflage with camouflage screens.用遮障实现对地面军事目标的雷达隐身伪装,既要求遮障能够有效遮蔽目标,也要求遮障本身能够和背景融合,因此遮障必须兼备融合和遮蔽性能。
1.Education aims not to close,but to open.教育的目的,不是遮蔽,而是打开。
2.There is a kind of political love marriage mode in the cooperative transformation novel, and this kind of model closes female′s awareness form three perspectives: the double need of males′ choice for love and marriage: the females′ nihility in the choice of love and marriage: the narrator makes the love between the male and female which doesn′t belong to this kind of model into it.农村合作化小说中存在一种"政治爱情婚姻"模式,这种泛化的婚姻爱情模式从三个方面遮蔽了女性意识:男性爱情婚姻选择的二重需要;女性婚姻爱情选择上的"空洞能指";对于不符合此婚姻爱情模式的男女之恋通过叙述者将其纳入此婚姻爱情模式。
1.The paper introduces a new masking technology of stone crash protection coating and the development course by IE.介绍抗石击涂层的一种遮蔽新工艺以及运用工业工程方法开发该工艺的过程,该工艺使遮蔽技术由全手工作业过渡到半机械化,并为采用机器人实现遮蔽作业的全自动化打下了基础。

遮蔽1.亦作"遮萆"。 2.遮挡;阻拦。 3.指用来遮挡的东西。 4.犹庇护。 5.掩盖;掩饰。 6.遮盖;遮住。 7.遮藏;隐蔽。